Closed Plans, Plans, Plans

Ivelisse Burleigh

inadequate ▪️ accidental magic reversal squad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2042 (19)
Ivelisse loved being active, loved doing things, loves sports. Specifically competitive sports. Sports at which she could prove herself, show everyone how good she was. Needless to say that as soon as her dad and sister had mentioned playing quidditch at hogwarts her interest had been piqued. It had almost felt like they had tried to mention it was little as possible, not wanting her to obsess over it when she still had to wait a couple of years before heading off to the school. Now, however, times had changed. Now she was actually here. Sorted in a house which supposedly had the best quidditch team out of all of them. And that what exactly what she wanted: to be the best. The only thing that annoyed her was that whilst she was finally here she would still have to wait another year before she could even try out for the team. If they only knew what they were missing. Being kept from trying out untill next year didn't mean she couldn't still feel the pull of the pitch though and she hadn't wasted any time in heading over there. Once she reached the pitch Iva put her hands on her hips, staring out at the place she was sure she'd spend plenty of time from next year on. They'd be silly not to allow her on the team if she tried out after all. Yes, she could definitely already see herself up there.
The one thing that Xiuying loved so much in her whole life was Quidditch. The young Ravenclaw girl had always had loved the sport and even maybe had a dream of playing for a famous team one day. Who knew! Xiuying had visited the pitch a couple of times. But the Ravenclaw girl couldn't contain herself, and she'd somehow make her way again when she wasn't busy. And right now was the time she felt like going to visit the pitch. Again. Xiuying made her way to the pitch. The girl thought she was going to be alone, like she had always been the last couple of times visiting the pitch, but had noticed that someone else may have had the same idea. She slowly made her way to the girl. "The pitch is beautiful, right?"
Ivelisse quickly turned her head when someone suddenly appeared next to her, observing the girl for a second as she did. She was sure she had seen her at the sorting ceremony, which meant she was a first year as well which in turn meant possible friend material. "Yeah." She nodded when the girl mentioned the pitch being beautiful. Iva didn't know if she actually appreciated the pitch itself like that but the idea of what the pitch meant was more than beautiful. "I'm sure it'll be even better when I'm up there." She grinned at the other girl. She always tried to straight away find some common ground when talking to new people and since the girl liked the pitch she surely had to like quidditch as well. Unless she was just really attracted to grass and stands for some reason. Which would be strange.
Xiuying nods in agreement with the girl. The young Ravenclaw had enjoyed Quidditch for so long. She guessed that there were many students in Hogwarts who had an interest in the sport. "Do you play often?" Xiuying asked the girl curiously. Maybe starting a small conversation might be nice. Xiuying had played the sport as much as she could back home. She liked the feeling of the air going through her hair. It was just magical honestly.
Ivelisse gave a small shrug when the other girl asked if she played often. She didn't. But that didn't matter. She knew she was good on a broom so she was sure she'd be able to handle quidditch just fine. "Not really." She answered. "Didn't have a lot of people to play with. And practicing alone gets boring after a while." Which was sort of the truth. In reality there had been a handful of kids she could've played with, but it hadn't taken them long to start disliking her competitiveness. And how sore of a loser she was. That wasn't something she would mention now though. "Do you?" Iva asked the other girl curiously, now wondering if she had a one up on her because she played the sport at home. At least they wouldn't be competing to be on the same team.
Xiuying nodded as the girl explained about her Quidditch aspect in her life. "Yeah, It does get boring if you do alone," Xiuying says with a small smile and nods in agreement. There were times where Xiuying would play or practice by herself, which become a bit boring within the first couple of minutes. "As much as I can to be honest. I play with my siblings from time to time" Xiuying says with a small shrug. The young Ravenclaw had found it interesting that there were more people that were interested in Quidditch than she realised.
Ivelisse was glad that the other girl understood that playing quidditch alone could get old very quickly. "Don't think I need that much practice anyways." She responded with a small shrug. Even if there probably were other kids who had played a whole lot more than she had she still knew she was good. And could be even better. "That's cool." Iva nodded with a smile when the girl mentioned playing with her siblings. "My sister never wants to play. She's too fragile." She added with a soft chuckle, knowing fully well that it would likely only take a single bludger hit to take her sister out. Wouldn't be much fun that way either.
Xiuying nodded as the girl explained that she didn't need much practice. "I'm sure you're good at Quidditch," Xiuying says with a small smile, before looking out back at the pitch again. Xiuying was sure that there were many people that were good at the sport, but deep down Xiuying she was a bit better at doing the sport than others. The Ravenclaw nodded when the girl explained that her sister wasn't that interested in the sport. She understood that not everyone was interested, but it would have been cool if there were a lot more people who were. Xiuying turned towards the girl. "I'm Xiuying, by the way. What's your name?"
Ivelisse smiled when the other girl mentioned her being good at quidditch. Which she obviously was. It would just take another year before she would be able to show everyone. "You bet." She nodded confidently, although she wondered whether the other girl actually thought so or was just being nice. Probably the latter. She didn't care though, already looking forward to showing her classmates how well she was able to handle a broom during their flying lessons. "Ivelisse." Iva stated her name when the girl introduced herself as Xiuying, trying her best to remember the name. Even if it was a bit of a difficult one. She was on a mission to make friends after all. "So I reckon you're planning on trying out next year?"
Xiuying nods, as the girl nodded with confidence. Xiuying wondered if the girl was actually good at flying or quidditch like she said she is. But didn't really want to make any clear judgements as of yet. She had to see for herself first. "Nice to meet you," Xiuying says with a small smile and slight wave when the girl introduced herself as Ivelisse. Hoping that the name would stick. The name had seemed a little long, but Xiuying didn't have any trouble. "Oh yeah defiantly. It would be awesome to be on the team. I'm guessing you are as well?"
Ivelisse wasn't surprised Xiuying confirmed what she was in fact planning on trying out for the team next year. With the fact that she had run into the girl around the pitch and the conversation about quidditch they just had plus her mentioning playing it a lot at home it seemed like a logical choice. "Oh yeah, for sure." She nodded when the girl reckoned she'd be trying out as well. She figured her response might as unsurprising to Xiuying as the girl's own response had been to her. "I'm honestly a little disappointing they don't let first years try out." Iva added with a short chuckle. She was sure that even now they would've already been impressed with her skills had she been allowed to try out.
Xiuying nodded in agreement with Ivelisse. "Right? Very disappointing. I wonder why that is, to be honest" Xiuying says, as she thought for a bit. Deep down she thought it was cool if first years were given the chance to play. Maybe it would make it fun and also make the Quidditch teams better if there were first years involved. "There are flying lessons. But those aren't the same as an actual try out or an actual game" Xiuying says with a shrug. She had wondered what flying lessons were like. The girl already knew some of the basics of flying and such, so she didn't really understand why she needed to take the flying lessons.
Ivelisse was glad the other girl agreed with her on the fact that excluding first years from quidditch tryouts was stupid. She was sure she was better at flying than some second years were so it just didn't make sense. The only thing she could think of was the fact that they still had mandatory flying lessons. But why was that fair if some of them already knew how to fly? "It's just dumb." Iva shrugged, before nodding in agreement when they seemed to share similar opinions on the situation. "Right? I'm sure there are second years that are way worse at flying than we are." She added confidently, quite happy in talking to the other girl so far.
Xiuying nodded when the girl spoke. She didn't see the point for those students who already knew how to fly, needed the flying lessons. She thought she didn't really need it. Xiuying giggled as Ivelisse mentions that there was a possibility of the second years being bad at flying. "True! I'm sure we can do way better than them" Xiuying says with the same volume of confidence the other girl had, while also imagining second-year students on a broom flying around the pitch, while suddenly falling off their broom. That would be something. "What position would you want to play?"
Ivelisse so far was quite content that the other girl seemed to share in some of her opinions. Especially since she felt like found quidditch to be important, so to have someone else think the same about it as she did was a good thing. She needed friends after all. She laughed approvingly when Xiuying mentioned them probably being better than some second years. "I feel like we're going to be friends." Iva grinned at the other girl. "Seeker or beater." She responded to the girl's question without skipping a beat. After observing the team listing for the year she knew everything might be a long shot but that didn't impact her confidence. "I mean sure chasers are fun but they don't really make any difference in the game." She added with a shrug. Chasers were fun to watch and certainly kept some fun in watching the game, but she felt like beaters and seekers were the positions in which people actually had an influence on the outcome of the game.

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