Open Post Exam Daze

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Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 6th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (15)
While the sixth year exams hadn't been as daunting as the OWLs last year, Anisha still felt a little like she was waking up from a long nightmare after she woke up in the morning and realized she had nothing left to study for. She loved learning, that wasn't the problem, but she wanted to do so well on her exams that she always managed to completely stress herself out and overwork herself by the time they came around. But now she could let that go. She had finished them, even if she still repeatedly found herself wondering idly if she should have changed her answer on question six of the History of Magic exam, even though there was no way she could go back and change it now.

She was determined to have fun tonight, something she hadn't done enough lately. Anisha had dressed up and done her hair. She didn't have a date tonight, but she was sure she could find friends or classmates to hang out with. She stepped into the great hall and took it all in, enjoying the winter landscape even though it wasn't really appropriate for the weather right now. Anisha made her way over to the giant christmas tree and picked up one of the presents, curious about what was inside. She gave it a gentle shake and held her ear close to it.
Zerrin had considered skipping the Yule Ball. But he needed a good distraction. He threw on a suit and walked down to the Yule Ball. He looked around, and spotted one of the other prefects in his year. He wandered over, giving her a little smile. "Anything good?" He asked, hands in his pockets.
Fraser had put on his best suit, though he was tasked with taking pictures the whole time. He had walked into the hall nice and early, and been wandering around the room, taking couple pictures, candids and everything else that was necessary for the celebration's pages in the yearbook. He hadn't even noticed the time passing. He did eventually spot his brother, and given the last time he had seen him, had immediately gone to check in. "Hey," he said, before immediately then noticing that Zerrin had just started talking to Anisha. "Oh hey, you look really nice," he said, blushing a little as he addressed Anisha.
Anisha smiled at Zerrin as he approached, shrugging at his question. "No idea, it's not really making a sound." She said, shaking it again. "I wonder if there are different things in these or if they're all the same." She was curious and almost wanted to just open a bunch, but she was pretty sure they weren't supposed to do that. One a person was a bit more polite, probably. She smiled as Fraser joined them, he always seemed so busy taking photos of everyone, it was good to also see him have some fun. "Hey Fraser, thank you." She said, moving a little side to side to make her dress move. "It's fun to get dressed up for these occasions, right?" She looked at the present again. "Should I open this?"
Zerrin relaxed more as Fraser showed up- they often found each other at these things. Instinctively he moved closer, smiling at Anisha. "You should absolutely open it," He agreed, looking to Fraser. "Do you want to open one? I'll grab it for you," He offered, jerking a thumb towards the presents.
Fraser smiled at them both, and then nodded as she made her dress move. "Yeah, it is," he said. "Though I do often get dressed up to take pictures of others," he didn't often get to enjoy the events like everyone else did, which he didn't always mind. He looked at the present that she had before nodded in agreement with his brother. "You should definitely open it," he said. "Nah, I need to take pictures for the rest of the evening, it'll be annoying to carry," he added, as he took his camera, ready to take a few pictures of Anisha opening the present.
Anisha smiled a bit when Fraser said he often dressed up to take pictures of others. That did seem to be the way of being in Accio. She wondered how Raafe liked it, they hadn't ever talked about it much. After the encouragement she needed, Anisha opened the box and found a soft scarf inside. She laughed a little. "Even the presents forgot it's not actually winter." She said, pulling it out of the box. It was red and pretty nice. After thinking it over for a moment, she moved to Fraser and held it out. "You could get this one, you wouldn't have to carry it, you could just wear it." She said with a slight smile.
Zerrin pouted at Fraser, about to suggest he'd just carry it, but Anisha beat it to him by offering Fraser her scarf. "Ooh, thats a great idea!" He offered, moving to the gifts and picking up a new box. "Maybe I can open one for you now?" He offered to Anisha, since she'd been so kind as to offer hers to Fraser. He shot his brother a look, one that he tried to hide from their company. Just accept the scarf, Fray.
Fraser happily took a few pictures as Anisha opened the present, and pulled out a scarf. He thought it was a nice scarf, a nice red colour too. He had been about to say it would suit her, when she offered it to him. He would just wear it, and though it was warm, the red of it, likely would go with his suit. He glanced over at Zerrin before nodding. "Thanks, yeah," he took the scarf and put it around his neck. "Thanks Anisha," he repeated. "How does it look?" he asked them both, looking between them with a smile, hoping the dimmer lights hid his blushing cheeks.
Anisha nodded as Zerrin suggested opening one for her. "Yeah, sure!" She said brightly, glad she had somehow come up with this idea. Exchanging gifts was fun, especially when they hadn't had to buy any. She smiled at Fraser as he took the scarf, pretending to look him over critically as she scratched her chin. Then she grinned. "Perfect. I clearly have a superior fashion taste." She joked. Then she turned to Zerrin, curious what he would get out of his present for her.
Zerrin smiled at Fraser, nodding. "You look great, Fray," He agreed, nodding. Red was a good Gryffindor, too. He looked to the box in his hands, opening it up carefully. He lit up, pulling out a pretty cool (he thought) dark gold decorative wand holder. "Hey, this is awesome!" He offered it out to Annika. "I think it's one of those adjustable ones that you can wear wherever you want," He nodded, thinking it was a super useful and kinda pretty present.
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