
Efeyenia Samartzi

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
17" Ebony Wand Essence of a Dragon Talon
Nia made her way out of the Great Hall after lunch. She walked over to the tall hour glasses which held the house points. Pride welled up inside her as she saw more green emeralds than any color. Slytherin were going to win this year, it was their year and no house deserved it anymore than they did.

As Nia observed the hour glasses she thought back on her year so far, wondering if it was her year. It had it's ups and downs, she was unsure what to make of it. She had her friends, she had met James. James. The boy that he made her year worth while and had ruined it at the same time.

Obviously it was her own fault, she had let herself fall for him. He was an older student, and extremely cute, how could he not like another girl. Nia was stupid for thinking that he even liked her. She was just a little second year who had a school girl crush on the older boy, he probably pitied her.

With a heavy sigh she figured she should go find Ares. It was hard work keeping up the pretenses of being boyfriend and girlfriend but it was so much fun. And she was even enjoying Ares' company.
Gabriella walked into the Entrance Hall after a walk around the school grounds. She spent most of her time either getting mad at people, or walking. She found she didn't find the other students quite as annoying after she went to the lakeside, so she went there as often as possible.

She looked sadly at the Ravenclaw hourglass, which was the least full out of all the houses. And Gabriella was a glass-half-empty person, so the small amount of sapphires made her quite depressed. Her younger sister, Becca was probably the reason Ravenclaw were losing, and all the other trouble-makers in Ravenclaw. Gabriella would never figure out why the first years were obsessed with ruining people's days, even if it was funny.

Becca had thrown water balloons at Taylor during the Yule Ball, which Gabriella had found hilarious, but her other pranks were tastless. Paintballing the corridors? Been through it a million times. The first years really needed to have more original ideas, Gabriella though as she turned around. She noticed she wasn't the only one looking at the hourglasses. "Hi." she said to the Slytherin girl, wondering what her reaction would be.

Gabriella wondered if the Slytherin would think she was either an idiot, or Taylor. Gabriella never talked to people, and she was very amazed she had chosen to talk to another student.
As Nia was about to walk away from the hourglasses she heard someone talk to her, she turned round and saw a girl she recognised from her year. Nia knew very little from her own year, and was on good terms with only one of them. She didn't know who the girl was, because she was a twin, there were two, but Nia knew no difference. "Hey. You're one of the Marino twin right?" she asked, just to be sure.
Aww, ok. Talk to ya later

Nia give a light snort at the girls reaction, she could imagine how boring it would get being a twin. Either being called your twins name or just labeled as on of the Marino twins. Nia gave a light nod, even though it was obvious she was by her uniform, "Yes. Efeyenia Samartzi. Or just Nia" she replied.
Gabriella started a little when the girl said her name was Nia. Her mouth dropped open, and she suddenly looked angry. "So you're the infamous Nia." she said thoughfully. "My family hates you." Gabriella said matter-of-factly. "You broke James' heart..." she said quietly. "And you will pay." Gabriella added in a whisper.

Staying on until I get yelled at =P

Nia turned her full body towards the girl, confused. Infamuos? How was she infamous? As far as she was aware there were no other Nia's in the school so it must have been her. She crossed her arms over her cheat as the girl continued to talk, she had no right to talk to her like that. She rolled her eyes lightly, "I don't think you know what you're on about Marino. But the last time I checked James had no broken heart. Running out on me after some other girl, oh yeah, really devastated." she said sarcastically.
Gabriella glared at Nia. She really didn't have a clue what her cousin was going through, did she? "For you're information, Samartzi, he's been holed up in his room for weeks because he can't bear to see you." she snarled. Gabriella had been communicating with James through letters, because he refused to come out of his dorm. James went out for class, and sometime food. Usually he made Gabriella send food to him by owl. "He made a mistake, Becky's been one of his best friends for years." Gabriella said softly. "He is leaving Hogwarts because of you!" she spat.
Nia scoffed, "Good, at least it shows he knows he has done wrong." she said smugly. Her and Ares' plan was working, she couldn't believe it. Nia listened to the rest of the girls words, "He made a mistake alright, crossing me was his mistake." she said angrily, she wasn't going to let this go lightly. If she really was a friend, then why couldn't he have told her that then and they or at least when she got back to the common room.

The next words that came out of the Ravenclaws mouth was a blow to Nia. She felt like someone had kicked her in the gutt, he was leaving? No! He he's not allowed, the whole thing would be ruined if he does. she though frantically to herself. "When?!?" she demanded.
Gabriella couldn't believe her cousin had liked this girl. James was what most would call a 'nice' Slytherin, and Nia didn't seem like his type. Gabriella was beginning to wish she hadn't attempted to Nia, the Slytherin was really starting to bug her. She was quite surprised at Nia's tone of voice, she hadn't thought the blonde girl would care if James was gone or not. "Tonight." she said simply.
"Tonight?!? she repeated, her heart racing. He couldn't leave, he just couldn't, it would ruin everything that she so hard on. "You're lying." she said, she felt like she was about to cry. Even though she has gone through with this whole thing she still really liked James, a lot. And even if she couldn't have him as her own, she still wanted him as a friend, because afterall, they were friends firt and foremost and she went and ruined it by kissing him, everything was her fault. Not James' or Becky, James had every right to like whoever he wanted, she just had to be selfish and want him for herself.
Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Not lying." she smirked. Gabriella wondered what she was still doing here, she was getting hungry now. She wondered if she had missed lunch yet, though even if she had, she could sneak into the kitchens and grab some food. "Not that you'd care anyway." Gabriella scoffed. She had given up attempting to be nice, Nia wasn't worth her time.
Nia felt her heart sink as Gabriella confirmed what she just said, he was really leaving. Nia felt like she was going to be sick, she had missed her chance to patch things up with James. She knew that any chance of them being together was completely out the window, ages ago, but he was a good friend, and now she had lost that him too.

When Gabriella commented on how she didn't care angry started to build up from the pit of her stomach, "How dare you say that." she said with poision dripping from her lips. "You have no idea how I feel." she said glaring at her.

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