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Grace Baros

ex-gryff ୨ৎ baby sis ୨ৎ mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Straight 17 Inch Unyielding Cypress Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Grace Baros was still young. She was the youngest in her set of Baros siblings. And, she was close to Zennon. Right now, she wished that there was no one with her but Zennon. She was in a relationship with Yulian Zhefarovich-Dolohov, and she was sitting on the toilet, holding a pregnant potion. She had her hand over her mouth as she remembered the taste. It was so sweet. She never once missed her birth control, but when she started to work, things got a little mixed up and it was possible that she forgot a few days. Over the past couple of weeks, she noticed that her pants would not button anymore, and her body was changing. She was wearing sweatpants and a loose shirt because she was showing already. The small little bump on her stomach that revealed that she was with child. She knew that Yulian would be home at any point, and would find his girlfriend locked in the bathroom. She was never even sick except with slight nausea. They said that every pregnancy was different, but this was ridiculous. She did not even know how far along she was. From the way her pants did not fit, she thought that she might have been in her second semester already. Was she even ready to be a mom? Her head jerked up as she heard the front door open, and close. Crap. How was she going to talk to Yulian about this? It wasn't like they ever talked about children.
Yulian Zhefarovich-Dolohov hadn't done much with his life. Or well, at least he thought so. There were a lot of things that needed to be done in his opinion, and not enough time to do it. If asked, he believed that there really should be more time in the day since twenty-four hours wasn't nearly enough time to accomplish anything. His work as an unspeakable was time-consuming. There was so much research and experimentation to be done and it wasn't exactly work that could be brought home. It wouldn't be very secret otherwise. Still, among the things that made it onto his daily schedule was spending time with his girlfriend. He'd always made a point to do so as part of his commitment to her. He would use a time turner if he had to but he never saw himself as too busy to spend at least an hour with her no matter the time of day. He'd arrived home at his usual time, it was surprisingly quiet in the office recently, and he frowned at the silence in their home. "Grace?" he called out into the silence only to be met with nothing. He wandered the house until he finally found one of the bathroom doors locked. "Grace?" he called as he knocked on the door. "I will open the door if you don't answer in three... two..." he wasn't about to risk her safety over her need for privacy because she was being so utterly silent. They could fight about it later.
Grace heard her boyfriend in their home, but she made no move to unlock the bathroom door. She still felt like she was going to be sick. Not because of pregnancy but because she did not know how to tell him what was going on. She flinched when she heard a knock on the door, and her name. And then there was a little threat. Well, that was sort of hot, she was not going to lie, but she took out her wand, and waved it at the door to unlock and open it. She just sat on the lid of their toilet, with her legs crossed and her hands resting with her wand on her thighs. Her long hair flowed over her shoulders and chest. "I'm not feeling well, Yulian." That was an understatement of the year. She did not want to look at him yet. She needed to tell her family. Zennon might be happy. She was not sure about Rowan. Isaak might blow a gadget.
Yulian already had his wand out, ready to open the door by any means necessary when Grace finally saw fit to open the door. His frown deepened as he took note of how she looked whilst he stepped into the bathroom. He knelt on one knee in front of her just to speak with her on her level instead of towering over her while he stood. "Should I call for your brother," he asked softly, but sternly. He was not about to so quickly dismiss if she were feeling ill, and he was no healer. Her brother, however was. And while Zennon might have a different specialty than dealing with whatever was wrong with Grace, it would be much better to inform him than convincing her on his own to go to St. Mungo's. She was stubborn as any woman was. And so his options have become limited. Call Zennon. Convince her to St. Mungo's. Or carry her there on his shoulder. He had his preference, he was sure she had one too.

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