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Abigail Lurken-Mckay

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Spanish Cedar 14" Core of Werewolf fur and Phoenix feather.
So I was thinking that I should get my characters out there a little bit more. If you are interested in anything please post here or Personal Message my Abbey Lurken account. Anything that is scratched out is taken already.

-Best Friends -Glam Squad, Willow, Luna and Pat
-Close Friends -Abbey has several close friends but you can never have too many can you?
-Future Relationship -Theodore Snow
-One Sided Crush -You could have your character like Abbey, it would make for an interesting plot
-Bad Influence -I wouldn't be against Abbey having someone to bring out her bad side
-Love/Hate -Abbey doesn't have any love/hate relationships and it could be fun to see how that works
-Family -If anyone wants to be a part of her family, I can let you know who you might be able to be, but you would have to have that character transfer or be sorted for Y7 or Y8 depending on when I get a response from this
-Other -Specify and I'm sure we can make it work

-Best Friends -She has one, but I would be willing to have her gain more
-Mentor -As a first year, I wouldn't mind her having a mentor, showing her the ropes, any house is fine, but Gryffindor would be easiest
-Close Friends -Amphitrite has one, but hasn't met many other people
-Future Relationship -James Sherman
-School Girl Crush -Perhaps someone older she could crush on, would actually intail a few RPs
-Family -If anyone wants to be related to Amphitrite, as in roleplaying her brothers or sisters, please let me know, she has a younger brother who should be attending HNZ in two years, they are extremely close to each other
-Bad Influence -Amphitrite is a very good student and nice person, but perhaps in her third or fourth year I wouldn't mind a rebellious faze
-One Sided Crush -If you wish to have your character like Amphitrite please do tell, they can be in first, second or maybe even third year(MAYBE)

I think this is all, for now, but if you do want to plot anything with my other characters let me know, I am putting a list of them below.

Noelle Viera -Ministry Worker
Gaspard Lorka -Family
Rosaline Jenane -Hogwarts Staff
Andy Pipon -Death Eater in Training and Ministry Worker
Gisella Lorka -Family
Aiden Lorka -Family
Hayden Kerberos -Family but pending transfer application
Joceline Richarde -Second Year Slytherin
Nina Patrokov -Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Abbey Lurken -Third Year Slytherin
Amphitrite Zchechaf -First Year Gryffindor
Avrille Grinaes -First Year Ravenclaw
(I think that's all)

Sukie could be Abbey's close friend or mentee xD
I was thinking about the family choice, just wondering if you were still looking or not?
The Family choice for who my dear?
Because if you demonstrate decent enough roleplaying I'm sure I can accomodate you :)
Most of my characters have huge families
Abbey if that's alright?
Girl Child?
What's Blair like?
Blair is nice, intelligent but quite posh and kind of stuck up. She's a mixed blood witch, and if I were to RP her she would be in Ravenclaw

She's the daughter of Tello Lurken and Ffifon PRAT Lurken. She has a twin brother named Charles and a little sister named Serena

Blair has brown hair and brown eyes.. uhm,, if there is anything else you want to know let me know :)
So she's nice in a way that also says she's better than you, is that right?

Let me explain more :p

Blair secretely thinks that she is secretly better then everyone else.. but acts nice to people

Does that make more sense? :p
Yep. What are the other two like?
Brava is just mean and blunt.. she argues with people just to hear her own voice :p

Serena is a tomboy and she is 7 years old now.. I havenn't developed her fully but she shouldn't be super nice :p
Brava sounds cool.
Brave should be in Ravenclaw because even though she does talk to hear her own voice she is quite intelligent, or Slytherin because of the aformentioned character discriptioins...

Demyx and Anna [maiden name: Robinson] Lurken are her parents, she is an only child
Has brown hair and brown eyes.

Note: Everyone in her direct family [meaning the Lurken's] has brown hair and brown eyes.. Abbey only has violet eyes because of her mother's family

Her extended family, that I roleplay for, consist of:

The Lorka's (Aiden Lorka [third year Durmstrang], Gisella Lurken [7 years old], Gaspard Lorka [their father] and Ophielle [Mauven] Lorka [dead] && Joceline Richarde [Gaspard's love child, 2nd Year Slytherin])

Rosaline Jenane: Ophielle's younger sister

The Zchechaf's: (Amphitrite Zchechaf (first year Gryffindor and the only one I RP for because there are so many))

Avrille Grinaes: Rosaline's adoptive daughter

There are way more then this. but I figured that these are the important family members
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