
Zazuka shook her head. "If it starts to snow I want to fly in that. Also play in that. There's nothing like a snow man to make one feel marry." She said laughing slightly. "No, it looks like Andy is staying at Hogwarts which means so am I. I'm not welcome back at Willow's Rain anymore but there's nothing I can do about that. What about you, do you have anything planed?" She asked. Zazuka knew there was a ball comeing up with the holidays but she was sure that most of the first year boys thought it was stupid. She thought so too a little bit.
"I don't know, my parents want me to come home but for what I have no idea" Brian said looking at the dummies "I mean I won't be allowed to attend their Christmas Party, and they'll be very busy untill the day of Christmas so I'll be very bored" he explained.
Zazuka tilted her head. "Your parents have a Chirstmas party. My parents are usually in mass all day until midnight. I was never allowed to go eather. Maybe they have a huge present for you or something and that's why they want you to go home." She said cheerfuly at the end.
((no problem Luxen))

"Well I'm pretty sure they have a big present for me, but either way it's just not worth going home to an empty house is it?" Brian asked Z wondering her honest opinion.
Zazuka thought about a little. "I guess your right. Then again I would love to have a house to go back to, even an empty one." She said a little hollowness in her voice. Zazuka realized what she had just said and shook her head. "Ingnore that, it's not importent at all." She said quickly. No one really needed to hear about it anyway. "You can always stay and hang out with Andy and me and the few others that will stay." She said putting the cheer back into her voice.
"If you really have nowhere to go, you can always come stay at my place" Brian exclaimed "I mean my parents won't mind if you stay, they probably wouldn't even notice your around!" Brian said with a smile.
Zazuka laughed. "People not noticeing I'm there is just alitttle to much like home and I already said yes to staying at Andy's house for the summer so I'll be alright really. Thank you though." She said brightly. She let a little bit of a blush rise on her cheeks.
"well if it doesn't work out you always have a place to stay with my family" Brian said reassuringly and with his confident smile.
Zazuka smiled wide and for the first time was the one to give a hug. "Thank you so much." She said brightly.
Brian felt his cheeks flush a bit, it was the same feeling Andromeda had given him only last week, it was kinda weird yet comforting at the same time, "So you know you've never told me much about your home life" Brian said sitting down next to the dummies, now would be a great time to learn more about Zazuka's family life. Brian kinda thought she knew alot about him yet he knew next to nothing about her.
Zazuka sat down next to him. "There is nothing much to say. They hated me since I was three because that's when I manefested magic. Well not me exsactly but they thought that at my third year of life was when they lost thier real daughter. Ever since then it's been one insedent after another." She said It was the bare minimum she could say about her life but she really didn't want to go into detil about that. "When my Hogworts letter came I was so realived that I wasn't the only like me but my parents forbid me to go. I ran away that night but I was cought and that's when my dad gave me the choice of staying and try to get rid of my magic or come to Hogworts but never set foot in Willow's Rain again." She said ending it there. Zazuka did miss Willow's Rain in genaral but left it at that.
"That must have been tough, giving up everything you've ever known or loved for something you didn't even know about" Brian said after Zazuka had finished her story, it was tragic yet full of optimism something Brian enjoyed yet dispared in at the same time. He wanted to say something that would cheer her up even if just for a little moment of her life.

"I promise, one day you and I will go back to Willow's Rain together" Brian said with a smile "just let anyone try to stop us" he added relizing that they could probably take on a few supersticous muggles easily if they had to of course, "you haven't seen the last of your home, believe me".
Zazuka laughed into her hands unexpectedly. She was just so happy. "I've missed it so much but I really couldn't stay anymore. Do you really think we could?" She asked. Zazuka was vwery much in disbelife.
"Of course we can" Brian said jubilantly "after all, you need to show your parents all the you've learned and give them a chance to apologize for how they treated you in the past" replied Brian "I'm sure they regret how they treated you and if they don't... well let's just say they will by the time I through with them!" Brian siad holding his wand out.
Zazuka's eyes went wide. "Show them what I can do? Brian Willow's Rain is a sort of super Cathloc commun. If I show what I can do with a wand they would probobly try and kill us not just my parents but the entire town. The only reson I'm still alive is because I'm child and they thought they still had a chance to get whatever demon they thought was inside me out." Zazuka said in horrer. It was one thing to try and talk to them quite another to go againt thier entire believe system.
"come on! do you really think a bunch of muggles can take on a Witch and a Wizard, I bet all we have to do is show them some magic and they'll take off running like chickens with their heads cut off" Brian said with a bit of zealous in his voice, it would be interesting to take on a village of Muggles for the sake of a woman's honor Brian thought humorously, a tale worthy of his grandfather!
Zauzka laughed at the last comment. "They would probobly think the end of the world has come. Not fair but then again nether was branding a five year old." Zazuka said thoughtfuly. She was also fluttering from his energy about the whole idea.
"branding?" Brian asked when she had said the word "you mean like what they do to cattle?" he was both shocked and horrified about the thought of someone branding a five year old as though she was some sort of animal.
Zazuka looked down. "Sometimes I wonder why I don't hate them but yes. On my right shoulder blade you will find a priest's finall attempt to banish the evil they thought had taken ahold of me. A crusifix made entirely of iorn was pushed into my sholder blade when I was five." She said with a small tear froming in her right eye. "That's why I'm still alittle scared of them and why I was so willing to give up my home." She finished her voice steady.
Brian stared down at the grown, anger filled his mind "they will pay for that! I swear it!" Brian said angrily "that is just wrong!" Brian said shaking.
Zazuka shuttered violently. "There's nothing we can do about that now. But you right it was wronge everything they did to me was wrong." She said looking back at the other horrers that had filled her life for nine years. She wondered again why she didn't hate them, why she didn't hate the world. Zazuka placed a gentle hand on Brian's shoulder.
"your a better person then they are" Brian said with dark fury "it'll be alright though, I'll let you handle it the way you want when we visit them, but I'm not promising anything if they try something stupid" Brian said looking into her eyes and smiling.
Zazuka nodded. "Alright, I think I can face them. The visit will have to be alittle later on though. I hate to admit it but I'm scared of the place even though it's beautiful.
"yeah my parents may not mind me going home for the Christmas Hollidays but they might be just a bit upset if I don't go home for the summer" Brian said with the air of light heartedness "but we will go one day, back to your hometown and we'll face your demons together. That's a promise!"

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