Probably for the best...

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Katalina Harker

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Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
So I've noticed that over the last few weeks I don't get that happy bubbly-ish feeling that I used to get when I was on HNZ and that makes me a little sad :( I have a feeling that it's probably because I've gotten to the point again where I spend way too much time online and am tending to neglect things in RL. Over the next two months I'm going to have so many changes in my life. I'll be turning 24, graduating nursing school, sitting my state boards to become an RN, and then starting back to school to work on my Master's degree. These are all such positive things in my life and things that I've been looking forward to for such a long time and I really feel that they deserve the fullest amount of my attention that I can give. With that being said I think it's definitely time for a break and I'm not really sure for how long. I'm not leaving exactly (mostly because I don't think I'd be able to do that), but it'll be more like I'll be on for what I need to be on for (especially during the week and usually no longer than an hour) like replying to RP's that I have and further developing any plots I have going on right now. I may be on for a few hours on the weekends, but even then I'll be scarce. I ♥ you guys lots and obviously am going to miss you when I'm not on here, but I've got to get my ducks in a row and I've got so much that will be going on that I want to fully enjoy it all. So I'd better go ahead and wrap this up before I start crying or something like that :cry:

♥ you guys lots!!

Katie :wub:
:hug: Aww Katie, this is totally understandable. I hope everything works out for you because you deserve it :wub:

We'll be here waiting with open arms when you get the chance to come on and have a wee chat, don't be too scarce now or I'll have to tease you some more :shifty: :r :p

♥ you loads girl, good luck with everything
- Pat

P.S. You're ooooooooooolllllllllllllllldddddddddddddd :r
Hi, love!

It's such a bugger to see your time on here being so limited, but I must say a hearty congratulations for being so successful in your work. As always, our motto is 'Life come first' and it's never truer now, especially when you have such exciting things coming up.

Do try and pop in though (if you have the mind for it) because we're all very fond of you, I as well, and will miss the times you're not on. You're simply lovely and we'll miss your kindness.

Take care in the times you're away :hug:

Awh, Katie. I totally understand what you mean. Currently experiencing a bit of that m'self (but I don't have self-control :p ) so I hope that when you do get back to HNZ you'll have the bubbly feeling HNZ sometimes gives you when it isn't abused.

Your real life seems to have a lot of good things going and I'd hate for you to just go through the paces rather then experience it fully, so take all the time you need, but don't leave permanently, or I'm sure we'd all go over to the bush and smack you upside the head.

Jeez, you scared me. Hmmpphh for all the nice comments you leave on my absence thread, but I could never be mean to you could I xD

Take your time, and enjoy the next few months. It seems you will be quite busy. Just don't forget to visit us once in a while.

-Mike :woot:
aww twould only be Katie who could use the analogy ducks in a row and get a way with it xD

:hug: we haven't even had a chance to rp yet this year and it's Kat's last year too :(
but I know we will at some point
we're famous for saying it and yet it is so true, real life takes precedence over our beloved family life here on hnz, so make sure you line those ducks up nicely before they get called up for duck shooting season ;)

I hope everything turns out the way you want it too, I know you deserve this big time
:hug: I'm going to miss my Kitty Kat :cry:


I am so happy that things are going so well for you :)
Of course you will be missed, but since this isn't really a farewell, I'll simply say see you around. Hopefully, we end up on at the same time every once in a while :p

And...24 is not old despite what Pat might say <_< :p I think you're only like a week older than me or something like that. We're just getting better with age like wine. :lol:


Professor Cyndi Weasley said:
We're just getting better with age like wine. :lol:
*checks his label*

I must have a faulty bottle. :o

Awww, best of luck with everything over the next few months. Putting time in to your future is much much better than here. This place sucks. :r

Enjoy your freedom. :hug:
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