Closed Playing a role

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
If someone was good in observing it was June. And over the break, all by accident she had seen her sister again from an distance. So she didn't knew that June saw her. And June wanted to keep it that way. Since she had also spotted the rest of the Carters. Now she knew all the faces, and she had printed them in her mind. And one of those had stepped into the castle this year. An daughter of Landon, and June had saw it all happening at the sorting ceremony. The girl was sorted in Gryffindor, and as far as what she could get she had heard her name. Genesee, what an stupid name. But she hadn't expected something else from such an family. Something what was interesting, was that the girl wasn't sorted in Hufflepuff. But perhaps that was an good thing. Since June had it all under control with the preparation for her study it was time for another plan and she felt like an secret agent in this days. Taking some walks outside, and Gryffindor at certain places. One place June came too was the lakefront. Whenever she felt the need to let go of something she would throw some rocks in the water. And everytime she felt it was neccesary she even tried to throw further. It helped her in a way dealing with certain emotions, so she could hold up her act better. And if someone would walk by, they would just think she was throwing rocks as an game. Because it was all happening inside her head, her picturing the people she hated. And June didn't even cared what they would think. She knew a lot of people watched her, and since she was so focused on getting on top. She figured everyone wanted to see her fall down badly. But they would never. Nothing could ever hurt her anymore, and she was stronger than ever. Because the one thing she loved the most were gone, her parents. Her father in Azkaban and her mother died recently.

As June found her way to the lake, she figured there was an good chance the Gryffindor would come along today. She liked being outside it seemed from what June could tell. The blonde figured any Gryffindor was up for some 'fun' stuff so took an rock from the ground and started throwing it in the water. As far as she could.
Genesee had been making it a nearly daily ritual to go down to the lake and today was no different. Recently she had met a boy in her year at the lake and it made her wonder if anyone else would be down at the lake. Tryouts for the Gryffindor quidditch team had just happened and she really hoped she nailed one of the spots on the team. If not, she was certain there were other things she could do for the sport this year. She couldn't remember when her mother had actually made the Gryffindor team but she was sure it wasn't during her first year. Of course, she had to do well in Herbology. She wasn't sure if her dad would give her a harder time or an easier time, she already knew a lot about magical plants from her watching her dad growing up. She had a small section within his garden at home as well. It felt like a lot of pressure and while she had been tempted to want to be in Hufflepuff as her father was the Head of House the young girl was happy to be in her mother's old house. She could be sleeping in the same bed, the furniture here certainly looked like it had seen many girls coming and going over the years.

Yawning slightly as she moved towards the lake Gen wondered how her mom was doing at home now it was just Tess and Cam with her. It was nice to see where her dad worked and enjoy exploring the grounds of the castle. She was missing her sisters slightly even though all the girls in her dorm were really nice, it wasn't the same as being with her sisters. Spring was basically upon the school and she was enjoying the crisp air. She spotted another student down by the lake, what luck she had. Although the person was throwing rocks into the lake which made Genesee curious as to why. But she wasn't certain how to approach an older student. "Why are you doing that?" Genesee asked with a curious look on her face.
As June continued her throwing rocks, she suddenly heard an voice behind her. And as she turned around and seeing Genesee she was really pleased. But hide this in her face. And smiled shortly to the girl. '' Oh.. it calms me sometimes. And fun to see how far you can throw it.'' June than explained to the girl, which was not completly true. As she took an new rock from the ground she hold it to the girl. '' Want to try it out?'' She than hold it up. '' They say there is an creature in the water. So perhaps I've made it mad..'' She said and looked innocent.
Genesee wasn't sure about the throwing rocks. It didn't seem very calming, she could almost make a competition out of who could throw it further, if only her younger sisters were around to beat. Their mom or dad would certainly win the competition of course, but Gen might be able to beat out her younger sisters. "I guess I could try perhaps," she said picking up a rock and feeling the weight of it in her hand. She hadn't played many toss-and-catch games growing up with small objects, mostly just large quaffles with her family. Nearly everyone played on a professional quidditch team in her family it felt like. She was mad about not making the Gryffindor team. She had done well in the tryouts but of course, there were a lot of bigger players than her trying out this year. She'd be determined to make the team next year. Throwing the rock in the water she watched the wave come up from it. "My dad told me about mermaids living in the lake! That's true isn't it?" She asked excitedly when the girl mentioned a creature in the lake. She had tried looking the other day but hadn't seen anything.
June smiled as the girl wanted to try. It was going like she wanted it to go. She could now observe the girl from close, and wondered if the girl would know about her. She threw the rock and June bend down to get another one for herself. And watched the girl, she spoke about her father directly so June would just go along with that. '' I've read about it, but never seen one before. But I guess you should swim very deep for that. And they probably don't want to see us. '' June than replied. And than threw her rock, and a saw it landing on the water, making an circle. '' Did your dad went to Hogwarts too?'' June than asked, acting innocent.
Genesee tossed the rock trying to copy how the older girl had thrown it. It didn't go nearly as far but she thought it was a good effort at least. She frowned when the girl said she hadn't seen a mermaid in the lake. Gen knew there was a plant that could help her hold her breath for much longer than normal, but then there was the matter of being able to swim that far, to begin with. "Oh no, he went to school in America. My mom did, but she's actually from America. I'm from New Zealand though," Gen said thinking about how they hadn't gone to see any family in the States. "My dad teaches here though! Professor Carter!" She exclaimed turning to see what the girl's reaction would be. Usually, it was one of the first things Gen said to other students. She was quite proud of her dad, he was a great Professor.

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