Old School Week Pining Peony

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Penelope Marshall

💜Responsible | Burdened | 2063 Grad💜
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Todd)
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Swishy Poplar Wand with Fairy Wing Core
9/2044 (17)
Open after Rowan posts with Holden

Penelope had been cautiously optimistic about the yule ball. She didn't have a partner, but she was hopeful she could spend some time with Emmanuel. She did enjoy his company, and she was almost certain she had a crush on him. But she saw he was already talking to Daria, so Penny looked at them from a small distance, disappointed.
School dances were stupid, and Holden already regretted coming. He hadn't even bothered dressing up, just wearing his uniform. He was on the way to leave when he spotted Penny looking upset and made a beeline to her. "What's wrong?"
Penelope liked Daria, she was nice. So it was weird to look at the other girl and feel so jealous and a bit annoyed. But mostly, she felt sad. She blinked when Holden came up to her, surprised to even see him here. She quickly forced a smile. "Nothing."
Holden knew his sister better than to believe her. "Uh huh." He snorted, looking over in the direction she had been looking. "Someone being a jerk to you?"
Penny quickly shook her head, looking down. "No one was a jerk to me, Holden." She mumbled. "I just- it's silly, I got my hopes up." She glanced at Emmanuel again.
Holden followed her eyes more closely, frowning as his gaze caught whoever Penny was thinking of. "He's an idiot if he doesn't like you." He said firmly. "Who's the girl?" He added. He didn't know if she had hurt Penny too, but if she had... he was pretty sure it was fine to hit a girl if she was older than you.
Penelope's cheeks flushed at Holden's words. It was nice to have him stand up for her, but she wished she hadn't been quite so easy to see through. "I don't know if he doesn't." She said quickly. "But probably not." Penny bit her lip. "That's Daria, she's nice." She said sadly.
Holden raised an eyebrow. "Did you tell him you like him?" He asked pointedly, before looking at the girl again. "Not so nice if she's stealing your guy."
Penelope flushed even more, shaking her head. “Of course not.” She told him, horrified. “And she’s just talking to him.” She added quickly. “He’s not my guy anyway.”
Holden rolled his eyes, before giving Penny a look. "Pining doesn't help anyone. You should just tell him." He said firmly.
Penelope groaned. “I’m not even sure if I do like him.” She told Holden. But then she looked over again and saw they looked like they were going to dance. Her stomach dropped. “oh.” She said sadly.
Holden snorted at his sister's response, wordlessly watching her reaction at the others getting closer. He raised an eyebrow. "Not sure, huh?" He said pointedly.
Penelope felt her eyes fill with tears and she quickly rubbed at them, her lip trembling. "Don't make fun of me." She mumbled.
Holden felt bad for a second, frowning. He wanted to argue, but now Penny was crying. "I'll beat him up for you if you want." He paused. "Or her. Whatever."
Penelope knew she should scold Holden for his suggestion, but the mental image of him going up to the couple to beat one of them up was strangely funny. Penelope hiccuped a laugh through her tears. “No, you shouldn’t.” She said, then giggled again.
Holden hadn't been trying to be funny, but hearing Penny laugh was a relief. "Let me know if you change your mind." He said with a small smile. He looked over to the couple, then back to his sister. "Come on." He said, extending a hand to her. "If he's too stupid to dance with you, let's show him what he's missing."
Penelope blinked in surprise at Holden’s suggestion, hesitating for a moment. “You don’t like dancing.” She told him, as if he needed to hear it from her.
Holden rolled his eyes. "No I don't, so remember this next time you get mad at me." He said pointedly, gesturing with his hand again. "Come on."
Penelope snorted. "You're the one always getting mad at me." She reminded him, but she went with him.
Holden rolled his eyes and didn't respond, going to the dance floor with Penny. Once they got there he didn't really knwo what to do with himself, shuffling awkwardly from one foot to the other.
Penelope started happily swaying side to side, twirling her skirt with her movements.
Holden shuffled side to side, feeling awkward and silly but glad Penny seemed to be having fun.
Penny spun around, making her dress twirl around her. Then she decided Holden had done enough. She hugged him. "Thank you for distracting me, you're the best brother ever." She told him.
Holden yelped as Penny hugged him, squirming and trying to wiggle out of her arms. "Gross, get off!"
Holden's reaction was oddly comforting, they were back to their usual dynamic. To be annoying, Penny planted a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you. Now go hang out with your friends or eat snacks or whatever." She said, letting him go. "I'll be fine."
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