Plottage for Eileen.

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Eileen Doyle

Active Member
OOC First Name
13" Black Limba, Griffin Claw
I'm trying to develop Eileen a bunch, since I've grown super attached!

I took a break a few months ago, and so if I had a plot with you, post here. She needs friends, a lurve interest...

I would love a death eater as a love interest just to stir things up. She's an auror and so the death eater could keep it a secret for a while. If you have a DE character in mind, pm meh or post here.

She needs chick friends, possibly ones that work for the ministry.
i have michael here if you want a friend thats in the minstry and male
Yes, please. :D She needs friends!
I also need plots for Lana. :) Instead of creating a new topic and spamming the plot forum, I'll just do it hurr.
How 'bout Afanasy for the DE lovar? :r
I do believes this will be funny. =))
Yeah, your man Afanasy is a jerk. >_<
Plottage tiem?
Plottage time. ;)
Inbox me on Faceybook? :p
Ooooooh! Yesh, please. :) We need to RP them together too.
I've still got Estrella. ^_^ You know I'm up for it.
They are friends already right? I think we had a plot for Estrella and Eileen to be best friends forever.
Well, we've only done one RP, but that works for me ^_^
ok do you wanna start it as im using a c**p laptop
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