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Lena Williams

Stay at Home Mum | Raising a Zoo
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Divorced (Bi)
Sexual Orientation
Curly, 10 in. Flexible Pear Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
36 (9/2026)
Lena wasn't sure why she always offered to chaperone these things instead of being home with the girls; maybe she wanted to relive her slowly fading youth. Or at least, that's how she felt. Obviously, 31 was still very young, but being a mum, and a single one at that was exhausting. As Lottie was getting older, Lena was slowly realizing how her personal identity had become so immeshed in motherhood. And while being a mother was important to her, she sometimes wished it had just been pusheda few years down the road.

Trying to ignore her inner monologue, Lena found a good spot that allowed her to keep an eye on things and also have some personal space until she had to scold some first years for trying to prank people using the food.
Yvonne sometimes liked the extra parts of her job more than the actually thing sometimes. At least when it came to supervising dances. Part of herself could live vicariously through them and it was fun to relive some of the chaotic youthful romance. Sometimes she thought she should try dating again but it wasn't exactly a burden she was looking to take on even though her last relationship had ended years ago. It had been a hard one and she had been focusing on rebuilding herself. She walked across the hall giving some stern looks to a few couples getting a little too close when she spotted Lena and she grinned at the other professor before joining her for a break. "These kids are exhausting." she chuckled and stretched out her legs for a moment, regretting wearing some of her more formal shoes.
Lena gave a soft smile to Yvonne as she made her way over and nodded. "They sure do keep things on their toes, don't they? I don't know how many times I have had to scold this one group of first years trying to stand on each other's shoulders to catch the petals before they fall. Who even thinks that's a good idea?" she laughed, adjusting her feet. "How has your night been so far?"
Yvonne chuckled as Lena talked about a group of first years and her head tilted to the side absentmindedly as she tried to imagine it. "That must have taken a lot of balance." she said, almost impressed and definitely sad she missed it. "It's been good so far." she said a nod. "Had to hover around some couple a little to excited about the holiday." she chuckled.
Lena nodded as Yvonne responded and pondering her last statement. "I definitely remember those days, but at least keep it.. not in public," she laughed. She'd had a lot of girlfriends during her school days, but now that she was older, it didn't seem as easy to find someone. "So, things been going well this semester?"
"Right?!" Yvonne said quickly and laughed. "I feel like we were smart enough not to get caught. Or if we did, we deserved it." she chuckled. She wasn't eager to start rummaging through bushes in the courtyard or lurk around the shadowy sections of the corridors any time soon though. "The semester has been good so far. Hufflepuff heavy but a good bunch of students." she said. "How about you?"
Lena chucked at Yvonne's remarks, before pondering her own semester. Arithmancy was probably one of, if not the least popular class in terms of electives. Most kids did like the idea of math when it came to forms of divination. "Relatively small classes, as usual. But it keeps me on my toes and allows me to spend more time with girls," Lena said thankfully.
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