Prince of Hawii-Surfs up

Seth Makwa

Well-Known Member
Seth had his bags all packed this was his last day at the esteemed Institute from here he will be leaving the school to pursue his dream and desires. Seth laughed out loud to himself, he was so headed to his brand new beach house where he will look for a roomate and live life a little on his dads expense account. Life was going to be one party after the next and plenty of surfing and skating for all. Seth decided to roam the halls one last time before he had to board the train back to the island. Seth walked down the stairs and began to roaming the halls, he passed by tons of kids who were running around all were excited that school was done for another year.
Veronica was celebrating her end of exams by packing and getting ready for her one month trip to China with the Kuangs. She was so glad that her friends had invited her to spend the holidays in China because she really liked seeing new places and getting to know different cultures and traditions and this sixteen year old had only seen her home land, Bulgaria and New Zealand, all other places remained to be explored and she couldn't wait to begin her journey but one more day was left at Durmstrang, the last day before school closed for holidays and then when she would come back it would be as a seventh year.

She was wandering in the cold corridors of the castle which gave her a warm feeling because Durmstrang meant more to her than her home, she would miss it. This was when she came across a familiar face of a seventh year whom she had seen graduating yesterday he was good looking and as she had nothing else to do she hoped to strike a conversation with him and get to know the guy and ask him about how he would plan his future because she was a little confused about her own and it wouldn't be long before she would be graduating herself. "Hey there" she said with a smile.
Seth just past one of his quidditch buddy and so after a few exchange of words and some extra high fives, Seth continued down the long corridor. He was lost in his summer plans and the start of his new adult life that he almost did not her the girl call out to him, but Seth had a hard time ingnoring a pretty face. Seth put on his most perfect game face and looked at the girl. She was beautiful even though she was on the younger side than what he was use to but then again Esme was around the same age but he did not have a say in that at all. "Hey, Whats up?" Seth said in his surfer boy calm as he looked at the girl. He had seen her around school once or twice but they never talked, Seth was so wrapped up in his life that anyone not a friend or family had a hard time getting close to him.

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