Closed Professors Aren't Immune To Embarrassment

Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe

Alleged Adult | Exists on Stress | HoM 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 15" Ash Wand, Essence of Mermaid Scale
Gabrielle hadn't expected a rose, figuring her students had better people to send them to than to their professors. And she certainly hadn't expected a red one. Akihiro was an intelligent boy, and Gabrielle was more than happy to assist in his personal projects. An interest in architecture was not something the curriculum at Hogwarts was designed to cultivate, so if she had to put in a bit of extra work to prevent him from losing that passion, Gabrielle didn't mind having to do the extra work. As she saw it, it was her responsibility as a teacher. But a red rose...even though the message was entirely platonic, her other responsibility as a professor was to ensure there wasn't any inappropriate intention, and to make it clear that her position was merely that of a teacher and mentor. It was an awkward conversation, and she didn't really want to have to have it. She needed to, however, to cover herself in case she got any awkward questions in turn. Hopefully it would be quick, painless, and they could just have a laugh about it once it was done.
Akihiro wasn't surprised to get a summons from Professor Moncrieffe- they often had talks, about his aspirations and life in general. She'd taken such an interest in his life, and he was eternally grateful for it. He made sure he was put together before he headed down, his notes and notebooks in his bag. He stepped up to her office, hand in his pocket. He raised a hand, knocking lightly and waiting for her to let him in.
Gabrielle had even gone as far as to write out dot points for this, as she was not a natural speaker. Well, she could lecture until the proverbial cows came home, but anything more personal or delicate she was not built for. Akihiro showed up right on time, and Gabrielle sighed, opening the door and giving him a tired smile. The rose was at least kept in a little miniature vase on her desk she'd conjured up, as she didn't want it to wilt. "Afternoon, Akihiro," she said, a little tiredly. "Come in, I'd say excuse the mess but I'm sure you're used to it by now." She did sometimes go through her papers and put them in order. They just went out of order again within hours. "Won't keep you long. I suppose I ought to ask you if you had a good Valentine's day, though obviously I don't need any details." As much as she did care about her students, prying into their private lives was not her business unless they wanted some advice. And she'd keep a wide berth from student relationships, as that was absolutely none of her business.
Akihiro smiled as he was let in, entering the room and taking his usual seat. "Hello, Professor," He greeted her with an easy smile. "I like the mess, it makes the place feel lived in," He told her honestly. You could tell a lot about a person by their space. Professor Moncrieffes office reminded him of a library almost, lived in and loved. She was an intelligent, passionate woman and he could respect that. He chuckled at her question. "I did, the dance was nice. How was yours?" He asked, content with the vagueness of his answer and expecting the same in turn.

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