Closed Pronunciation

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Onyx was sitting comfortably at a small bistro in the heart of Paris, tucked away in a corner by the window in one of the little tables outside. The crowds around him surged and flowed with no heed to the former Gryffindor. He had a cooling pastry in front of him and a tepid cup of tea next to it. He had a notebook open by his elbow, already brimming with notes and scribbles, his pen resting on the pages. He'd been coming here twice a week, staying for a few hours each time and practicing his French in secret. Onyx wanted to be able to surprise Jamie with it, though he had no idea when or how he would use it.

He tapped his fingers in a steady rhythm as he read through his introduction to French textbook he'd bought. He liked to think he was getting good at the basic French conversations, though his pronunciation left something to be desired. He was speaking to himself, sounding the words out as he learned them, though he couldn't be sure if he was saying it right. He would need to try and test this properly somehow, he didn't want to make a fool out of himself in front of the cutest man he'd ever known. "B...bone a preeze midi," He struggled, repeating it a few times. "Jay map elle Onyx," He tried again, sighing in frustration. Even to his ears, he sounded sloppy.
Things had been weird since Orélie had graduated. Part of her kept expecting to wake up one morning and realize the holidays were over and she had to go back to Beauxbatons. But another part of her, the one that was currently negotiating an internship and work experience with her mother and the family company knew that would pass soon. Hopefully soon. Orélie couldn't help but feel like she was just pretending at adulthood this whole time, like the people she passed as she walked down the streets in Paris were going to catch on any second and tell her to get back to class. It didn't help that she missed her friends like crazy too. But they were all scattered about doing their own things out of school and she hadn't seen them for longer than she would have liked. Which lead to Orélie doing sad things like sitting alone at coffee shops, hoping she could properly convey Ordinary Adult as she sipped her coffee and tried to enjoy this new grown up freedom.

When the sound of butchered French caught her attention, Orélie was almost relieved to hear it. It reminded her of helping some of the non-French kids back at school, and all the frustration that came along with it. "No no no," She said in English, unable to help butting in. "Je, je m'apelle. You're getting the emphasis wrong," She said, scooting a little closer to the man who'd been speaking. At least he seemed appropriately frustrated with it all as well.
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Onyx was startled when a stern voice interrupted. He jumped in his seat, looking up with big blue eyes and a guilty smile. "Je- je ma- m'apelle," he tried again. It was still a bit clumsy perhaps, but he quickly scribbled down the proper pronunciation. He glanced up again with a shy smile. "Thank you," he spoke softly in English, looking to his textbook again. "I'm sorry," he apologized, giving her another guilty smile. "I- I'm trying to learn," he stated, even if it felt a little obvious.
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Orélie nodded in approval when the guy repeated the words back to her. "Passable, but a definite improvement," She said, giving him a sheepish smile, realizing it was a bit odd to just butt in like that. "Well, if you're looking to learn, you're in a good place," She said, waving vaguely to the bustle of the street around them. Orélie did have to pause a moment though, trying to place the man's accent when he spoke English. It didn't sound British, so maybe Australian? Or even New Zealander, but Orélie wasn't sure if she was just thinking about that after reminiscing about her last few Quidditch matches. "Where are you from?" She eventually asked, deciding there was nothing for it and getting to her feet to join the man at his table. "Do you mind?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the chair across from him.
Onyx laughed lightly, pushing the chair out a bit with his foot. "New Zealand. Please do," he smiled, propping his chin in his hand. He cleared his throat and held out his hand. "Je m'apelle Onyx," he introduced more smoothly. "I am sorry for bothering you," he added with a sheepish grin. "I just... There's a French boy that I like very much, I... Was hoping to learn the language and surprise him."
"Merci," Orélie said with a smile, taking a seat and smoothing a hand down her pants. "Ah, tres bien, a kiwi!" She said with a laugh as Onyx introduced himself. "Je m'apelle Orélie. And you're not bothering me, I needed an excuse not to sit here all alone anyway," She said, waving a hand. It felt like it'd been awhile since she'd gotten to talk to someone her age; Orélie hadn't expected graduating to end up feeling so isolating, but without the excuse of school and classes to spend time with her girls every day, Orélie was finding it harder and harder to make the time to see them already, especially with them all scattered around the globe like they were.

"Ah, c'est si romantique!" Orélie said when Onyx explained why he was learning French, holding a hand to her chest and laughing. "I'm sure he'll love that you're trying, at least," She said. Orélie had been lucky to learn French growing up, between growing up in Louisiana and having a French parent, but she knew not everyone could pick up languages that easily when they were older. "I'm happy to help if you need help translating anything. Maybe you could practice a few phrases to say to your boy?"
Onyx laughed lightly. "I'm more of an implant, really. Born in Ireland, traveled most me life. I've been in Brightstone since I was twelve though," he smiled. Her French was beautiful, it really was a gorgeous language. His smile widened at her name. It was so much prettier than Onyx. Just one more thing against him, a dull name in a land of beauty. He hadn't failed to notice how pretty the French could be. With such beauty all around Onyx didn't stand much of a chance with Jamie. He stopped himself, blinking and making an effort to shift his negative thoughts. You aren't dull, Onyx, you're soft and caring and you have plenty to offer.

He laughed shyly at her words. "Well, relearning. I knew it once, my uncle travels for work a lot and I've gone with him most my life. I lost my memories in an accident a year or so back do I've been relearning a lot." He explained a bit sheepishly. "I understand French, mostly. I just... Can't speak it. It's odd, knowing whats being said but not being able to respond," he laughed a bit, ducking his head and rubbing the back of his neck.

His eyes widened a bit as she offered to practice with him. "What, are you sure? My pronunciation is horrid," he laughed a little, giving her a shy smile. "I can't say I'd be against it... If you're really sure, I can buy you lunch," he offered.
Orélie nodded with polite interest when Onyx explained he was technically Irish. "Ah, I can get that. I was born in the States, but my family's French so," She waved a hand as if to explain her presence in Paris. "Brightstone, so you went to the Hogwarts in New Zealand then? Ever play Quidditch?" She asked mildly. Four or Five years ago, Orélie never would have believed Quidditch would be a thing she looked back about fondly from her time at school, but here she was.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Orélie said with a frown when Onyx mentioned he'd lost his memory. She wondered if it was some sort of spell gone wrong, she knew over powered stunning spells could cause some memory troubles, but it seems impolite to pry. "I'm sure if you keep at it then it'll come back to you," She said, trying to be encouraging. "... But yes your pronunciation is terrible," Orélie admitted with a small laugh and a shrug. "I'll still help you though. In pursuit of romance. And lunch," She said smiling at Onyx when he offered to buy her food.
Onyx nodded as she spoke. He wondered if there was much of a culture difference between the French and the Americas. He knew there was a difference between the French and New Zealand cultures well enough. He smiled a little at her question. "I did, and only kinda. I was an alternate keeper for one year but I never saw a game. My sister played though, she was the quidditch co captain for Slytherin her last year." He offered. "Were you on the team at your school? Ah, beauxbatons?" He asked in return.

He blushed at her comments and nodded. He laughed a little shyly as she agreed his pronunciation was horrible. When she mentioned helping him for romance, he bit his lip. "Oh, I don't know about that... He's a successful quidditch player for the French national, I'm just... Not that impressive. I'm not sure he'll pay attention to me much longer," he gave her a shy smile. "But, um, lunch sounds nice."
"I was in fact. Somehow ended up being a captain myself for two years as well. Maybe I played your sister at some point. We played Hogwarts NZ a few times." Orélie couldn't remember which house they'd played against, it hadn't really seemed important at the time knowing. They were just the other team and Orélie had wanted to beat them.

Orélie gave Onyx a little pat on his hand as he seemed to fret about this guy he was trying to impress. "We've both been on quidditch teams, so you know being a player doesn't make you that special, so please," Orélie said, spreading her hands. "If he doesn't find you learning- Sorry, re-learning- a whole other language for him, then you're better off," She said succinctly. "Besides, I'm sure you're a catch, awful accent aside," She added with a grin. She did want to help Onyx, but it was hard not to tease want to tease him for the small butchering she'd heard earlier.
Onyx thought about it. "Probably, her team fought Beauxbatons every year. Slytherin's been the reigning champions of the school for a while," He mused. "She was one of the beaters, tiny but spunky." He laughed. "I might have watched you play, maybe," He tried to think about it but couldn't recall anything.

He laughed lightly, blushing a little at her reassurance. "Maybe it's not so much the quidditch, but a strong, successful guy can be a bit intimidating," he rubbed the back of his neck. "I've been living with my uncle since the accident, the tutoring and recovery hasn't left much time to find a career," he smiled shyly, glancing away when she teased him.

He laughed lightly. "Yeah, my horrible accent will definitely be a turn-off," he agreed, reaching for his tepid tea. "Where do you want to go for lunch?" He asked, looking around. He'd just been hanging out here and hadn't taken the time to look around Paris much.

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