Open Post Practice Reflection

Kathryne Andrews

4th Year Pukwudgie | "Kit" | Alt Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
15 (10/2047)
Takes place in the 4th Year Girls' Pukwudgie Dorm after a fall quidditch practice

Kit was glad to grab a shower after practice and sat on her bed, braiding her hair. She knew that one of her sisters suggested it would lead to more damage, but Kit didn't care in this moment. She just wanted it out of her face. It wasn't hot outside necessarily, as the fall weather had set in, but she was still feeling warm from practice. As she wrapped the last hairband around her second pigtail, she leaned back against the pillow and crossed her legs, thinking about how she could practice scoring in her off time. The struggle seemed to be aiming well while also flying. She'd played some muggle sports growing up, but none quite compared to having to multitask like this.
Practice had gone better than expected and Summer found she was adjusting to her new position quite well, she might even make the team properly in a year or so, she felt that confident in being able to play the position. Practice had been that good. Afterwards, she got a quick shower before returning to her dorm where she promptly face planted her bed. She had walked past Kit on her way in but had only acknowledged her with a nod before renewing acquaintances with her bed. "I'm so tired," She lifted her head up just enough so Kit would be able to hear her if she decided to involved herself in a conversation. Summer had never ached as much as she had in that moment.

@Kathryne Andrews sorrrry!!!
ooc: it's totally okay, i'm fine continuing if you are!

Kit watched summer enter the room as she threw a blanket over her lower half, before looking for a container in her bedside drawer. "Me too. I feel like I need to do some conditioning or something to keep up in shape. Who would think flying on brooms would be so much work?" she joked, finding a tub of some salve. She took some of the cream and rubbed it on her knees, which were sore from trying to stay on her broom. "Do you want any? It's just herbs and what not, but it really helps with the acheyness."

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