Closed Pure

Felix Styx

d i s t r a c t e d
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Sexual Orientation
Curved 17 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Felix's lip stung. He'd just left Lyra, who was a crying mess, to head to see Lanithro. He felt terrible. He knew he would always love Lyra, but she had rejected him so often, and then she decided to tell him now that she wants to marry him. He'd felt amazing about that, but it had been a bit too late. He felt something for Lanithro and he couldn't just throw that away. He was surprised by it, since he never thought he would say no to Lyra, never thought he could. Yet, that was exactly what he had done. And now he might have ruined Lanithro's relationship with her for good, as well as his own. He figured that Lanithro would probably take it a lot better than Felix was. Since he's encouraged Felix to tell her in the first place, though it hadn't gone nearly as well as he had hoped. Of course he knew it wasn't going to go well, but, he hoped better than it had gone anyway. Lanithro, he knew, would be expecting him as he kept his head down, mouth covered with his hand. He'd told him to drop by after the talk, Felix wasn't going to, he wanted to be alone, but, something compelled him to seek Lanithro out anyway. Comfort, maybe, or someone to tell him everything was going to be okay. Whatever it was, he followed the impulse to the address, taking a moment to be annoyed that of course Lanithro would live in a place like this before easily letting himself in. Obviously Lanithro had left it open for him. Or maybe he'd known he was on his way, nothing would surprise him at this point. He could feel the tears stinging at his eyes, though he wasn't sure if it was from the physical pain or the emotional one. Either way, he tentatively licked at the cut on his mouth trying to clean it before looking around for Lanithro. "Lan, I'm here." He said, though it hurt to speak.​
Lanithro was a little busy in his study, working on an idea for a new type of house to build, since he was planning on building on to his current one. As nice as it was, it was only three bedroom. He also wanted a pool outside, and a guest house. Of course, he would have to talk to Georgina about it, since he was going to build it for her. The main reason was so that he could see Rory anytime he could. That, and Fayre needed to see her brother anytime as well. Though, Rory told him that he had another sister now, which Lanithro knew for sure that he was not the father. With Lyra being pregnant, even though he loved her with everything he had, just not romantically, he did not want that kid to be his. After all this, he knew that if that kid was his, and Lyra never wanted to see him, he would fight her stubbornness on it, countering with his own. It would be easy for him since he had a huge army on his side anyway. Lanithro glanced up from his notes about his future home when Fayre started to shout that someone was in the house. Lanithro got up, knowing who it was already. He rushed to go find Felix, which Fayre pointed him out in the foyer. Instinctly, Lanithro knew something was wrong. "Fayre, go to your room for a little bit, okay?" He patted her blonde head as she obeyed. Lanithro approached him and glanced down at his hand. "What happened?" His tone was lower, softer than what he used for Fayre, which was more of a stern father while being nice at the same time. Lanithro had a way with using his tone to get what he needed done. Something wasn't right. He could feel it in his chest, and gut.
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Being happy to see Lanithro was odd, but nice. He'd hadn't expected Lanithro to rush out to him and send Fayre away either. He wasn't sure which child she was, but she seemed sweet enough. Felix wasn't good with kids and he'd never really though much about it anyway. Lanithro was looking at his hand and Felix was trying so hard not to cry. He wasn't a weak person, but just looking at Lanithro watching him like that, all he wanted to do was just break down, tell Lanithro how much of a horrible person he was, that maybe Lanithro should just leave him as well, since all he seemed to be able to do was hurt people. He slowly dropped his hand from his mouth, the sudden air of doing so making him suck in a breath. He thought he might have chipped a tooth too, though he couldn't be sure because he didn't want to move his mouth to say anything now.​
The former Gryffindor narrowed his golden eyes a little bit, since Felix was not talking. That is, until he saw why. His lip was busted. His eyes widened into saucers. It was taking a moment for him to process this. But since he wasn't talking, this wasn't an accident. Anger started to boil within him, as he pieced everything together. Relief over sending Fayre away did nothing to soothe his anger at all. "Lyra... She did this?!" Lanithro partly yelled, before turning his back and pacing a little too quick. He held his hand over his head. He didn't care how much they had hurt her if she would lash out physically. Even hurt someone that was just trying to be honest with her, and with themselves. "That selfish b*tch is going to pay for this! I don't care how much she is f**king hurting, no one should EVER hit another person!" Lanithro never wanted to hit a woman (since he was in school), especially a pregnant woman. Lanithro stopped pacing when he felt he was about to knock over a decorative vase. If he was alone, he likely would have. He wished that when he was younger, he would have hit her harder with that book. Despite this, he took several deep breathes, and went back to Felix, stood right in front of him, and then just embraced him. "I am sorry... I just... I can't handle seeing you bleed." Or upset. Or even silent.
Felix tried to grab hold of Lanithro as he appeared to get angry over Felix's lip. Felix thought it was a tad bit of an overreaction, but it felt nice to know that Lanithro cared enough to care about the fact he was injured. It wasn't like this was his first injury however, he often got beat on as a child, and he'd been hit more than once in school. Felix wasn't physical himself, and was usually the one who took the hits, so he liked to think he had a pretty good threshold for them. The reason this one hurt so much, was the reasoning behind it. Even his black eye from Silus or those injuries from Borely hadn't hurt as much as this one did emotionally. He realised, and it was almost funny, that most of his injuries sustained at Hogwarts had something to do with Lyra, not that he would change that. Lanithro started cursing Lyra out, and though his mouth hurt when he spoke, he tried to defend her, but didn't get the chance to do so when Lanithro wiped back around and pulled him into a tight hug. Felix did find it a bit ironic that Lanithro had said something about Lyra hurting him when he strongly remembered that Lanithro had his Lyra with a book, but Felix wasn't petty and it had been years ago. Trying not to bump his lip, Felix rested his head on Lanithro's shoulder, tucking himself into the hug, shaking. He didn't want to cry, but he just couldn't hold it in any longer as he moved his hands to clutch at Lanithro and let the tears fall.​
The former Gryffindor could feel Felix shaking, and he was still not talking. Lanithro lowered himself onto the floor, still holding Felix. He closed his eyes, somewhat regretting what he had said. When he was angry, he said things without thinking them through. It might have hurt Felix even more. He thought over spells he could use to help Felix with his pain. He murmured, "I can heal your lip with a spell. That way you can talk. Only when you are ready." Lanithro did not want to rush Felix into speaking, or doing anything really. Right now, Lanithro was going to comfort him. After all, Felix seemed to have suffered the most, at least, recently. He really did not want Felix to hurt anymore. At least Fayre was not coming out to see what was going on. She must have been playing with her toys, which Lanithro seemed to never buy enough for her.
Felix didn't think he'd ever done this with anyone. He wasn't the type of person who just broke down in someones are and cried. It was only ever Falon who saw him like this and part of that was because it was usually Lyra who produced this reaction. This time it was different, because there was something different about crying into the arms of someone who understood. He didn't even really register that they were on the ground until he felt Lanithro shift them to make both of them more comfortable and he wrapped his arms around him, trying to draw all the strength he could from the embrace. He was trying not to think about what had happened, but the more he cried into Lanithro's shoulder the more he thought about why he was crying, which only made everything worse. He could barely even hear what Lanithro was saying, if he was saying anything at all. It hurt, more than the first time, more than he thought it could, because he knew he'd broken his heart himself and there was nothing he could do to fix it.​
Felix didn't know how long he'd been crying for, or how long they'd been sitting on the floor before he'd stopped crying. He'd sat with Lanithro for several minutes longer, just calming his breathing and letting the feelings just sit. He wasn't sure he would ever be able to explain what he was feeling to Lanithro, or if he even wanted to, but, he would talk about what happened. Lanithro needed to know, and, Felix wanted him to know too. He sat back a little, untangling himself from where the pair had been tangled together and rested his forehead on Lanithro's chest for a moment, trying, and not really succeeding, to compose himself. When had this become his life? It seemed like only yesterday he was talking to his mother about moving back to New Zealand and now he was wrapped around Lanithro like a Koala seeking comfort. His heart was shattered, but he knew he could piece it back together one piece at a time, and that this time he wouldn't have to do it alone. Perhaps, not ever again. "Sorry," he said, carefully moving his hand up to touch the still throbbing cut. The blood had subsided, and was mostly dry around his mouth, but it hurt like a son-of-a-b!tch anyway. "Help me, please." He spoke softly, not looking at Lanithro, part embarrassed and part from the desire to still remain strong in the blonde's eyes, like if maybe Lanithro couldn't see the tears that were still there, maybe he wouldn't look so pathetic.​
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Lanithro lost track of how long he had been on the floor, but he still held on to Felix, just holding and attempting to comfort him the best he could. He did wonder if this was helping him at all. Then, he felt Felix move a moment, then heard him speak. It was soft. Then, he asked for help. Lanithro shifted a bit until he reached into his pants to pull out his wand. "I'll take the pain away, Felix." He then cast Episkey on Felix's lip to heal it. This was the only simple healing spell he knew, which was good for small wounds. He had to use it all the time on his kids because they would play and someone would skin a knee. He would not pressure Felix into talking. After all, Felix would talk to him when he was ready to. At least his anger managed to subside majorly. Lanithro set his wand to the side, and hoped that it helped a lot for Felix. It was one step to recovery.
The use of episkey, despite being magical, always made Felix feel strange. When he was a child he would usually have to wait a couple of days, or a week for his split lips and grazed knees to heal themselves, usually with a fair amount of whining and lots of icy poles. He brought his hand up to his lip to feel, where ordinarily a scar would be, the area. There was nothing and that was hard for him to believe. He was never going to get used to that. "Jesus," He sat back slightly, shaking his head. He was a muggle at heart really and he was always going to be. He pulled himself off the floor, slowly, his legs were numb from the amount of time they'd spent on the hard floor and he was marginally surprised that Lan's daughter Fayre hadn't come to see where he was. Though he supposed she was old enough now to sort of understand when he didn't want to be disturbed. One day Victoria would be that age too. God, that felt strange. "Thanks," it was all still so raw, and his heart hurt. He didn't really think he could properly articulate what he was feeling but it was definitely something he was feeling. Anger, hurt, frustration, there was a lot there. But he felt no judgement from Lanithro, even though he was sure there should be some. Since all this had started, all he'd felt was acceptance, and encouragement, which was a nice feeling. He just didn't know what he was supposed to do now. He'd never made a decision like that in his life, he'd always made decisions for Lyra, not against her. This was entirely new territory that kind of terrified him, if he was being entirely honest.​
Lanithro wondered what it was like to live like Felix. Absent or forgetful of magic. At least Lanithro was really good at it. He pulled himself off of the floor as well, and put his hand on Felix's shoulder. He looked absolutely shattered. A part of him angered at the sight of it, but he contained it. Felix did not need to see that right now. He needed all the support he could get. "Let's get you to a more comfortable place so you can relax." Lanithro smirked a little bit, before bending down and picking Felix up like a bride. Lanithro carried him through the foyer and into the large open living room. Lanithro set Felix down on the white couch and knelt down next to him. Fayre could be heard giggling, which is normal. When she was quiet, that was when things were suspicious. "Do you want me to cook you anything? Drinks? I don't get out alcohol with my daughter awake, though."
Felix didn't quite have time to process what Lanithro had said before he was being lifted into his arms - bridal style - and walked out of the, admittedly gorgeous foyer, and into he living room. Felix couldn't help himself, he squeaked slightly and Lanithro picked him up, before going beat red and covering his face with his free hand, the one not thrown around Lanithro's neck to keep himself steady. He wasn't sure if he was mad about it or not, but it was definitely not expected at all. When he was deposited on the couch, he really had to fight the urge not to glare at Lanithro or something for doing that. He'd been in shock to fight against it, so he hadn't gotten to fight it, but he wasn't an invalid and he could walk his damn self. Still, he supposed he appreciated the sentiment, and Felix was generally an affectionate person on most occasions, so perhaps it was the same for Lanithro? He didn't know enough about him to know that, but that was part of why he'd chosen this path, to get to know the blonde and find out more about himself in the process. He didn't want to miss out on something potentially amazing because he'd been fighting for something that seemed like it didn't want to happen anyway. This was way and it was right here and it didn't hurt. He hadn't felt like that in far too long. "No," he sighed, trying to control his breathing as he did so, calming himself, collecting his thoughts. "No, its okay... I'm not that hungry anyway." He couldn't remember when he'd eaten, but he assumed he had at some point today, tomorrow at the latest for sure. All he really wanted to do was just... think, or at least not hurt anymore. Which he supposed was going to take some time. He turned to Lanithro instead and smiled slightly, though it wasn't really a happy one. "Thank you, for before... I don't think I could have told her without your encouragement."
Felix turning red was possibly the best thing he had seen today. Today was not as great as he had imagined, though he had low expectations because today was the day that they broke the news to Lyra. Lanithro was not there for that, which might have been for the best because after Felix got hurt, he wouldn't be able to imagine what Lyra would have done to him. And his dad would kill him for hurting a pregnant lady. Or rather, a lady in general. Felix declined his offer for food and drinks. Then he said that he couldn't have done the deed without Lanithro's encouragement. Even with the smile, it wasn't like before. It wasn't happy at all. Lanithro reached forward and took his hand, covering it with both of his hands. He smiled toward the Hufflepuff "I know. Considering the aftermath," Lanithro glanced down at Felix's now healed lip, "the sooner the better." Lanithro sighed, really wishing to help, but perhaps just being here would bring some comfort. "I'm here whenever you are ready to talk, okay? No pressure. Maybe soon, we can go out and do something, take our minds off of what happened. Or I can get Georgina over with Rory and her daughter?"
Felix appreciated the attention, even if he was glaring and frowning and pouting about it. He never really got he chance to just be with someone like this. He and Lyra had been together in school, which meant they hadn't had a lot of time together that wasn't just stolen moments. They had never been together, actually in a relationship, outside of their time in school, so subsequently, he didn't know what a real adult relationship was like, and he really believed he should know something like that before trying to enter into one for the long term like what would happen if he'd run off and married Lyra right then and there. He was going to enjoy exploring himself with Lanithro, whether this lasted or not, whether they were supposed to do this or not, whether this was real or not, Felix knew he would learn a lot from this, things he would be able to keep for the next relationship that came along, for Lyra, if that was still on the cards. Felix reached out and pulled Lanithro up to sit beside him, feeling shockingly affectionate and in need of closeness and physical touch to get him through this next conversation. Though as he was about to get into it, he stopped and looked at Lanithro curiously. "Her daughter, Georgi's? Do you mean Victoria?"
Lanithro felt his arm being tugged so that he could sit with Felix on the couch, which his obliged. Lanithro wrapped one of his arms around Felix’s shoulder and grinned a little at the touch. Lanithro was not really affectionate at times, but this was a shot as his first relationship, though he hoped that it would not end the same as the others. From what he knew about Felix, the Hufflepuff would never have an affair. Since he was honest with Lyra about Lanithro, Lanithro felt that he could trust him. Though, the fact that Felix knew Georgina’s daughters name, that sort of blew his mind. “Yeah, I guess that is her name. I’m not her dad, though.” Victoria was a pretty name. “I don’t even know Victoria’s last name, but I wouldn’t mind having them over, you know?” Lanithro had nothing against babies. He loved them after all.
Felix snuggled closer into Lanithro. The pain he felt wasn’t going to go away any time soon and he knew that, but he was reveling in the emotional and physical closeness he was getting from Lanithro and for the moment that was enough. It occurred to him that Lanithro actually didn’t know Victoria was his daughter and he suddenly felt a bit stupid. Why would he know? It wasn’t like Georgi talked about everyone she slept with, assuming she slept with anyone. Unless Lan asked, she probably wouldn’t even think to say, or would wait for Felix to do so, she was good like that. “No, no you’re not her dad,” he said, sitting up slightly. “Actually I am.” He’d only found out about two months ago and he hadn’t gotten around to telling a lot of people, mind you, up until now, Lanithro has been the lowest person on his priorities list if he were being totally honest. “Me and Georgi were sort of just having fun, like you and Lyra did.” He’d known about that, not that he felt any animosity, though now with everything happening, he didn’t want to think about any of that. “I only found out about two months ago now.” He admitted. He patted Lan’s chest, “but that’s completely over now, and I love her, but not like that”. He hoped lanithro wouldn’t worry about something like that right now.​
Felix confirmed that he was not the father, which when he sat up a little bit, Lanithro cocked his head to the side. When Felix told him that he was Victoria's father, Lanithro appeared to be stunned. He had no idea. But then again, he didn't know how he could ever know though. He had no reason to talk to Felix, or even about Georgina and her personal life. He was only around her for Rory anyway. He started to understand, especially when he mentioned how he and Georgina were having fun like Lanithro and Lyra were. Though, Felix only found out two months ago. He chuckled when Felix assured him that it was over. "I am a little shocked, but I can see that. So, we both have kids with Georgina..." Lanithro started to laugh a little bit. "We both had fun with different girls, both had kids with one girl, and we ended up together like this. This is perfect." Lanithro rubbed Felix's arm and smiled. "Seriously, what are the odds?"
"Yuuuuuup," though it was hard to believe, Felix hadn't really thought about the implications of the fact that he had a kid with Georgina and so did Lanithro. "Seems we were always connected," God, that was cheesy as f**k, but he didn't care, he was enjoying his time with Lanithro, even if only an hour ago he'd had his heart torn out and shattered again. He would have thought he was an expect at that by now, or that his heart would never heal properly, but, somehow, it always did, because that was why he was willing to risk it all again. It wasn't ever the same, it couldn't be, but it was a nice comfort, a deep one. Even the sound of Lanithro's laugh was helping to build a barrier between the pain in his heart and the joy of the uncertainty. Lanithro kept going, rubbing Felix's arm in comfort and he relaxed again, thankful that Lanithro didn't feel threatened by Georgi, though he knew her so it was probably understandable that he also knew that Felix wasn't in love with her. They were as close as two people could be without being in love though, and though he didn't think of her like a sister, she was still very important and special to him, just like Victoria was and he wouldn't want to change that for anything. "Yeah, it is a bit ridiculous, but... I guess we were all pretty close, well, I was with them, you... well you were you." It must have been weird having family like Professor Styx in the school with him. His siblings was one thing, but another relative? That was too much.​
Lanithro could not help but start laughing when Felix said that they were always connected. Not just because it was extra cheesy, but also because it seemed like it was true. The former Gryffindor only snuggled closer to Felix, while gently stroking his arm, doing so out of sheer instinct. He did wish that Felix had never gone through what he had, but without it, was it possible for this to have blossomed from them? Probably not. There was no telling. Perhaps even a seer would not have seen this coming. “At least it will be easy arranging playdates if we share the same baby momma. And my other two.” The two of them had different crowds. While he hung out with Lyra, he seemed to back of while she was dating others, only being there when she needed him. He hung around Rome a fair bit, which reminded him that he needed to meet up with her again at some point. “I was a different person back then. But, for the present, I am glad that things happened. After all, it was what led us to figure out, ‘hey, we actually work together’.”

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