Public Apology

Professor Josef Wolf

second and only substitute
Professor Wolfe ate his breakfast quietly, it was the first day of the new term and he was all set for it. The students had all returned the day before and classes started again today.There was still one matter that needed closure, proper consequences had to be meted out so that other students knew that this sort of behavior was not tolerated within the walls of the prestigious school. Looking down the rows of tables he finally caught sight of her and excusing himself politely to the other faculty and heads, Professor Wolf pushed out his chair and walked to the front podium. Taking out his wand he cast 'sonorous' on his throat and instantly his voice when he spoke boomed out about the hall.

"Goodmorning" he said rather gruffly, not wanting this particular job but as he had caught her he had to do the deed so to speak, "I call Andromeda Francesca Fiorelli to the podium please".

He stood back and waited for her to make her way up to the staff table. Glancing at the headmaster and headmistress, he wondered if they would say anything regarding the matter. They had been made aware of it the morning after the Yule Ball by himself and he had also contacted Professor Fletcher regarding it all. He wanted a public apology not just for himself and the rude behavior she had exhibited towards him but an apology to every student and professor who had attended the yule ball, as well as to her house for such disgusting and outrageous carry on. He had demanded of Professor Fletcher that it did not stop there and that he would exact his own punishment on the girl as well.
Andromeda had been twiddling her thumbs absently, casting furtive glances over to the Slytherin table to where Crispin was. Smiling instantly if he happened to look her way. She was not in any particular mood to eat anything for she was psyching herself up to speak with Kat and Kiera when a voice thundered around the hall. Andy looked up as her name was called and grimaced. She knew exactly what this was in relation too and had so far been able to keep from looking in Lily's direction and Sumner's for that matter. With an audible sigh she stood up slowly and began what seemed like a very long walk up to the podium. Pulling her grey caridgan about her as if this was going to protect her from whatever Professor Wolf was in his right to say to her Andromeda finally stood infront of him looking humble and utterly embarrassed.

"Yes sir" she muttered, her tall slender frame was held so rigidly straight one bow in any direction would appear to snap her in half. Her apprehension grew, surely she would not be punished out right in front of everyone? She cast a furtive glance in the direction of the headmistress and headmaster and her own Head of House before looking back at Professor Wolf. There was no way she could look out on to the sea of students, even though only one face would give her the courage she needed now.
Professor Wolf watched her shrewdly as she left the Gryffindor table and began to walk up to where he waited for her. He crossed his thick arms about his chest and as tempted as he was to stroke his long beard he resisted. Pat his head would she? Like he was some silly child she was placating, well he would have the last laugh and that was for sure. Once she stood up in front of him he was glad to notice that she wasn't as confident or as smart as she had been that night. Something about her whole demeanor seemed to have shifted and he frowned. Would he get the same satisfaction he had been hoping for? Obviously she was repentant but that did not signify that she should go unpunished.

He nodded his head at her and turned around once more to face the students.
"The night of the Yule Ball this ladies behavior was not becoming of a prefect, a Gryffindor or a Hogwarts student at all. Miss Fiorelli do you have anything to say to your peers and to the faculty and heads of this school?" he stood back indicating for her to approach the podium and waited to see what she would say.
Trinity was stuffing her face full of bacon and sausages when a loud gruff voice boomed about the hall. She looked up quizzically wondering what the short guy wanted, guessing he was roughly about her own height and assuming he was a professor though she had never had him in any of her classes. Chewing her food slowly she heard the name he called out and turned to look up and down the Gryffindor table. This girl was pretty well known in their house, being one of the quidditch captains and seemingly well liked. Though Trinity was still dumbfounded at that part. The only real instance besides meal times she had witnessed her was when she had gotten into an argument with the other team captain and the head girl.

Trinity looked at her approach the professor and listened to what he had to say. She had been there herself on the night but had been like a little wall flower clung to the tables so she wouldn't have to dance or anything, she had marvelled at the decor and the music though but she couldn't remember ever seeing Andromeda getting up to anything that would resort to her having to stand up in front of the school. She swivelled in her seat to listen better.
Merlina had returned home for the holidays and had such a brilliant time, the only fault with her holiday had been not having her aunt about. She was now some bodies nanny. The thought was perplexing and apparently if the family had not been purebloods and distant cousins then she would indeed of found herself ostracized from the Caliburn home. For some reason Merlina's mother was doing much better health wise and was even considering a trip for the winter holidays to see just where it was her daughter went for her schooling. As she sat eating her breakfast she cringed on hearing her cousins name. Looking up she frowned slightly, the rumors that were rife in Ravenclaw were that Romy had kissed Lily Potter. Merlina had not spoken to her cousin in a while now so watched with interest as she approached the podium. Wondering she what exactly she was going to say on the matter, for Professor Wolf certainly didn't look too pleased with her.
Carmen glanced up from her goblet to see Professor Wolf making an announcement. With a sigh she turned her gaze back to Kaleb, anything the short stubby professor had to say was of little interest to her. She was simply glad to be back at the school, her vacation home had been beyond tense. Her grandfather was sick, novel for the man who had never been sick a day in his life. The best healers were being called out but so far none were able to determine the cause of his illness or been able to heal him in any way.

She looked up once more to see a gryffindor prefect make her way to the staff table and watched avidly to see what would transpire. Carmen had not attended the yule ball so was out of the loop as to what had gone on there, clearly this girl had done something uniquely exceptional for it to warrant this reaction from the faculty. She watched and listened, clearly interested now especially when it was someone else's misfortune and not her own.
Professor Rowann merely humphed quietly to herself when Professor Wolf stood in front of their table and asked for Andromeda to come forward. The thought 'what had the girl done now' occured to her and she rolled her eyes before continuing with her meal. When next he spoke making way for the girl, Lola put her cutlery down and dabbing her mouth with her napkin, sat quite still waiting to hear just what she had to say for herself.

It was no secret at all what had happened that night and Professor Rowann could safely say the girl had gone way down in her estimation over this.
Andy took a deep breath as she stepped forward. What exactly could she say besides sorry? Looking out at the sea of faces she felt an overwhelming urge to run for cover but looking out over them she focused on first those she really needed to apologize too. It didn't matter they had nothing to do with the yule ball she had an apology to make and she would make it. If she was going to be humbled in front of everyone then she would be humbled completely.

"I .. um..." she sighed taking out her wand and holding it to her throat, said the incantation and began again, "I would like to say that I am sorry.... the word alone seems pretty easy to say, its ... so small" great her nervous habit of rambling chose now to hit her, "I need to firstly apologise to my house"
Andromeda looked down the Gryffindor table.

"My behavior since September has been awful and you have had to bear the worsed of it. Katalina and Kiera, I am so sorry. You were... are my bestfriends and I have treated you horribly. I hope somehow you can forgive me" she lowered her head trying to fight the lump that rose in her throat before continuing, "I have to apologise to Lily Potter for my appalling conduct. It was grossly uncalled for and I have no excuse for my behavior. To all of you but especially to Headmistress Zhefarovich ..." Andy didn't stress why her most importantly but had a feeling that the headmistress would know or have some inclination, "I am deeply sorry. My behavior was beneath comtemptable. I have left myself, my house, my school and my superiors down."

She turned to look at Professor Wolf and taking a deep steadying breath spoke to him.
"And I am sorry to you professor. My actions to you were unforgiveable. I am prepared and ready to take any punishment that is coming."
Andy had suddenly visions of being suspended or even expelled flash before her eyes and hurriedly glanced to Crispin for another dose of courage before looking back at the professor.
Lily walked into the Great Hall. It was the start of her last term there and she was a bit conflicted. It was sad to be starting the last one, amazing that she made it this far, exciting that it was almost over. But no matter how exciting this all was, she was sad she would be leaving her home. This castle truely was her home for the last 7 years. She would be making her apartment into her new home soon, but this place held all her memories, her secrets for the last years. As her eyes rested on the head of hair that she was unconciously scanning for, she smiled. It would be able to hold a few more before she was done.

Crossing the room quickly, she sat down across from Sumner, surprisingly not scanning the table swathed in green for a particular person. She only had eyes for the one across from her. "Morning," she said with a smile, grabbing some toast and spread to her plate. Reaching for the bacon, she opened her mouth to start a conversation with her friend when all eyes turned to the Professor at the front of the room. She remembered him from the Yule Ball, and was shocked when Andy was made to make a public appology. After she made her speach, Lily couldn't help but think the redhead looked a bit lost. Standing up, she straightened her skirt and sweater and walked up to the front.

Before the Professor could say anything else, she gave Andromeda a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "Nothing to worry about, Andy. Its all good," she said, pulling back and giving the younger girl a smile. Turning, she walked back to her spot at the Ravenclaw table to see what would happen next.
Andy all but crumbled when she saw Lily stand up and begin to walk towards her. Was the Ravenclaw going to smack her one for completely embarrassing her in front of everyone? There was only one thing to do and that was stand and take whatever Lily dished out. Andromeda certainly didn't expect her to hug her or kiss her on the cheek. The older girls forgiveness caused Andy to blush even more. Could she feel like a prize idiot any more than she did? She gave Lily a small smile knowing that worse was to come, it had to. There was no way she was going to be allowed to get away with this. She might as well enjoy the moment of calm before the storm while she could.

"Thank you Lily" her voice was still under the effects of the sonorous and she didn't simply blush with embarrassment, she looked as if she had been doused with a bucket of red paint. The Ravenclas prefect walked back to her table and Andy stood there like the prize turkey waiting to be slaughtered.
Cecily sat in a bit of a daze at the head table, embarrassingly enough dozing in and out of sleep as she tried to finish her meal. Breakfast was hard for her now, what with the potions the healers made her take after the fall. She refused to think of it as what it had been, an assault, one that had nearly cost her and her unborn baby their lives. Officially around the school and to whomever asked, she had fallen down those stairs. She'd refused to press charges against Aleyha and had been adamant that she would oversee any punishment herself, along with Prodan. She pushed those things from her mind when suddenly she was witness to Andromeda Fiorelli's very public apology. Oh the poor girl. Yes she should feel anger toward the girl, indignation for what Andy had done and that she had stolen from her. But all she felt was sadness.

Standing with effort, Cecily slowly made her way to the red haired Gryffindor. She waved her hand, casting finite, before she reached up to the taller girl, hands on her cheeks. "You're a good girl, Andy. Don't you forget it." Something passed between them, an understanding. They'd both spiraled down a dark path, led their by their own guilt and recriminations. Cecily had clawed her way to the light, holding on to the hands that pulled her from it. It looked as though Andy had finally found her anchor. It did her heart good to see her come to herself, to know that she would be okay, with time. She patted her cheek gently, a small smile on her face. "Go eat your breakfast now then see your Head of House afterward." Turning, she walked down the long hall to the doors, needing a rest.
Like most other students, Artemis had attended the ball. Unlike most students however, she had spent the entire time completely enraptured with her new goblin beau, Jareth. Yet somehow when Professor Wolf stood up and announced Andromeda’s apology, Artemis knew exactly what had been going on. First of all, it was all over the school what she had done. Second of all, anyone who had half a brain had seen her drunken behaviour at the Yule Ball and the mess that had become of it. She stifled a giggle, thinking of how she had gotten up and sung whilst Art and Jareth were getting some punch. Either way, Artemis felt terribly sorry for the poor girl. Why I’d be shaking in my booties if it were me up there, thought Artemis, and the level of respect she had for Andromeda raised.

What’s keeping her eyes dry? she pondered, and sure enough her sharp goblin eyes picked up the occasional flicker towards a certain face in the crowd. Squinting, Art couldn’t see anything much, so she stood up on the bench and peeked around to have a look. No-one sitting next to her minded, since standing on the bench she was just about the height of everyone else. “Aha!” mumbled Artemis as she just caught the look over towards the Slytherin table. “Oh boy Dromeda, ‘ye go!” said Art with a grin. What a slice that kid is. However she couldn’t look at the Slytherin table for long without her eyes wandering down to spot a shorter, white blonde head in the crowd.

Artemis saw Jareth and ducked down again, smothering her red cheeks with her hands. She couldn’t listen to the rest of the apology anyway; it was excruciating for her to watch someone be embarrassed, and so she turned back to breakfast to keep her mind off her beautiful goblin boy and the misfortune of Andromeda before them.
Kiera had come into the Great Hall for breakfast, her first day back. She missed James already and was counting down the days to the next Brightstone weekend. Kiera had removed her wedding band and given it to James to keep safe for her. On her left hand remained her engagement ring. It was a public sign to the rest of the school that she had made her decision. There was no going back from now on.

Kiera sat down at the table, keeping mostly to herself. She was still upset by the rumors going around that she was pregnant. She thought it was ridiculous what the people at this school would believe. Kiera was surprised as Andromeda was called up to the front of the room. She had missed all the other events of the Yule Ball, consumed with Alex and their break up. It still felt like a chunk of her heart was missing.

As Andromeda began to apologize, she looked at Kiera and Kat, saying they were her best friends and that she was sorry. Kiera's heart had been warming back up towards her friend ever since she helped her the morning the article was released. This was the last straw. All barriers Kiera had put up against the younger girl were gone. Kiera smiled at Andy, hoping the girl would get the idea.

When Andy came back to the table, Kiera turned to the girl, willing to welcome her back into her life as her best friend. "Apology accepted. It really was getting old...all this fighting I mean." Kiera said. She grinned at Andy. "So does this mean your coming back to dorm four?" she asked. There was so much Kiera had to tell Andy.
Tom had been ill over the Yule Ball duration, and was only just feeling back to normal, after a chest infection and a bout of tonsillitis. He had indeed been told by Professor Wolf as to what had happened at the Yule Ball with Andromeda Fiorelli. He was quite surprised as to her actions, but for some reason it came to no surprise that she had a little "incident". She had gotten herself into trouble before, Tom reminded himself.

Tom watched on at the table, enjoying a hearty breakfast of cornflakes and a round of toast. He was finally glad to get his appetite back. There was nothing worse than being food deprived.

He listened as Professor Wolf called Andromeda to the podium. He put his spoon down, swallowing what was left of the soggy cornflakes, and looked up waiting to see how this would pan out. When Professor Wolf came to him, and demanded that Tom should exert his own punishment on her. Detentions won't cut it. Nor would the taking away of house points although it didn't help that Tom was Gryffindor Head of House. He didn't like taking away house points in general never mind his own house, whom he very much wanted to win the House Cup.

He listened as Andromeda apologised to Professor Wolf and her peers. He noticed that the Headmistress also had a little talk to Andromeda. He sighed, unsure what to do. This was unlike her. Of course she had personal problems. Andromeda's a good girl. Kind. Smart.Caring Tom said to himself. She just sometimes falls of track, gets herself into some bother, but she just needs to pick herself up. Redeem herself.

Tom put his bowl aside, after noticing that Cecily had finished talking to Andromeda. He took a deep breath, and stood up, striding over to her.

"Andromeda, I can't help but feel a little disappointed by your actions. That was very unlike you, and I can't help but wonder why you went against your character. You're a smart woman, in which the past has treated you harshly. It takes someone strong willed to admit their mistakes. Pick yourself up and move on from it. In time you will earn people's forgiveness. You're not a bad egg" Tom said lightly. "Andromeda" Tom said, his tone a bit heavier although still a bit sympathetic."All actions have their consequences, and I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have to do this"

"Andromeda, I'm going to have to revoke your Prefects status. I'm sorry"
Andy felt the tears threaten and knew any moment now she would be a complete basket case. The headmistress came over to her and spoke more kindly than what she deserved. They had a history, a sort of bond that went deep and Andromeda felt disgusted with herself for betraying her trust. Her words went through her that she was good and Andy all but fell apart at that. As she turned to watch the headmistress leave the podium and walk out through the hall, she was tempted to run but her head of house decided it was his time to finally speak out.

Andy stood almost numb before him. She had let him down big time and she would have to spend the rest of her scholastic life making it up to him. His words cut deep too and when he finally told her what her punishment was to be, she gasped. The prefects pin glistened brightly on her cardigan and she knew, perhaps had known all over the vacation that it would come to this. With slow precise movements she carefully removed it and handed it to him. Still she did not shed the tears that threatened, there was plenty of time for that later.
"I am sorry I let you down sir" her voice was now quiet as the spell had been broken by the headmistress, with that she returned to her seat as she had been ordered. When she sat down it was only for Kiera to begin speaking. At first her heart hammered loudly, not sure if she could take Kiera meting out her own punishment but it was nothing around those lines at all.

Andy smiled at her, grateful for her forgiveness.
"You actually want me to move back?" she queried casting a glance at Kat before looking back to Kiera.
Kiera nodded her head at Andy's question. "Of course I do." she said simply. Andy had apologized so all was forgiven in her eyes. She glanced at Kat, thinking she would be okay with that as well. Kiera gave Andromeda a sly smile. "Besides there's quite a bit you missed when you were...uh gone." she said, skipping over the part where Andy had acted like a b1tch. She was going to forget the whole nasty affair. She would erase it from her memory, never mentioning it again.
Kat had finally managed to drag her rear out of bed after having laid there staring at the ceiling for over an hour. She got up showered and since she didn't have class until later in the afternoon she threw on a pair of jeans with a plain white t-shirt with a navy blue cardigan over it. She looked at the small box on her nightstand and the letter that she had to give to Lavender to send to Chace. Her stomach fluttered and she didn't know if it was from nerves from asking him to meet her or if she was just hungry. First things first she said to herself as she grabbed the letter and headed to the owlery.

Finally after having done what she had set out to do Kat arrived in the Great Hall and plopped down next to Kiera with a knowing grin. It had been an absolutely wonderful Christmas vacation for her friend and Kat was glad that she had gotten to share in the joy. She had just scooped herself a healthy helping of oatmeal into her bowl and grabbed a piece of toast when she heard Professor Wolf call Andy to the podium. "What in the sweet name of all that's magical," she asked out loud to no one in particular as she watched the redhead walk up to the front of the Great Hall.

Kat's jaw nearly hit the ground when her best friend issued a public apology for everything that she'd done since September. A huge sigh of relief was breathed from her as she realized that Andy was back...well for the most part anyways. When Kiera accepted Andy's apology Kat just sat there for a moment, not really sure what to say. She missed the girl more than anything that was for sure. When she saw Andy's gaze cross over to her momentarily she smiled warmly and said, "Do you still snore?" Of course she wanted Andy to move back in with them...dorm four simply wasn't the same without her there.
Andy waited for Kat to say something anything, if she slapped her or told her to get lost Andy knew she was justified in doing so but Kat didn't. Her quirky sense of humor that Andromeda had missed came out. She smiled at her.
"Like a fog horn, I'm sure the girls in dorm 1 are dying to get rid of me" she mused smiling at Kiera who told her she had missed out on loads since she had been gone. Andy knew she had and had a feeling that she would be spending the rest of the school year simply trying to play catch up.
"I really am sorry you guys" she said it now pointedly for the both of them to hear, glancing momentarily at the blank spot where her prefect badge used to be.
"Good...I'm still a huge ass slob. It's great to know that nothing has changed," Kat said nudging her slightly with her elbow. Her face went serious when Andy once again apologized. "Andy, we love you. We're sisters. Sisters fight and say things that they don't doesn't mean that they love each other any less. The three of us are extremely pigheaded and stubborn to a fault, we were all bound to get into it eventually," she said as she pulled her best friend into a tight embrace, whispering in her ear, "I've really missed you!"
Andromeda's hands went about her friend as she hugged her back.
"Thanks Kat" she whispered to her before stifling any fresh tears that threatened, "I guess we have major catching up to do. I.. um.. I just need to go clean up a bit first. Standing up there takes a lot out of a person".

She smiled once more disguising the shame she felt that Kat and Kiera would forgive her so easily. With measured steps she left the hall and went to the girls bathroom on the fourth floor, where she was able to give leave to her tears of humiliation at last.

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