Pure Artistry

Christa looked up in slight bemused irritation she felt Robin's hand squeezing her backside - it quickly changed to embarassment when she saw Deirdre and Wallace appear. Haven't I had enough embarassment for one day? Christa thought, inwardly complaining. However, she merely busied herself making up a pot of tea for the four of them and pulling out some sponge cake she'd made last night. She wouldn't have said she was the best chef in the world, but she wasn't too bad a cook, especially when it came to cakes and sweets. She cut a few slices and set them on to some of their 'nice' plates, before pouring a cup of tea for each of them quietly - but not without whispering "you're pushing it, you know," to Robin. She hardly meant it maliciously, in fact, she was more joking than anything, but she supposed he knew she'd had enough humiliation for one day.

"I...it's rather embarassing. I...I apologise. But it is rather a p-pleasure t-to actually get to meet you," Christa explained, with a sweet smile. "W-Wallace has told m-me a lot about you," she added, meaning it in the kindest possible way. Wallace had not a single bad word to say about Deirdre, save for the fact that she lived so far away and he couldn't see her as often as he wanted. As far as she was concerned, her brother was completely smitten, and now she actually got to meet Deirdre, she could see that she was just as lovely as her brother had said.
Robin didn't really reply to Christa's warning. She had leaned in close enough to whisper discreetly and he took the opportunity to sneak in a kiss as she did. 'You know,' turned into 'you kn- *smooch*'. Robin tried not to look too pleased with himself. As always, he failed. But he settled down once the cup of tea was in his hand and took a sip, a look of polite interest on his face as he glanced between the three other people. Well damn, thought Rob. If those aren't the two cutest girls I've ever seen, I'll eat my vest. And I'm dating one of them! he thought happily. Admittedly, Wallace was cute as well, in a 'you're so funny and sweet, I want to man-hug you' kind of way. It must have been the bit of Christobelle in him that made Robin want to pinch his cheeks like a grandma. Fortunately, unlike Christa, he didn't want to shag him into the middle of next week. Perhaps she would have let him do so if they hadn't been interrupted. Robin giggled, undoubtedly receiving a strange look from someone. He was already covered suspiciously placed splotches of paint.

"Christa should have told me more about you," said Robin to Wallace suddenly. He had been so quiet, which was rather unlike himself, so he made up for it in spontaneity. He rubbed the cracking paint off of his cheek absent mindedly and continued. "You work, mate?". In hindsight, he would probably end up regretting the question since he himself did not work (or at least not the way that normal people did), and would no doubt get the evil eye, 'How will you support my sister, hm?' look.
Wallace held Deirdre closer. He was so completely and utterly crazy about her. He could barely imagine being without her, and they'd only been together a couple of months - most of that time they'd had to spend in different continents, too. Wallace was just happy to be with her now. He was also absolutely elated to see that his sister had found someone. Christa was a constant source of worry for him - she was too shy and quiet, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but he could remember her at least being a little more lively when she was a little girl. Wallace always wondered if she was perhaps hurting herself, staying cooped up in that room, watching the world through a mirror as though she were the Lady of Shallott. It was good to know that she'd found someone who appeared to care for her, and would no doubt bring her out of her shell. Despite her obvious embarassment, she was smiling again, and that made Wallace extremely happy.

Robin seemed like quite a reasonable bloke. A little unorthodox, perhaps, but very friendly and seemed completely rapt with Christa, who was likewise. "I don't really blame her for not wasting time talking about her dear, beloved twin," he said with a smirk, giving Christa a meaningful look. "I'm kind of amazed you've gotten her to talk at all, really!" That earnt him a swift kick to the shin from his sister. "Sorry, Christa. Yeah, I work. I'm with the Ministry, actually. Liason with Muggles, telling them that magic isn't real and trying to come up with decent excuses. Good thing we were raised by muggles." He said the last sentance with no emotion, as though it wasn't really a good thing at all. Sometimes it was, sometimes Wallace just wanted to forget his entire childhood. Still, it wasn't too bad. They'd always been reasonably happy, even if their parents thought they were demons. "What do you do?" he asked, out of curiosity. Not so much the fatherly thing, because really, as long as Christa was happy he wasn't going to argue - provided he wasn't a mass murderer or drug dealer. They were wizards, and fairly resourceful ones. And Christa made a decent income from dressmaking and selling some of her paintings.

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