Open Prioritizing

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Senna's break had been far from fun and she had never been happier to be back at Hogwarts. Her sister had been born just two months before she had come home for the school break which meant her parents had their hands full with the baby. Sure, she was cute but she was a baby which meant their entire universe revolved around her at the moment. Something that made it very easy for them to practically forget about her, their other kid. She was a teenager after all, was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Sen knew her parents hadn't meant to spend so little time with her and didn't want to blame them for it but it still stung. Especially since her Muggle friends back home had stopped reaching out to her as well. Something she knew she was very much at fault for. Or no, that wasn't true. Magic was at fault for that. Hogwarts was at fault for that.

Deciding she really needed to focus on things she liked once she got back to school Sen had dropped out of the quidditch team. Not because she didn't love playing, but she wanted to prioritize her club. Really get things going. She would be their biggest supporter from up in the stands. Wouldn't miss a single game. Not even try outs. Glancing at the players down below she wasn't surprise to see Fraser trying out again, truly hoping he would make the team now. If there was anyone she'd wish to get it it was him. As try outs continued she took out her notebook, scribbling down some random ideas she had for the quidditch club. She looked up every now and then to see how things were going on the pitch but focussed most of her attention on the notebook. Priorities.
Leah was glad to be back at school even if things weren't as easy as they were when she was younger. But it was still more peaceful at school than it was with her parents, at least here she could stay in one place for more than two weeks at a time. And at least at school she had quidditch. She made her way up to the stands to watch Gryffindor try-outs, and wasn't entirely surprised to see Senna there too. Leah tried to maker her way over to the older girl with some level of grace but the wind wiped through the empty stands and as she tried to step from bench to bench, making her loose her balance only a few rows away. Her foot ended up slipping and she fell on her butt with a heavy thud. "Ouch." she groaned. "Sorry don't let me disturb you." she wheezed as she tried to regain her composure.
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Senna had been scribbling on the page so much that it was starting to become a mess. She had been writing things, crossing them out, moving arrows between them to either connect or shuffle them around. It was chaotic and she was starting to get annoyed by it. So, she did what felt natural to her and ripped it out. Used a new page to put her ideas down in a more orderly fashion, hoping she could make it stay that way. She glanced up at a sound close to her, whipping her head around just in time to see Leah land after what must've been a fall. "I mean it's a little too late for that." Sen responded. "Are you okay though?" She added, genuinely concerned.
Leah tried to smile at the other girl's comment but was sure it looked more like a grimace. "I'm alright." she said less than convincingly. After a few seconds to catch her breath she more carefully closed the distance and sat next to her. "Sorry again." she muttered as she rubbed a spot where she had hit her arm too. "So what are you taking notes on?" she asked, slowly forgetting her aches now that she had quidditch to focus on. "Any new students trying out this year?"
Senna shook her head when Leah apologised again while she came to sit next to her. Accidents happened and she was more worried that the other girl had hurt herself but also didn't want to linger on it for too long in case she was embarassed. "It's cool." She shrugged easily. "I am trying to get a list of activities I could host for the quidditch club." Sen said with a small smile. "I just really want to get it to actually be a club this year." She added before glancing over to the pitch to see what was happening there. "One or two I think, other than that it's mostly the usual faces."

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