Open Pinkish Crush

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Pink rose for Jasper Michaels
Vader's next rose was easy, a gryffindor whose name he knew a little better. Hadn't ever met him, but knew. The gryffindor rubbed his eyes tired and yawned as he made his way to the gryffindor table. He had his camera, as per usual, he did this to take pictures of the people with their rose, enjoy the way faces lit up so easily with them. "Jasper Michaels?" he said as he approached the table, biting back a yawn as he finished, "Has anyone seen Jasper Michaels?"
Jasper had been studying a muggle history book when he heard someone calling his name. He looked up to see the picture kid, the one that always looked like he was going to drop from exhaustion. Wasn't Sapphire friends with a girl that was always trying to get him to sleep. He shrugged and set down his book. "I am Jasper." He raised his hand to get the boys attention.
Vader forced a quick smile on to his tired expression, "I have a rose for you," he said, reaching to the basket and from within it pulling out a pink rose and the note that went along side it and holding it out to the boy. "These are for you," he was able to smile a little more easily as he just let himself relax a little, he pushed his worries back and tried his best to just focus on Jasper.
Jasper sighed and took the rose, setting it by his plate. "Thank you, Vader." He glanced at the note. Sierra again? He would need to check and make sure he'd sent her a rose. He tapped the seat next to him. "You should sit with me for a minute. You look ready to drop." He took a sip of his coffee. "One little breather would not kill you, you know." He gave the other boy a small smile.
Vader was pleased when the boy accepted the rose and seemed pretty pleased with it too. He couldn't help but frown a little when the younger boy told him to sit. It was rather appealing, knowing the sort of day he had ahead of him, he hestiated a little almost moving to sit before stopping himself. "I can't, I have to keep going," he told the younger boy admently, "There's a lot to do today," but Vader didn't really move he just kept his eyes on the seat and then to the younger boy. God, how bad was he looking that even the younger kids noticed.
Jasper raised a brow. "And taking a few minutes to nibble on something would do you good. Your Ava will kill us both if you do not sit," He admitted, giving the older boy a wry smile. "She worries for you. She is friends with my cousin, Sapphire, and has sought out all of us- my sister, my other cousin, Sapphire's friends, and asked everyone she knows to help her make sure you take better care of yourself." He chuckled. "Stubborn little spitfire, is she not?" He took a sip of his drink. "She also asked all of us this morning to ask you to meet her after your deliveries are done. Something or the other up in the towers." He shrugged. "Just sit for a few moments, please. She may well kill us both if you do not. I do not know about you, but I do not feel like testing her ire today."
Vader couldn't help the frown as this boy, Jasper seemed to know who he was, he knew Avam the girl Sapphire who'd once asked Vader if he liked Ava. Vader felt a little overwhelmed with the kindness, a little overwhelmed with so many people watching out for him. It made sure a contrast to how he sometimes felt in the hours of the night, when Vegeta was being particularly cruel, but he didn't deserve that kindness. Vader was a bad friend, he lied, he was constantly busy, he didn't deserve Ava's kindness, nor this boys either. He shook his head a little. he looked down at the ground between them sighing slightly, he didn't think he had much of a choice. He didn't want to upset ava or get any of her little army of helpers in trouble. But it was as he looked down that he remember his camera. "I'll sit down, but let me take a picture of you with your rose first?" he asked. promising something he wasn't sure he would commit to. He put down his basket of roses and just took the camera.

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