Plots with a Deputy Headperson?!

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Takuya Blaze

Wizengamot Interrogator
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Hey all! ^_^

So, Takuya is now the second deputy of HNZ, and I need some plots with him. I need friends, I need enemies, and maybe even the prospect of a love interest.

If you have anything else in mind, feel free to post in here and I'll definitely think about whatever you have in mind. :)

- Zach
Kingy has been on the prowl for a love interest. :r
Isn't Mr. King engaged?

Anyway I have Jay here that doesn't see a lot of action because I don't know what to do with her half the time. I think it would be good for her have a New Zealand friend seeing as most of them are ether in the states or in Brazil. Who knows if they get along she could introduce him to her 'son'.
Nicolas King said:
Kingy has been on the prowl for a love interest. :r
I'm in. :r

Ana: I like the sound of that. :)
Only, could you start something? Please ^_^
Jackson can be friends with him :B I don't rp more outside of the classroom and I like too.o
Professor Takuya Blaze said:
Nicolas King said:
Kingy has been on the prowl for a love interest. :r
I'm in. :r
Now, he doesn't have any children or he isn't married already or anything, right?

Sparkles has already done that to him once. :tut:
OH! If Kingy & Blaze get together - Blaze can fire Sparkles for having broken his lover's heart. :shifty:

I like where this is heading.
Pfft, Blaze can't fire Sparkly! She's too fantastical :wub:
But but.. my rank says differently. :r

Kingy and Takuya babies :r
Oh good god :eyeroll: I dont have any characters really unless Abby and him become friends... she really does need more of those...
Professor Takuya Blaze said:
Nicolas King said:
Kingy has been on the prowl for a love interest. :r
I'm in. :r

Ana: I like the sound of that. :)
Only, could you start something? Please ^_^
I will be starting something as soon as I can sweets.

I sooo want to see Kingy and Taku together now
Koboshi Aiko said:
Oh good god :eyeroll: I dont have any characters really unless Abby and him become friends... she really does need more of those...
I take it that's too his rank? :tut: just because it isn't yooouuuuu. :r

Start something, and we shall see. ^_^
Micah Adams said:
Koboshi Aiko said:
Oh good god :eyeroll: I dont have any characters really unless Abby and him become friends... she really does need more of those...
I take it that's too his rank? :tut: just because it isn't yooouuuuu. :r

Start something, and we shall see. ^_^
Oh I am soo not jealous ;)

Kingy/Taku babies? Oh my...

Ok I'll start one soon and pm you :D
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