Private session, please, go away

Delphine Grimbald

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Spruce Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Her grip on her broom was tight enough to almost break it. Delphine's last performance on their last match was horrible. She didn't know that being an alternate had not help her gain the endurance she needed. Although, given that she tried out for the beater position and was place to get the snitch instead. But then again, she flying and balance should be good if they were practicing but they weren't. So, she asked a Professor to give her a couple of hours of the Quidditch pitch for her entire self only. Stepping at the grassy field of the pitch, Delphine looked around if an unknown student were flying but there were none. The Ravenclaw mounted her broom and kicked off the ground. Delphine's unused broom was fast and she can't barely control it but once mid-air, her balance was back to improving. The red head started her laps in and out of the pitch.
Quidditch had oddly slipped out of the young cub's mind. So much so, any recent game would be new, news to him. Stella, afraid for her brother's safety and Silas gory broken bones and the losing of limbs neither set well with his mom. The only way, really the only way to make quidditch relevant again he guessed keeping it as secret. Even from classmates and house ones, the lesser that knew the better. Syrus thought it was a brilliant idea, maybe if he proved himself better on the broom quidditch won't be a total nightmare to his family? Problems solved. Without an air of notice, he picked a clear sunny day, day where the pitch was vacant. From where he saw, from his dorm the arena fell empty. Only as he grew nearer, out the door he spotted someone sweeping the skies. A young someone, nowhere near his sister's age. It didn't matter, adrenaline was kicking in. Syrus mounted the twiggy broomstick and took off.
It wasn't even an hour since she started her laps that she'd seen another soul in the Quidditch Pitch. And she thought it was only for her for a couple of hours. They should really put a sign at the entrance, she thought to herself because her concentration didn't last upon seeing another person. Phinny stopped mid-air, hoovering to watch the person if he or she was only going to the stands to catch some sunshine. But the person has a broom. Delphine groaned and upon noticing that it was a he, it made it worst. The Ravenclaw didn't noticed the boy but maybe she knows him vaguely because of classes? but haven't seen inside their common room. When the boy started to mount his broom and took off, Phinny followed him. She was annoyed that the personal time she asked was broken by some mudblood or sort. When she'd catch up, tailing him, she shouted "Hey! mudblood, you're not suppose to be here. Land to the ground now or I swear to Merlin you'll never get to fly again." Delphine assumed his blood status because she probably knows who aren't and who are in this school. They're easy to spot.
Half way down the pitch, and the world of all insult is hurled at him. Syrus paused, well he jumped several feets down then paused. Had he practice at all, his broom would've stopped immediately. "What?!" Maybe he was hearing things, maybe he had imagine what they said? Syrus lean forward, the broom maneuvered with him. Syrus flew closer, wearing his smile out, teethless and all. "I didn't catch that back there?!" he pressed on. Out of all the things to say, he wonder what made her say that?! Of all things. Syrus's brows raised, attempted his dammest to come across serious. It did not last long. He took off before she given up a response towards the antsy ball of energy.
The boy was pissing her off. Delphine was so damn loud at stating her intentions and the boy just ignored it. He was on the ground and she was thankful for that hoping the boy would just leave the pitch but Delphine hadn't not even given an answer to his question, the boy flew off again. Phinny groaned loudly and angrily. She has the right to kick someone off the field or she'll have to use drastic measures here. The blonde Ravenclaw caught up with the boy and said, almost screaming, "Get! Off! The! Field! you mudblood!" Although, she had to admit that she's getting flying practice this way but the fact she's not alone was annoying. Delphine took out her wand, "Land now or I'll make you land automatically." She threaten the boy. Her wand aiming on him.
Syrus jumped. Her screaming startle him or maybe the fact she was so close? He not good at flying, not good as her. Syrus duck his head, holding onto his broomstick tight. "What's your problem?! I'm allowed to be here just like anyone else!" he shouted through his defending position. He had his face blocked in case she threw a spell at him. But, anyone that knows wand work knows that blocking was pointless! Syrus swung his broom in another direction, picking up speed once more. The art of directing was better than his speed. Yes, he put some distant between them but how long that'll last? He looked over his left shoulder, baring his pointy whites. "Hey! Quit chasing me, I really don't want any trouble!" he reminded of Alex and how poorly Gryffindor was performing lately. Alex would be mad! So mad, Syrus thought as he pulled out a cherry stink bomb from his trousers. "I'm warning you, stay back!"

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