Plots Please

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
20 (12/7/2041)
My turn! This is what I'm looking for this time, tho of course I always have more characters so feel free to pitch any ideas you would like for anyone. :)

Abner Beckett, 48

Abner has recently bought Madam Malkins. Struggling to be a respectable shopowner in an attempt to try and 'earn' the love of lifelong friend and recent lover Edison Kane. Abner will not hesitate to take in any wayward kids he finds. He spent two decades working as an aurologist. The father of Asher, Addison, and Allison, Abner had already taken in two more boys. He's the perfect scruffy dad to take in a few more kids, or that emotionally unstable friend that acts like they're put together for other adults.

Mystic Rain, 36

Mystic is a hippie baker thats moved to New Zealand. (I know, I love my bakers). She used to own a mystic shop in Arizona but sold it in favor of baking fun shaped treats. Stars, moons, suns, all sorts of things. Mystic is an acquired taste, but she can use some friends.

Tyra Wolf-Gates, 33 years old

Tyra is the eldest of three kids, and has five kids of her own. She's married to doctor Jason Gates, and she owns and runs the Wolves Inn outside of Arrowtown, New Zealand. Her triplets are off at school, and her twins are five. Tyra is available as a bartender, listening to your woes as you travel. She also likes to take in the wayward drifter and give them a job/room to stay in. She's bubbly and studied fashion in France before returning home to take over the family Inn after her parents death. Tyra could use some mommy/daddy friends as well. She's a muggle but she knows about magic, her husband, younger sister, and triplets are all magical.

Vivianna Bonetti, 29

Vivi has recently moved to nz and is looking for friends, flings, anything. Vivi is beautiful and strong willed. She dominated in Italy as a duelling champion and has moved to find bigger and better things.

Asher Beckett, 29

Asher is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of the band Ashes. He lives with his band, and is helplessly (somewhat secretly) in love with bubblegum blond Archie Renner. Ash could always use more friends, fan interactions, anything really. He used to play the field but he's stopped seeing men for a bit now, it could be fun if he has to deny an old fling.

Avery Lavigne, 28

Avery is an interior designer living in New Zealand. For several years he was convinced he didn't need emotional ties with anyone, but has been kindof seeing someone recently thats unintentionally warming him up. He could use a few friends, though he'd be a bit hesitant at first.

Abigail Cromwell, 26

Abby is a single, hardworking mom. Having dropped out of school after sixth year to care for her newborn son, Abby has spent so long focused on being Zerrin's mom that she's forgotten who she is. She is a hufflepunk who used to dream of being a writer. Abby has recently started seeing a Quidditch player, which is conflicting because Zerrin's father abandoned them to play professionally. She could use friends. Mom friends, Quidditch friends, anything really.

Professor Mallory Corrins, 25

Mallory is the Charms Professor, years one-four. Mallory is an absolute sweetheart. Her door is always open to students. She tutors several students already, and is always available for taking on new students, and not only for charms, or even for magical subjects. Her office is also open to students that just want to come by and see her cats, or spend time with her. She could use more friends, both Professor friends and non.

Ember Michaels, 25 years old

Ember is the eldest of the Michaels kids. She's in a serious relationship with Morwen Orlando. She recently suffered a miscarriage, and is still reeling from that, so she's a bit quieter than normal. She's slowly making her way back out into the world. Ember has recently started up her own recording company, Embers' Records, and is looking to sign on bands and musicians. If I get enough traction with this, I'll see what I can do about putting up a business thread or something that lists the bands/artists working for her record label. She could also use friends.

Etienne Monet, 23

Etienne is an absolute sweetheart. He's currently living with Sophie and her little girl. He's an old school romantic, having moved to NZ after meeting and falling in love with a pregnant Sophie. He's a piano teacher. His world revolves around his girls, but he's always looking to make friends or take on new students.

Dreya Monet, 23

Dreya is Etienne's twin sister. She moved to New Zealand to be a baker, but is struggling in that aspect and is currently working as a secretary. Occasionally she'll cater an event. Dreya is very soft and shy. She needs friends, but any sort of romance would be a long burn.

Elijah Taylor, 22

Elijah is the eldest son of Killian Taylor. He's graduated from Hogwarts Scotland and is doing well at school, studying to be a lawyer. He's in his last year of school, soon to graduate, and as such is alllllmost ready to have a social life again. He lives in New Zealand, though he's moved into the city. Elijah needs everything.

Cooper Gates, 21

Cooper is currently studying at a chefs college in Japan. He's three years into six year courses. He's open to flings and friends. Coop is a sweetheart, loyal, and fun.

Charles Taylor II, 20

Charlie is a gentle soul. He's followed his brother into law school, though he still has two years of schooling left. He's kind and patient, soft spoken, but he easily gets wrapped up in his work, forgetting to take care of himself. I'm thinking he could use a rommate thats exasperated having to take care of this sweet man baby, or some friends.

Twila Whitlock, 19

Twila has recently moved to New Zealand, and her only friend is Patrick Vernier, the auror in training next door. She's a video game tester, and loves nothing more than video games and pizza. She is magical, but is very fond of muggle electronics. If you need a nerdy gamer girl to movie marathon with you, Twila is your girl. She holds all the high scores at the local arcade. She could use some more friends, maybe someone older to take her in.

Lillian Lockwood, 19

Lily is my soft baby. Depending on the time of the thread, she'll either be living with Elliot and Alice or she'll be in an apartment with her little sister Rose. But Lily has been running her own bakery stall on the weekends, and I'm eager to do more with that. She makes her own treats, and will even cater events, making cakes for parties or whatever you'd like. Lily could also use friends.

Ren Lockwood, 18

Ren is 19, fresh out of school. He's a lazy artist, who might be able to make a career out of it if he had any drive. As it is, he just works at his aunts bookstore. Ren could use some friends, as he currently only has his girlfriend and his family. Like I said, Ren is a lazy brat but can be pulled along on misadventures easily enough.

Rosalind Lockwood, 17

Rose is a seventh year Gryffindor, getting ready to graduate. She's seriously seeing Iris Van Houten. Rose has mellowed out a lot since her first year, and no longer has temper issues. She's a musician, playing the guitar. She could use friends.

Lucas Ames, 17

Lucas Ames is co-captain/chaser of the Ilvermorny team. He's having a rough year; his ex-boyfriend dropped out of school and dumped him. Lucas is struggling. He has an apartment of his own, and basically no friends aside from fellow Captain Hyun. Lucas could use friends, maaaaaaybe some flings, just anything really. He currently lives in Alaska.

Tara Hawthorne, 15

Tara is a teenage werewolf, currently living with the Cullens. Shes open to making new friends, and is willing to have a pen pal or two at the school, as she hopes to transfer there next year to be closer to Linden. Tara is sassy and confident in her own skin.

Charlie Helkovaara, 13

Charlie is a Hufflepuff. He's a writer for the monthly, and a musician, he likes playing studio Ghibli songs on his violin. He could always use more friends.

Akihiro Chen, 12

Akihiro is a Slytherin, cunning and manipulative. He only really loves his younger sister Aika and is wildly protective of her. If you fit his idea of a nice aesthetic, he'll be your friend. He's all smiles and friendly if he thinks you can do something for him. But he will be politely disinterested to anyone he doesn't care for. Nothing matters more to Akihiro than his sister, and his image.

Maisie Morvay, 12

Maisie is a second year Gryffindor. She's bubbly and kinda quirky. She loves crystals, is usually carrying her Grimoire. She's an old school witch. Maisie could always use more friends. She's still a bit young for romance but I'm willing to talk ideas.

Valerius Bianchi, 11

Valerius is a spoiled rich kid used to getting his way. He doesn't have much time for friends or romance, focused purely on his studies and on living up to his fathers legacy. It could be fun to see how he interacts with his fellow classmates.

Soren Gates, 11

The eldest of the Gates triplets, Rin is prettier than you and you both know it. But he's a very outgoing, fun loving Gryffindor who would love nothing more than to be your best friend.

Evie Moss, 11

Evie is... well, Evie has been neglected, lol. She's a Gryffindor, but she's been painfully shy about her new school and has spent most of her time in the dorms. She clings to her best friend, Aaliyah. Evie could use some friends to help bring her out of her shell.

Zerrin Cromwell, 10

Zerrin is the only child of Abby Cromwell. His mom works two jobs, and he's almost always with her, though recently he's been spending more time with Fraser Fergusson and his dad Graeme. Zerrin is a soft spoken sweetheart, ready to be your friend. He's likely to try and mother you, and is the responsible one. He could use more friends before school.

Kyon Lockwood, 10

Kyon is the sporty twin, Ava's younger brother and the third youngest of the Lockwood kids. He's extremely protective of his little sister Calliope and he worships his older brother Arthur. He's the obnoxious sporty friend. A bit arrogant, perhaps, but Kyon means well. He's just an idiot sometimes. He needs friends.

Zion Lind, 9

Zion is just your regular, everyday kid. He has normal boring parents and a normal boring life. He could always use new friends. He's fairly quiet, but he's a loyal friend.

Wyatt Choi, 8

Wyatt... well, I don't know much about him yet. He's eight, a pureblood, with siblings. He's quieter, more serious, and though he can be kind he's also very aloof. I'm willing to talk it out, so throw it at me, lol.

Airen Gates, 8

Airen is one of Danielle and Damien's twins. Her mother is a professional quidditch player and her dad is fabulous. Airen is funny and sweet and looking for friends. Her favorite past times include coloring and tying ribbons in her hair.

Amodeus Jones, 7

Amodeus is not the brightest crayon in the box. He's a sweetheart, but he's gullible. He once ate an entire bowl of wax fruit. He also stood completely still for two hours because a butterfly rested on his nose. Amodeus could be your best friend, and will generally do anything you tell him to, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything.

Zaros Lodowick, 6

Zaros is still a bit new. He lives in New Zealand, and I'm eager to explore and see how he turns out.​
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-slinks to check list and think of pairings-

You forgot Airen Gates. :r
So, here's what I have in mind so far:

Lockwood twins
Gates twins
Gates triplets
Slate and Mallory
Rhianne with any of the adults
Danielle with any of the adults
Technically, my adults and the young adults with any of yours xD
More Mallory x Noelle
Noelle and any of the students
My unsorted with any of your unsorted kids.
So, here's what I have in mind so far:

Lockwood twins
Gates twins
Gates triplets
Slate and Mallory
Rhianne with any of the adults
Danielle with any of the adults
Technically, my adults and the young adults with any of yours xD
More Mallory x Noelle
Noelle and any of the students
My unsorted with any of your unsorted kids.
okay you're just going to follow me to discord then
Evie and the Gryffindor twins could spend some time together or we can do Evie and Seamus? I dunno if the latter would get along but we can just see.

Could also offer Emmanuel for any of the almost school age kids? And can offer Gregory Friend he'll be sorted year after (y42), he's in the muggle world current so would need muggle interactions but if you've got that, he'd happy interact with people
So, as I promised, I have a lot to offer and well, this time I'm even more focusing on adults instead of students, tho, a lot of student plots too

Tyra x Sadie = pls, mom and daughter interactions, it would be adorable
Abigail x Savannah = mom friends
Etienne x Parker = piano lessons, maybe with that Parker could count him as an adult he's really looking up to
Elijah x Lilith = friends or some romance/fling?
Elijah x Savannah = they both are studying for a lawyer, Sav is only going for a master degree already, but friends?
Charlie x Raven = well, Raven desperately needs someone to take care of, so she could be Charlie's roommate?
Twila x Jason = well, he's older but he's a hit-wizard and extremely outgoing, so they maybe could be friends?
Ren x Eden = well, she could try to get him into the adventures? Could be an interesting friendship
Lucas x Mykaela = they're teammates and well, Mykaela just needs friends a lot
Charlie x Parker = y'know me, I always want something new with them
Akihiro x Aika = i don't think that I have to explain lol
Akihiro x Evander = continue to grow a friendship for them?
Maisie x Leah = y'know, we wanted them to be best friends
Zerrin x Mila = frieeeeeends
Kyon x Kiara = y'know, Kiara loves Arthur's siblings
Wyatt x Skyler = they're siblings, so a thread for them?
Zaros x Christopher = well, he really needs friends too

Lol, we ofc don't need to do them all, just sort it out or do eventually lol, y'know me, I'm up for literally anything
Hey Jess!

I think Akihiro and Gwen need more interactions, didn't we consider them for the Valentine's Dance together?

I'd love for Louis to meet Maisie, I think they could get along and maybe when they're older have a fling.

Also wanna throw Isadora at all three of your firsties, honestly. She already knows all 3 of them, but I think we should do a thread with her and Soren first maybe after the dance?
Evie and the Gryffindor twins could spend some time together or we can do Evie and Seamus? I dunno if the latter would get along but we can just see.

Could also offer Emmanuel for any of the almost school age kids? And can offer Gregory Friend he'll be sorted year after (y42), he's in the muggle world current so would need muggle interactions but if you've got that, he'd happy interact with people
Emz! That could be fun, Evie and the twins. I'm not sure about her yet, maybe we can just start there and revisit her and Seamus next school year?

Tell me more about Emmanuel?

Where does Gregory live?
So, as I promised, I have a lot to offer and well, this time I'm even more focusing on adults instead of students, tho, a lot of student plots too

Tyra x Sadie = pls, mom and daughter interactions, it would be adorable
Abigail x Savannah = mom friends
Etienne x Parker = piano lessons, maybe with that Parker could count him as an adult he's really looking up to
Elijah x Lilith = friends or some romance/fling?
Elijah x Savannah = they both are studying for a lawyer, Sav is only going for a master degree already, but friends?
Charlie x Raven = well, Raven desperately needs someone to take care of, so she could be Charlie's roommate?
Twila x Jason = well, he's older but he's a hit-wizard and extremely outgoing, so they maybe could be friends?
Ren x Eden = well, she could try to get him into the adventures? Could be an interesting friendship
Lucas x Mykaela = they're teammates and well, Mykaela just needs friends a lot
Charlie x Parker = y'know me, I always want something new with them
Akihiro x Aika = i don't think that I have to explain lol
Akihiro x Evander = continue to grow a friendship for them?
Maisie x Leah = y'know, we wanted them to be best friends
Zerrin x Mila = frieeeeeends
Kyon x Kiara = y'know, Kiara loves Arthur's siblings
Wyatt x Skyler = they're siblings, so a thread for them?
Zaros x Christopher = well, he really needs friends too

Lol, we ofc don't need to do them all, just sort it out or do eventually lol, y'know me, I'm up for literally anything
tyra and sadie could be cute, lets do something with them over the big break, or we could do letters?
abigail and savannah.... that could be fun
etienne and parker- oooh YESSSSS i love this!
elijah and lilith.... hmm, we'll need to discuss this more
elijah and savannah.... friends could be fun!
charlie and raven- YES!
twila and jason- this could be interesting.... I have another thought, maybe him and brayden as well?
ren and eden that could be fun
charlie and parker yesss
akihiro and aika, maybe something when the semester starts?
maisie and leah oh yeahhh, when could they meet?
zerrin and mila- tell me more about mila?
kyon and kiara- this could be interesting
wyatt and skylar... yeah, that could be fun, he's older isn't he?
zaros and christopher, needs more discussion.

discord with you, shoo
Hey Jess!

I think Akihiro and Gwen need more interactions, didn't we consider them for the Valentine's Dance together?

I'd love for Louis to meet Maisie, I think they could get along and maybe when they're older have a fling.

Also wanna throw Isadora at all three of your firsties, honestly. She already knows all 3 of them, but I think we should do a thread with her and Soren first maybe after the dance?

oooh yes~ Akihiro and gwen need a thread

Remind me about Louis but yes I agree

and ooooh yes I'm having fun with her. Isadora is roommates with Evie isn't she? and she and Soren can hang out in the common room, and we have that thread with isadora and valerius going but we can do another one later?
Emz! That could be fun, Evie and the twins. I'm not sure about her yet, maybe we can just start there and revisit her and Seamus next school year?

Tell me more about Emmanuel?

Where does Gregory live?

Yess to the twins and Evie, I can start something up soon for them?

Emmanuel is a bit a bookworm, he loves history, is a kind soul. Not a massive fan of the outdoors but doesn't mind it. He's polite and well mannered.

Gregory lives on Stewart Island/Rakiura, so he's a bit far out.
Yess to the twins and Evie, I can start something up soon for them?

Emmanuel is a bit a bookworm, he loves history, is a kind soul. Not a massive fan of the outdoors but doesn't mind it. He's polite and well mannered.

Gregory lives on Stewart Island/Rakiura, so he's a bit far out.
yesss please

I'm thinking Emmanuel could be friends withhhhhh Kyon? that could be an interesting contrast, or maybe Zerrin? but they might be really quiet lol

Maaaaybe for Gregory we could do either Wyatt, or Zion? I can say Zion lives in Dunedain
yesss please

I'm thinking Emmanuel could be friends withhhhhh Kyon? that could be an interesting contrast, or maybe Zerrin? but they might be really quiet lol

Maaaaybe for Gregory we could do either Wyatt, or Zion? I can say Zion lives in Dunedain
I wouldn't say that Emmanuel was quiet, so could work with either or really. We could do one now and then one later on?

And if Zion could be in Dunedin then, we could start with them and then possibly circle back to Gregory and wyatt later?
I wouldn't say that Emmanuel was quiet, so could work with either or really. We could do one now and then one later on?

And if Zion could be in Dunedin then, we could start with them and then possibly circle back to Gregory and wyatt later?
Maybe Kyon/Emmanuel and Zion/Gregory? I could start Kyon/Emmanuel... Where could they meet??
Anywhere in the magical world tbh. I'll start the gregory/zion one

oooh yes~ Akihiro and gwen need a thread

Remind me about Louis but yes I agree

and ooooh yes I'm having fun with her. Isadora is roommates with Evie isn't she? and she and Soren can hang out in the common room, and we have that thread with isadora and valerius going but we can do another one later?
Maybe Gwen could drop some hints at Akihiro about the dance?

Louis is arrogant, sporty, French and impulsive. He's also discovering his flirty side. He's bisexual as well, so Maisie's not the only possiblity

Isadora is Evie's roommate yes, I think her and Soren hanging out could be fun.
Maybe Gwen could drop some hints at Akihiro about the dance?

Louis is arrogant, sporty, French and impulsive. He's also discovering his flirty side. He's bisexual as well, so Maisie's not the only possiblity

Isadora is Evie's roommate yes, I think her and Soren hanging out could be fun.
Ooooh yes, he'll pick them up easily enough.

Louis and Maisie could be an interesting mix, we could start there. Em and I actually have an open dormroom thread if you want? If not, we could definitely start something up, and I can imagine Soren seeking her out after the dance.
Should we start Gwen and Akihiro then?

I'd be happy to do Louis and Maisie. Do you mean a dorm thread for Isadora? Can you link me? I'd be happy to join an existing thread if Emzies is fine with that too.
Sure, do you want to start it or should I? Are you wanting to slot Maisie and Louis for later on then?
Sure, do you want to start it or should I? Are you wanting to slot Maisie and Louis for later on then?
We could do both now and both start one?
That works, which one would you like?
I can do Louis and Maisie?

And I assume you meant the dorm thread for Isadora right? The existing thread I can join?
I can do Louis and Maisie?

And I assume you meant the dorm thread for Isadora right? The existing thread I can join?
i meant louis and maisie and gwen and akihiro, and the dorm thread does say open after, you can join whenever on that
i meant louis and maisie and gwen and akihiro, and the dorm thread does say open after, you can join whenever on that
Yeah I get you, I was just asking earlier about the dorm thread since I wasn't clear about who the dorm thread was with :p

But I can start Louis and Maisie and see if I can find that thread
Aine and Valerius could either be friends or possibly butt heads somehow :r spoiled brat fights :lol:

I've also got Nell to throw at any of your adults - as a fellow shopkeeper she could cheer Abner on in his quest for romance as she's a real romantic (but terrible at it so she could give genuinely useless advice).

I haven't done much with Michael, my unsorted boy, but maybe he and Kyon could be friendly rivals? He's sporty too and puts up a front but he's a bit of a mama's boy :lol: I've also got Yuelia for maybe Zerrin? She's a weird kid but sweet, just not used to people yet.

Sorry for this being such a late reply :r
Camila you just made my day. Yes to all four ideas. When do you wanna do what?

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