🌹 Rose Giving Presidential Yellow

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Two of the next names on Chloë's list were students from her own house, and even though she knew people were ususally all over the place during rose deliveries she still hoped she'd be able to find the girl somewhere around their common room or even the heta room. If not, she'd just have to continue looking. She felt lucky when she suddenly noticed a familiar face in the small crowd of students in the corridor though, happily making her way over. "Hey, Cyzarine!" Chloë smiled when she reached her. "Got a delivery." She added, holding out the yellow rose to her.
Cyzarine had finished up her roses and was heading out the common room to go to the heta omega when she was stopped by one of the girls from her house and from the heta omega. "Hey Chloe!" she greeted with a warm and friendly tone. "For me?" she asked excitedly about the delivery.
Chloë nodded happily when Cyzarine asked if the rose was for her. "I mean unless there's someone with the same name as you I didn't know about." She responded in a joking matter, feeling like the older girl was always a nice person to have a little chat with. She hadn't been made president for nothing after all.

To the best Heta Omega Pres ever!!
Happy Valentine's!
- Nicole
Cyzarine giggled lightly, "I feel I would definitely know if there was another Cyzarine," she replied, knowing her name was less than common. She took the yellow rose and the note and smiled at who it was from. That was so sweet of Nicole. "Thank you so much for bringing this to me Chloe, I hope you haven't got too many left to hand out,"
Chloë chuckled when Cyzarine mentioned she would know if there was another student at the school with the same name as her. She didn't doubt that, especially not since it was quite an uncommon name. "No worries." She smiled when the girl thanked her, before giving a little shake of her head. "Only like two left, but one's for a friend so I reckon I can just hold onto that untill I run into him instead of looking all over."
Cyzarine smiled and nodded along as Chloe told her about the last few roses that she had. "That's always useful," she said smiling easily. "I finished delivering mine not too long ago, I'm always surprised by how many students I don't know." she said, she hadn't delivered to any friends, but she'd delivered to people she knew.
Chloë gave a little nod in response to Cyzarine. Having a rose to deliver to one of her best friends did make things easy. "Same!" She chuckled at the older girl's words. She figured not knowing the people on your list and having to figure out which face belongs to which name was part of the charm of the rose deliveries, but it could take quite a while. "I guess I lucked out this year, I knew everyone I had to deliver to." Chloë added with a smile, still quite glad with how smoothly her deliveries seemed to be going so far.
Cyzarine grinned, "Wow! That must've been really useful," She couldn't help but think it would've made things a bit quicker to know who each of the people were but it didn't stop it being fun to search. "Hopefully you find the next two with ease and plenty of time to celebrate tonight!" she said with a wide smile.
Chloë nodded at what Cyzarine said. It had been extremely useful to be able to instantly match a face to every name on her list. At least that way she could just look around to see if she spotted one of the students rather than having to look for who the name even belonged to. "For sure! I reckon I'll be done pretty quickly now." She smiled, already excited for the dance tonight. "Are you going with anyone?" Chloë asked. She was vaguely aware Cyzarine had a boyfriend that wasn't at school anymore, but she wondered if she'd just head out alone to see who she'd run into or whether she had made plans to go with a friend or something.
Cyzarine shook her head, "No, no plans to, my beaux left school, so I'm on my own, but honestly girl, it'll just be so much fun to just dance for a few hours," Cyzarine had never been one to need others to have a good time, had always found it easy to just dance on her own, so spending the time at the ball would be easy. "Will you?" she was sure she'd seen Chloe with someone, but of course she knew it might've changed.
Chloë was glad she had been right about Cyzarine's boyfriend not being at school anymore, letting out a soft chuckle when she mentioned dancing. "Definitely!" She nodded in agreement, having absolutely no doubt that the older girl was more than capable of having fun on her own with how bright and friendly she always seemed to be. "I reckon you'll outdance us all." Chloë grinned, before giving a little nod when the question was returned to her. "My boyfriend, Sully." She happily smiled as she did. "He's one of the other chasers on the team." She added, although she seemed to remember Cyzarine writing about quidditch so she was sure she knew who he was.
Cyzarine giggled, "Oh I definitely intend to!" she was kidding around knowing that it wasn't a competition or whatever but felt it still good to joke about. She nodded as Chloe talked about her partner, one of the other Gryffindor chasers. "Oh he's a pretty boy," she complimented and it made her miss Mihail. "That's so sweet too. I'm sure you guys will have a blast,"
Chloë chuckled when Cyzarine joked about outdancing everyone, even more so when she called Sully a pretty boy. She definitely agreed with that though. "Yeah, I'm sure we will." She smiled in response. So far, she had been having a great time at every dance she went to with him so she figured it would be just as good this time around. Chloë took a second to look at the two roses she still had left, before looking back up at Cyzarine with an apologetic smile. "I should probably get these two delivered. Wouldn't want anyone to miss a rose." She said. She knew one of them was for Noel and that she'd run into him sooner or later, but she still had another rose to deliver next to that. "Happy valentine's though! Hope you have fun tonight." She added happily.

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