Open Punch time

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Jasper Beese

Flaky friend | Gobstones forever!
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Acacia Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Jasper stood by the snack table, eyeing the punch fountain. He knew he really shouldn’t, but he was desperate to put his head into the fountain. He shot a glance around then crouched down and leaned in toward the punch fountain, sticking his face right under the stream.

The cold punch hit his forehead first, then all over his face, drenching his hair and trickling up his nose. He sputtered and pulled back, then readjusted into a better position more from the side than under it. There he was able to slurp the punch straight from the fountain and he loved it.
Lilith had decided to attend the Valentine's Dance by herself as well, who knows maybe one year she could talk Eoghan into going with her or maybe she'd find another partner or date for these events. For now she'd stick to going alone though.

Her black dress had some white lace trimming to it, it was one that her grandmother had once made her. Meeri had made her a few dresses to wear for things throughout her life and she cherished them dearly. The room was beautiful there were many decorations and it was a lot to take in however there was something sticking out in the crowd to her. It was a rather peculiar view, a boy she recognized from her lessons but couldn't name was sticking his head to the fountain of punch? Each for their own she supposed as she approached the boy. "Careful, I doubt they would want students drowning." The Ravenclaw said tilting her head slightly to the right.
When he heard the sound of a voice distinctly talking to him, Jasper pulled his head out of the punch fountain, already guessing they were probably talking about his method. Fruity punch dripped from his chin, and he wiped his face with his sleeve, though he didn’t quite manage to catch it all. His wet hair was plastered to his forehead, but he figured there wasn’t much he could do about that without returning to his dorm for a shower. "Did you say drowning?” he laughed. “Pretty sure I’m safe, but thanks for the concern. Want to give it a go? Although I wouldn’t recommend sticking your whole head under. It gets a bit, er, sticky.” He said, inviting the fellow first year up for a turn drinking punch straight from the fountain too.
Lilith just stared at the boy, a little puzzled if you will. Surely he wasn't seriously suggesting she'd do the same as him. "Ah, no I think I'm quite good." She said with a smile. Not that she wouldn't mind tasting it but the method wasn't her favourite and perhaps she'd take from another fountain, seeing as having someone's head meddling about with a drink might not be the most sanitary. "The decorations are impressive and beautiful." She said taking another look up at the ceiling and around the room, it never ceased to amaze her, the things the staff did for these things. Maybe it never would, perhaps on her 7th year she'd still feel this way.
Jasper shrugged at her refusal, telling himself it was her loss. He glanced up at the decorations when they were mentioned, “Yeah, they really go all out, don't they?” he said, nodding in before drawing a breath.But honestly, pink isn’t my favourite colour.” He shifted away from the punch bowl and found some napkins to wipe his face, “The dancing looks fun though, would you like to dance?" He offered, he'd need to dry himself off first but that shouldn't take long.
Lilith let out a soft laugh, of course it wasn't his favourite colour but neither was it hers. "Yes I agree, pink isn't on the top of my list either." She said shaking her head. Considering his offer she tilted her head a little. Dancing, she wasn't a dance but she doubted all of the others were either and yet they were having fun. Shouldn't be too bad right? "I, sure I'm not the best dancer but we can dance." Lilith finally agreed watching the boy dry himself, he'd be sticky for a while no doubt. "I'm Lilith by the way, you can call me Lili though. How about you?" She asked as they took to the middle of the dancing people, not really sure what to do she just stood there awkwardly looking around hoping that maybe by some miracle her body would just know what to do, though it was really not seeming to be happening.
Jasper grinned, still sticky but improved after wiping his hands and face with napkins. “Oh yeah, I know you from classes! Didn’t know you went by Lili though,” he said, "I’m Jasper, and I do not have a nickname.” As they arrived on the dance floor, he swayed awkwardly, suddenly aware he had no idea how to actually dance, he'd never had lessons and he had not danced at the Yule Ball. “I guess we just fake it till we make it?” he laughed, giving her a jiggle that he hoped might look like dancing.
Lilith nodded at his name, that's right she recalled him responding to the name Jasper during lessons attendance checks. Lilith found herself relaxing and feeling relieved when the boy seemed just as out of depth with dancing as she felt and even gave a small smile at his jiggle and comment. "Yes, I suppose that'll have to do now then?" She responded and started to sway a little from side to side herself. It was awkward at best but slowly she found some sort of rhythm, at least she prayed she did and by the end of the song Lilith did a small twirl. For experimental purposes of course. "This isn't too bad come on, do a twirl with me." Lilith said with a lighthearted tone offering her hands to Jasper.
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