Closed Piles of Rocks

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Minnie had never stayed at school over the break. It had always been better to go home, expected to go home but with her parents still not speaking to her, she had settled on staying at school and really it wasn’t half bad. It was quiet, she could study in peace, there wasn’t too many others so she didn’t run into anyone. Minnie didn’t spend any time having to consider her dormmates. It was a tad lonely and she missed Eric. But she’d explored a bit of the school, something she hadn’t really done before, there had been no need for her to do so. She had come outside, where the sun was high, the day was warm. She approached the rock by the water that she had always seen. She realised quickly it was for the kid who died in the water. Had he really liked rocks? He had probably been quite odd.
To say that Ivelisse had been bummed out when her sister showed her their dad's letter saying they would have to spend the break at school would be an understatement. She could understand why he had to leave and they wouldn't be able to go home, celebrate christmas with him, but that didn't make it any less disappointing. Now she had to save all of her stories for the end of the year and she wasn't even sure she'd still remember them all by then. Sure, she could just write him about it but that wouldn't be the same. Although perhaps she could write them down just to make sure she could tell him all about it during the big break between schoolyears. The only plus of staying at school over the break so far was that the school was a whole lot less crowded, which meant it was so much easier to strut around. To explore without having students step in front of her. It also meant things were a little.. boring. Quiet. So when during one of the times she had ventured outside to explore more of the grounds she noticed another students right where she was headed she didn't hesitate. She didn't really care how much older the girl was or that she was a prefect. What did interest her was that she was undoubtedly ravenclaw's seeker. "Hi." Ivelisse greeted, about to say something else when she noticed the rock. Her mouth fell open as she quickly skimmed over it, staring at the older girl as if she held all of the answers. "No way, a kid really died here?"
Blair's mom was away again, sometimes Blair hated so much that her mom had to travel all the time, especially when she had holidays, but she had to stay at Hogwarts because her mom was in another country and her home was too far away from Hogwarts. It was frustrating, but she didn't have any other choice except staying at school that she still didn't know, at least now she had a chance to look it up. Not like it was something she wanted to do, more like she did it, because she didn't what else to do. Blair disliked crowded places and chose to go somewhere where was a little chance that would be a lot of people, but sadly there was already two girls. She didn't want to seem rude or weird, so she joined them anyways. "Серьезно?" she fastly let out as she heard other girl's question. Blair thought that this rock was just some sort of joke because Avie was the first kid that hugged the professor Styx, but now this all just took another turn of an events. "Hi," she also added and wanted to hear the oldest girl's answer to question that was asked by the youngest girl.

Серьезно - seriously?
Rhys had made the decision to stay in the castle over the break. His parents had been a little disappointed and had wanted him to come home, but it was a little late for that right now. Though it was strange to be away from them for so long, hopefully, this break would help him get completely used to the castle so he would stop getting so homesick every time he went off to school. He didn't really have a particular destination in mind, his feet just taking him wherever they seemed to want to go. But he soon stopped, a small group of girls standing around the rock he had seen a couple of times before but had never actually paid much attention to. Maybe it was about time that changed, so he wandered closer, just in time to catch the question asked by one of his classmates. "I don't think they would lie about someone drowning," he offered quietly, giving the rock a look for a moment, "Would they?"
Catherine usually stayed at school over the break. There was no reason to stay at home, she didn't want to return to America. She loved New Zealand, she had made some friends and most of her friends worked in the castle as well. Since there were no lessons Catherine walked over to the Lake front. Cat saw some students surrounding Avie's Rock. She had heard the story of the prefect that went swimming. He evidently lost his wand then his charm broke. It resulted in the drowning of a student at the school and thus a remembrance rock was put in place. She walked over to the students and listened to their stories. ''They aren't lying, that would be a very wrong sign to give as a school'' Lying about people who have died was absolutely wrong. ''Avie Mitchell was a seventh year Slytherin prefect that went out searching for rocks, his charm broke and you know what happened' No more information needed to be shared and Cat didn't knew any other details. ''He was loved by everyone and thus the headmaster made this place to remember him and also to remind us of the dangers of the waters''
Minnie was seemingly joined by a successive amount of people at once. A young girl who was not in her house and definitely not her year, as if a kid could’ve really died there. Minnie gave a little nod, but before she could say another another girl had approached saying something in what possibly russian who then just greeted them. ”They did and he’s not the only one,” she said, thinking of the rosebush not that far from here. She then was joined by another student, who again like the other two was not in her house. Seemingly none of them from her house, but he was right, they wouldn’t lie. Minnie wasn’t too surprised when a professor, one of the muggle studies professor’s though not one Minnie had been taught by, and whom Minnie was sure was probably close to the age the dead boy might’ve now been. She didn’t know anything about this kid other than what the rock said. She couldn’t imagine that sort of thing happening. ”I didn’t think the rocks at school would be all that interesting, certainly not enough to go swimming into the depths of the water,” she said, but then to each their own. If the professor wasn’t there she might’ve made a comment about any protections on the lake to prevent this from happening again, but she didn’t want a professor to think she was questioning her or the school.
If Hogwarts were actually willing to lie about a student dying in the water in some attempt to scare people off, then Rhys really had to consider what sort of school this even was. But, thankfully, it seemed as though his suspicions on the matter were correct and it was not something they were actually lying about. But the eldest girl did have a point, what was so interesting about some rocks that you would be willing to go deep underwater to look for them? It was just a little weird. Trying to find an interesting plant or rare fish, maybe. But some rocks? "They're just rocks," he agreed, kicking at the ones at his feet as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
Ivelisse looked up when another girl joined as well, speaking what sounded to be something like Russian for a second. Not to soon after one of her classmates joined and she was about to reply to him when a professor joined them as well. It made her wonder if this was just how things went for people who stayed at school during the breaks. Whether it was sort of normal to just talk to anyone that was around because, well, there weren't that many people around anyways. Her eyes grew wide when the professor mentioned the kid drowining, even more so when the older girl said the boy this rock was for wasn't even the only student that had died at the school. For a magical boarding school having a dead rate of more than one didn't sound all too promising. With a lake this size right next to the school she felt like they should at least be able to keep their students from drowning. "This school seriously lacks some protective measures." Ivelisse shrugged. Between the lake and the supposedly dangerous forest she started to question their capability of logical thinking and danger prevention. "Maybe he just really liked rocks?" She offered, although she wondered why anyone would go through so much trouble looking for any sort of rock. It wasn't like they seemed so special anyways. "Gotta give him credit for hugging Styx though." She grinned, not really caring there was another professor right there.
Everyone started crowding around the rock, even professor, and Blair almost sighed about that, and then just acted like it didn't bother her at all. She wasn't supposed to talk with them after this, right? Professor started to talk about that situation and after some time Blair nodded at what the youngest girl said. Hogwarts surely had to revise their safety system. Wasn't there also something like a rosebush for a girl that died too young? It surely didn't leave the best impression about Hogwarts. "Rocks are always rocks, it would be weird, if someone made a memorable place for Avie just because he loved them." it would be weird even for a magic school. Why didn't they make a statue for every Head Girl or Head Boy? Cause it wouldn't make sense. "Yeah," she agreed on a giving a credit. She wasn't in this school for long but she perfectly knew that wasn't almost any student who would agree to hug that profesor. No, actually, who would?

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