Private flying lesson

lexi think's this is a bad day for her, as lexi was walking towards the pitch she saw ariana with two brooms on the ground. lexi gulp hard and walks towards to her. "hi." lexi said nervous. " should i try this, we can do it tomorrow." she said while almost turning.

[[sorry kind a late jessy and i where texting in our cellphone.]]
"No well start today with the basics. In a couple of days time ill have you flying like a pro." Ariana said smiling
"Now lets start with the mouting the broom" she suggested "UP" Ariana commanded confidently as the broom flew up into her open streached hand.
"Now you try. Do it confidently and the more control you feel and have over the broom"
"ok." lexi said a weak tone. as ariana demonstrate the basic, the broom went to her hand finely and it her turn now. as lexi was stretching her hands she un stretched and stretch it.
"Go on its easy. Once youv done that mount it" Ariana said proudly mounting and gripping her right hand in front of her left 30 cm down from the top of the broom "Its not that bad" she said smiling encouragingly<i></i>
lexi breath hard and said the word. "up." as lexi said it the broom wiggle, it doesn't know if it is going up or not. she repeat it again, again and again until the broom smack her full into the nose, lexi put a hand on her face. "that's not great isn't it." she said still holding her nose. "that's really ouchie."
"Come here" Ariana said patienly she walked over to lexi and grabbed her hand. "Forget the brooms their imagen it now say "up" with force. Just think the broom isnt their"<i></i>
Ariana took out her wand and pointed it a lexi "epski" Instantly Lexis nose stopped bleeding. "Right lets get on with this" she said remounting her broom<i></i>
lexi sigh as ariana heal her bleeding nose, lexi went into the left side of her broom and said the magic freaking word "up" as lexi said this she closed her eyes and said the up word again when she felt the wooden handle of the broom and open her eyes. "i did it." she said to ariana.
"Well done!" Ariana exclained "that was brilliant. Making good progress already!" Ariana said smiling "Shall we try mouting the broom and hovering?"
Ariana mounted the broom and kicked off gripping the handle she stedyed it then gently pushed the broom down so her feet were back on the floor
"The tip is dont kick off too hard and to have the right grip. Grip your right hand infront of your left 30cm from the top of the broom. Dont be to hard with your
handling be gental but firm let the broom know your in contol"
"what! where going to fly. no. never. nah! uh!." lexi said walking backwards. "what if i die there. what if i crash down or what if you'll never gong to see me again." she said worried, the memories of her past swarm into her head. blood all over her and breathing hard. "ariana. its to dangerous."
Ariana gabbed Lexis arm "your not going to dye. Ill be holding the broom. Did i mention that?" She said laughing "trust me ok. Its the only way facing your fears to overcome it. I wont let anything happen and you WONT DIE" Ariana said firmly "Right lets give it a try"<i></i>
lexi mount the broom slowly and she kicked off the ground, when she's 15 feet high lexi can't control the broom and she fell, landing on her butt. "ouch! that hurt. see ariana, i can't." lexi sob in the middle of the pitch. "i can't do this." she muttered under her breath.
"You Will. Right stand up and get back on" Ariana mounted her own broom and grabbed hold of Lexis too "Im going to keep hold and come with you"<i></i>
"if i die i will hunt your common room forever." lexi said while getting on her broom and off she go with ariana. slowly lexi relax and keep her eye and mind of what she's doing.
"See you can do it" Ariana said letting go of Lexis broom without her noticing. "Focus and you'll be ok. Now lets try and do a lap of the pitch close to the ground" Ariana said smiling proudly<i></i>
as lexi was focusing, ariana said something about lap around the pitch but closed to the ground. "are you sure about that." but arianna just ignore her. lexi round the pitch in a slow move, she even did a 5 laps around the pitch without falling into her broom.
"Well done" Ariana said flying high and speeding past her "I think we should rise a little higher. Focus remember your in control"<i></i>
lexi nodded and focuse to what she's doing, she went higher with ariana and getting some speed too. "ariana i'm dizzy." she said while stopping in the air. "i'm really dizzy." lexi said while holding her head.
Ariana darted forward and grabbed Lexis broom to stedy it. "I think thats enough for today" Ariana said whilst stering both brooms and riders safly back to ground<i></i>
lexi and ariana safely went to the ground, then lexi felt more dizzy when they got to the ground. her eye sight became blurred, she tired to walked but fainted on her third step.
Ariana panicked and ran up to the school and featched the nurse who took her too the hospital wing. [[ill make a form in their saying Lexis bed]]

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