🌹 Rose Giving please don't be awkward

Angelo Dela Cruz

gamer • i need my internet • competitive
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 14 Inch Whippy Poplar Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Angelo didn't know he could be this exhausted. After the whole thing in the Library, and then chasing the crazy running lady on the Lawn, and then going up the Stands to the Quidditch Pitch, he was tired and ready for a nap. Especially since he was going to have Astronomy class later tonight. He had two more he had to deliver and one of them was for an Esme Styx-Cade, and so he was quite glad when he saw Mr. Cade up on the Staff Table and he'd just all but given up and asked the nice old man if he could help him find Esme Styx-Cade. Thankfully the man helpfully pointed out a girl sitting quite closely with a blond boy at the Gryffindor table. Huh. At least he got lucky. "Hello po, errr, are you Esme Styx-Cade?" he awkwardly asked the girl. He really hoped the rose was from the boyfriend because this would be so awkward.

@Esme Styx-Cade
Felix was excited for the rose giving, and not just because he'd given out a fair few himself. Sat with Esme at the Gryffindor table, he sat straighter in his seat when another student arrived, excited to see how Esme would react.
Esme was at with Felix at the Gryffindor table picking at her lunch, watching some of the students around them receiving roses and the reactions to the various notes that were attached. When she heard her own name she looked up and blushed as a younger hufflepuff came towards her with a pink rose. "Yes that's me,"
Angelo breathed a sigh of relief when he got the right girl, though he was still quite hesitant considering the boyfriend was right there. "Uh... Hi po," he said as he thrust the flower towards the girl. Another moment passed before he remembered, "O ya, here," he said as he gave the note to the boy before remembering wait he had to give it to the girl.
From Rose
Esme took the rose and the note, after the boy tried to give the note to Felix. She placed the rose on the table and opened the note, she smiled as she saw the name of her dormmate if not a little surprised. "That's sweet," She showed the note to Felix and inspected the rose. She had expected it to be from him given the colour, but it was a sweet gesture from her friend.
Felix started at the boy blankly when he tried to hand off the rose to him instead of Esme. "That's nice. I think," Felix said between a mouthful of breakfast. Maybe it was pink in the same way he'd sent everyone a red rose, just because it felt appropriate. "Have you gotten mine yet?" he asked his girlfriend, wondering if it was the first she'd received today.
Esme shook her head gently, "Not yet, I'll let you know when I do though," She placed the rose down on the table and went back to eating her breakfast.
Angelo wisely decided it was time for him to nope out of there and so he slowly backed away and slunk off.
Felix wasn't sure what he would do if someone else sent Esme not just a red rose, but a rose of some love declaration. Even though Felix was the most romantic person in the school he still didn't feel like watching anyone try to get in the way of the special bond they had.

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