Primrose Kaster

Primrose Kaster

people pleaser | plant enthusiast
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
`P r i m r o s e W i l l o w K a s t e r`

Primrose; 'delicate yet bold' ✫ Willow; 'bend without breaking' ✫ Kaster; 'keeper of secrets, bound by stars'
"Primrose is a dreamer with a heart full of ambition and a knack for finding beauty in the unexpected; she can be both a whirlwind of curiosity and a pillar of quiet strength, depending on the moment, and her vibrant personality is the kind that leaves a lasting impression long after she's gone."


✫ Basic Information✫
Date of BirthEducation Wand
September 1st, 2051Hogwarts New ZealandSturdy alder, Mermaid Scale core
OccupationBlood StatusLearning Style
StudentUnknownKinesthetic - Physical
Hair ColourRight/LeftArea of residence
BrownRightOutside Obsidian Harbour, Aotearoa

Basic Appearance;
Prim is the kind of girl who easily blends into a crowd but this is just as purposeful as it is accidental because she knows how not to be noticed and she's not the kind to want a lot of notice. She has soft brown eyes that are usually warm and full of light if you let her like you. Her soft brown hair is almost always styled loosely down her back, whether in a loose braid or a plait down her back, or even on rarer occasions tossed up into a claw clip. It's naturally wavy and tends to have a reddish tinge to it in the sun. Her smile is delicate and graceful and it draws people in easily when she deploys it, she knows how to be pleasing to people's expectations and her smile is a big part of how she appeals to others. With an average height and a smile build, her fair skin has a healthy glow that gives her a natural radiance. Her style is sort of effortless, because she realistically just doesn't care how she looks, though she always looks put together, she prioritises comfort over style and can usually be seen in decorated overalls, if not her school uniform.
  • Brown eyes that are usually full of light
  • Soft brown hair, naturally wavy and styled loosely
  • Deliate and graceful smile
  • Average height with slim build
  • Fair skin with healthy glow
  • Effortlessly chic, preference for comfort over style

Clothing Style;
Prim's style is all about her comfort and simplicity, with just the right touch of effortless effort. She's not one to overthink her wardrobe, but she always manages to look put together. When she’s not in her school uniform, her go-to look is a pair of overalls - casual, practical, and easy to move in. She pairs them with simple, soft t-shirts or sweaters underneath, usually in earthy tones like olive greens, beiges, and soft browns that complement her natural features. Overalls give her a laid-back, grounded vibe, and she loves how comfortable they are for her everyday activities. On cooler days, she’ll add a light cardigan or jacket to complete the look. Accessories are minimal, often just a delicate necklace or bracelet, and her footwear of choice is usually boots or comfy flats. Prim’s style is practical, comfortable, and effortlessly chic, allowing her to blend in while still looking polished in a relaxed, laid-back way.
  • Prefers comfortable clothing that doesn’t sacrifice style
  • Often chooses clean lines and classic pieces, like well-fitted jeans or soft, oversized sweaters
  • Tends to favour soft, neutral colours such as beige, olive, and soft browns that complement her natural features
  • Favours clothes that allow ease of movement, with a mix of casual and polished outfits
  • Often wears lightweight cardigans, scarves, or jackets that she can easily throw on when needed

Prim was adopted, so she doesn't actually know what her blood status is. She can guess at it, because she is certain that both of her parents were magical, though she doesn't know in what way that manifests. Prim’s memories of her biological mother, Amelia DeBore, are faint, but she holds onto a few vivid images of her from when she was very young. Amelia had blond hair and a love for sweet things, which Prim remembers fondly. Sadly, Amelia passed away when Prim was just two years old, and she was placed into care shortly thereafter. As for her father, Christopher Erevis, she knows even less. He passed away before she was born, and Prim's knowledge of him comes solely from what she’s been told by the care home. According to the stories, he had a passion for plants, which Prim likes to think is the source of her own love for greenery. While she may never know the full truth about her biological parents, Prim has grown up in a loving adoptive family and remains curious about the magical lineage she may have inherited.

Prim was born in Aotearoa, though she's not entirely certain of all the details in her early life. As far as she knows, both of her biological parents were from Aotearoa as well. Her mother, Amelia DeBore, was likely magical, but little else is known about her origins. Her father, Christopher Erevis, was also from New Zealand, and though Prim doesn't know much about him, she imagines his love of plants might have influenced her own connection to nature. After being placed into care following her mother’s death, Prim was eventually adopted by Samuel Kaster, a New Zealand native, and his wife, who is Native American. Her adoptive mother’s cultural heritage has always been an important part of Prim’s upbringing, and it has shaped much of her outlook on life, adding an extra layer of diversity to her identity. Prim’s life in New Zealand has been a blend of her magical roots, her adoptive family’s rich cultural heritage, and the quiet beauty of the country itself.

Narrative Snippet;
Please see below Diary entry from Primrose Kaster, April 3rd, 2059

Dear Diary,

Today I think I might have finally figured it out. I’m starting to get used to everything here with Samuel and Hazel, though I still miss being with my first family. I think about Mama sometimes. I can remember her face, though it’s a little blurry now. She had hair like sunshine, all blonde and pretty, and she always smelled sweet, like cookies. She used to say she liked sweet things, so I liked them too. I think she was magical. She did things sometimes that seemed… different. Like the way she could make things float or when she told me about how plants talk to each other, though I was too little to really understand. I wonder if that’s why I like plants too. Maybe it’s from her

Dad - Christopher, that’s his name, though I never met him - he liked plants too. That’s what everyone tells me, anyway. I don’t know him, but I think that’s why I like them so much. I talk to my plants like Mama talked to them. I bet Dad would’ve liked that. I wish I could’ve known him.

Samuel says I’ll be alright here with him and Hazel. He says it’s not always easy to understand where we come from, but it’s alright to be curious. Hazel is Native American, and she tells me stories sometimes about her people and how they’re connected to the land, just like the plants are. I think that’s why I love being outside so much. It feels like a part of me, like I’m supposed to be there. They’re kind, Samuel and Hazel. I think maybe they love me. They make me feel safe, and it’s not like how I felt in the care home. I know I don’t have a mom and dad anymore, but I’m not alone.

I think I’ll be okay here. I’m starting to like it.

Love, Prim

✫ The Wand ✫

Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale Core

✫ Creds✫

Dividers by Claire
Some inspiration and direction on tables also provided by Claire
Categories and editing by Me
Etymology from
Wand characteristics from Ollivanders Wand Shop HNZ
Wand from
Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships
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✫ Personality & Family ✫
"Primrose Kaster is the kind of person who can easily fade into the background, choosing to blend in rather than stand out, preferring the comfort of quiet moments spent tending to her plants over large crowds, though her warmth and genuine nature shine through when given the chance, often surprising those who initially overlook her with her depth, kindness, and a subtle grace that can easily make her a quiet but influential presence among her friends."
  • Curious
  • Empathetic
  • Reserved
  • Gentle
  • Thoughful
  • Independent
  • Insecure
  • Adaptable
  • Quietly Determined
  • Creative
Prim is the type of person who’s naturally curious about the world around her. She might not always speak up, but she’s always taking everything in - observing, learning, and quietly making sense of it all. She’s not the most outgoing person, but she has this calm, gentle way of making others feel comfortable when they need it. Prim is incredibly empathetic, so if someone’s upset or needs help, she’s the first to notice and try to offer support, even if it’s just with a listening ear. She’s the type who quietly connects with others, even if she doesn’t always say much. While she’s pretty independent and can handle things on her own, there’s a part of her that feels a little unsure about where she really fits in. Not knowing much about her biological parents sometimes leaves her feeling like a piece of the puzzle is missing. Still, Prim’s determination is quiet but strong - she's always looking for ways to make things work, even if she doesn’t always show it. She’s also got a creative side, especially when it comes to things she’s passionate about, like plants and magic. Prim might not always talk about it, but when she cares about something, she’s focused and willing to put in the effort to make it her own.

Prim’s family is a mix of old memories and new connections. Her adoptive family consists of Hazel, Samual, Iris, and Forrest Kaster, and while she gets along with all of them in different ways, her closest bond is with Samual. He shares her love of gardening and is the one who takes care of her plants when she’s at Hogwarts. Prim really appreciates how Samual is always there to lend a hand and genuinely wants to know her better. He’s the kind of dad who’s always down to chat about nature, and that’s something she really connects with. Hazel, on the other hand, isn’t quite as easy for Prim to connect with. While they get along fine and there’s no tension, Prim feels like Hazel doesn’t really understand her the way Samual does. She knows Hazel cares, but they just don’t click as much. Prim doesn’t turn to Hazel when she’s got something heavy on her mind. Hazel is more of a steady presence - someone she knows is always there, but not quite the person she goes to for deep conversations.
When it comes to her siblings, Iris and Forrest, she has a pretty strong bond with both of them, though in different ways. Iris is someone Prim looks up to, especially when it comes to caring for the owls. She learned a lot about the birds from Iris and admires how calm and skilled her sister is with them. The only downside is that Prim knows she won’t get to spend as much time with Iris now that they’re both off doing their own things. Forrest has been in Prim’s life the longest - long before she was adopted into the Kaster family. They’ve known each other since they were little, and their relationship has always felt more like a sibling bond than anything. Prim feels really close to him, and it’s easy to be around him. They just get each other, no questions asked.
As for her biological parents, Prim doesn’t have many clear memories of them. Her mom, Amelia, passed away when Prim was just two, and all she really has are faint memories of her—like her blond hair and how much she loved sweet things. Prim’s dad, Christopher, passed away before she was born, so all she knows of him comes from stories told at the care home. She likes to think her love for plants comes from him, since she’s been told he loved them too. These memories aren’t super detailed, but they’re still important to her and help her feel connected to a part of herself that feels a little lost.

  • Daisy (Pet Plant): Prim doesn't have any typical pets like a dog or cat, but she does have a plant named Daisy. It’s a small, vibrant potted plant that she takes great care of. She talks to it every day, and while it’s not the same as having a furry companion, Daisy is a source of comfort and joy for Prim. She feels like taking care of it is a way to stay connected to her love for plants and to her late biological father, Christopher.
  • Owls: While Prim doesn’t own one herself, she’s definitely fond of owls, especially since her adoptive sister Iris has several. Prim likes helping out with them and finds their quiet, focused energy soothing. She’s learned to feed them and enjoys watching them fly around, even if she doesn’t feel the need to have one of her own.
  • Other Pets: Prim has always been around animals growing up, from the various pets in her foster homes to the animals at the Kaster household. She’s a big animal lover in general, but she’s more into creatures that require patience and quiet care, rather than something that demands constant attention.
Narrative Snippet;
Please see below Diary entry from Primrose Kaster, March 17th, 2063

Dear Diary,

Today was one of those days where I just felt like I needed to be around something that wasn’t moving all the time. I spent most of the afternoon in the garden, with Daisy in my hands, talking to her like she could understand me. It might seem silly, but I swear she listens. I guess, in a way, she’s the one thing that stays still for me. She’s always there, just quietly sitting in her pot, growing little by little. I like that.

Iris was with the owls this morning, feeding them and taking care of them. I like helping her out with that. I’m not as good at it as she is, but it feels nice to be part of something that takes patience, like the way she talks to them all calm and steady. I wish I could be like that more, but I guess I don’t always know how to sit still like the birds. I don’t mind them, though. They’re kind of peaceful, in their own weird way.

I was thinking a lot about Dad today. Samual’s been working in the garden, like he always does when I’m away, and it makes me feel better knowing he’s there looking after things. I don’t know what I would do without him. He’s the only person who really understands why I get lost in the plants sometimes. I wish I could have met my real dad, though. I feel like we would’ve had some things in common, like how he loved plants too. I guess I’ll never know, but I like to imagine that the love for them runs through my veins somehow.

Anyway, I’m going to spend the rest of the evening just sitting with Daisy. She doesn’t mind the silence, and honestly, I don’t either. It’s funny how a little plant can feel like home.

Love, Prim
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✫ Education Details & Skills ✫
"Primrose is a curious and dedicated student, excelling in subjects like Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, while quietly honing her skills in potion-making and Transfiguration. She prefers a hands-on approach to learning and doesn’t seek attention, earning respect for her steady commitment and natural talent."
Prim was sorted into Hufflepuff for her hardworking and loyal nature. She embodies the house values of patience, loyalty, and kindness, always looking out for others and willing to put in the effort to do things right, even if it means going unnoticed. Her affinity with nature and her desire to stay true to herself made Hufflepuff the perfect fit, where she feels supported and encouraged without the pressure of needing to stand out.

Hopes & Ambitions;
Prim’s primary goal during her seven years at Hogwarts is to learn as much as she can about the magical world, especially anything related to plants and magical creatures. She hopes to refine her knowledge of herbology, eventually aspiring to work in a field that allows her to care for magical plants or animals, and maybe even open a garden or sanctuary of her own. She wants to make her time at Hogwarts about growth - both personal and magical - and discover how she fits into a world much larger than herself. Prim doesn’t seek fame or accolades; she simply wants to learn and help others in her own quiet way.
Prim’s wand is made of sturdy alder, a wood known for its connection to protection and growth, perfectly suited to her affinity with nature and desire to nurture both plants and people. The mermaid scale core adds an element of fluidity and adaptability to her magic, giving her the flexibility she needs to work with both magical creatures and plants. The combination suits her calm yet determined approach to magic, providing her with the strength to handle difficult situations while still maintaining her gentle touch.

Wood: Sturdy Alder
- Known for its connection to protection and growth.
- Represents adaptability and strength, which suits Prim’s nurturing nature.
Core: Mermaid Scale
- Adds a fluid, adaptable element to her magic.
- Perfect for working with magical creatures and plants, as it aligns with her connection to nature.
Length & Feel:
- Typically medium length and well-balanced.
- Comfortable in Prim’s hand, allowing for precise control during spells.
- The combination of alder and mermaid scale suits Prim’s gentle, hands-on approach to magic.
- Her wand allows for both steady growth and the flexibility needed in her magical studies, especially with plant-related magic.


History of Magic--
Defence Against the Dark Arts--
Care of Magical Creatures--
Ancient Runes--
Muggle Studies--

History of Magic--
Defence Against the Dark Arts--
Care of Magical Creatures--
Ancient Runes--
Muggle Studies--

Extra Curricular's;
Primrose is involved in a couple of extracurricular activities that align with her interests. She is an active member of the Wild Patch Club, where she gets to immerse herself in her love for plants and nature. It’s the perfect outlet for her, as she enjoys collaborating on gardening projects and learning more about magical plants with like-minded students. Additionally, Prim is part of Heta Omega, a club that focuses on fostering community and support among its members. While she doesn’t seek a leadership role, she appreciates the quiet sense of camaraderie the club offers, enjoying the peaceful connections it provides.

Special Abilities;

Interests & Hobbies;

Primrose’s biggest interest is anything related to nature. She has a deep, almost instinctive connection to plants and magical creatures, and she loves spending time learning about both. Gardening is one of her favourite pastimes, whether she’s tending to her own magical plants or helping out in the school’s garden. She’s always fascinated by the healing properties of plants, and enjoys experimenting with them in potions and remedies. Animals, particularly magical creatures that have ties to plants or the environment, also captivate her. Beyond her love for nature, Prim has an appreciation for quiet, thoughtful activities that allow her to reflect and recharge. Whether it’s reading a book under a tree or just sitting quietly in nature, she finds peace in the stillness of the world around her.
  • Gardening: Spending time tending to plants, both magical and non-magical.
  • Magical Creatures: Fascinated by creatures that share a connection to the natural world, especially those with plant-related traits.
  • Potion Making: Experimenting with plant-based potions and remedies, especially those with healing properties.
  • Reading: Prefers quiet, reflective reading, especially about nature, magic, and herbalism.
  • Observing Nature: Enjoys simply being in nature, observing the world around her in peace.
Currently, Primrose remains a student at Hogwarts New Zealand

Narrative Snippet;
text - please give some insight into the above narratively, as if you were introducing them in a story
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✫ Strengths, Weaknesses & Magical Connections ✫
"Prim is the kind of person who walks into a room and immediately takes note of everything - who's tense, who's hiding something, who needs a kind word but won't ask for it, and who has an agenda. She's very good a reading people, she's always had to be to survive. She believes in being prepared, in knowing things before she needs to, and in never letting anyone see her falter."


Primrose is fiercely independent and resourceful, capable of thinking quickly under pressure. She has a natural talent for observation, picking up on details others miss, and is often sought out for her insight and strategic mind. Her ability to keep calm in stressful situations makes her a steady presence, and she’s adept at keeping secrets—both her own and those entrusted to her.

She struggles with trust, keeping people at arm’s length even when she longs for connection. Her self-reliance can become a fault, making it difficult for her to accept help when she needs it. Overanalysing situations often leads to hesitation, and she can be reluctant to act on pure instinct. Deep down, she fears failure more than she admits, and sometimes she would rather not try at all than risk getting something wrong.

A black swan - elegant, striking, and fiercely protective of its own. It represents her ability to navigate challenges with grace, but also her tendency to be seen as different, even when she tries to blend in. The black swan is rare, much like how Primrose often feels in her own life, both connected and apart from those around her.

text - what do you think about when you cast your patronus? what's your best/strongest memory


A locked door - not just any door, but one she cannot open no matter how hard she tries. It’s the feeling of being trapped, powerless, unable to change what’s happening. She fights it by forcing herself to breathe, to think, to remind herself that there is always a way out, even if it isn’t obvious at first.

Narrative Snippet;
text - please give some insight into the above narratively, as if you were introducing them in a story

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