Open Practice

Basquiat Jackson

transfer · chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Basquiat knew that as an alternate he may not even get the chance to play in the game but he felt it was important he practiced outside of the team practices because he had performed terribly. Seeing as he was at a disadvantage to some of his peers as he had been home schooled and too poor to buy a quality broom, he had to take every chance he could to practice so he had a school broom, and a quaffle with him. He would practice hitting the quaffle through the hoops and take loops around the ring to practice the otherside, he would even make a point to switch from his dominant arm to his alternate in case he was injured by a bludger during a game and couldn't accurately throw with it.

After going to the pitch, he was relieved to see it was empty from another teams practice as he hadn't looked in advance to see if the time had been blocked off for it. Still, it would be nice if there was someone there to be a keeper for him. Nevertheless, Bas would do his best to simulate an actual game and flew quickly into the air and began speeding towards the hoops and shot. He didn't stop to watch his attempt narrowly miss the hoops, he continued flying to catch the quaffle on the other end and then switched arms that he held the quaffle under. Perhaps this would bring up his stamina, accuracy and overall skill.

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