
Alyssa Chevalier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Willow Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Veela Hair
When lunchtime had come around Alyssa bid her friends goodbye and headed to the Greta Hall to get some food.

It was pretty packed already because many other students were probably hungry and came seeking food as well. Alyssa however had been craving a particular food for lunch. Pie. So Alyssa sat down at a random table and stared hungrily at the few pies that sat in front of her.

"I wonder if anyone else wants to help me come eat this?" Alyssa asked as she continued to eye up the pie.
Beau walked into the Great Hall with a huge appetite(sp?) . He looked around trying to spot someone he could go and sit with, he didn't want to sit alone but he couldn't exactly walk out now. He turned to walk to the Slytherin table when he spotted Alyssa, he had only briefly met her but she was really nice so he walked over, "Hey you," he said, "Mind if I join you?" he asked, spotting a huge pie infront of her, "Ah legend," he said cutting a portion and putting it on the white plate infront of him.
When Alyssa saw that Beau, a boy who actually was cool enough to shop with her over the summer join her a smile immediantly pasted itself onto her face. She hadn't seen him much at all this year and wondered what he had been up to.

"Sure go ahead and join!" Alyssa smiled when she saw that he had taken a piece of pie Alyssa reached foward and grabbed a piece for herself.

"I see you like pie too!" Alyssa giggled.
Beau grinned, "Who doesn't like pie?" he said, taking a bite of his own. "I haven't seen you around much, how've you been?" he asked, it was true after meeting Alyssa in the summer he hadn't seen her at all. She seemed to be a pretty alright girl and he had hoped he would see her more often.
Alyssa smile and nodded. She had yet to meet a person who disliked pie. Except maybe her grandmother, who had always been an odd woman to start with. Alyssa took another bite of what tasted like fresh apple pie before she decided to answer Beau's question.

"I've been alright. I did found out that I was part-veela though, which made things a tad hetic for awhile. But I'm over it now." Alyssa had fianally begun to except the fact that she had Part-veela blood inside her. Moping and throwing a fit to everyone wasn't going to do anything to stop it.

"How have you been?" Alyssa wondered how he had been doing around Hogwarts and stuff. She knew she had to keep an eye out for her fellow Slytherins.
"Your part veela?" Beau said, slightly take aback. He took a couple of bites of the apple pie, still mulling over this fact, "I was wondering how a normal witch could be so pretty," he said grinning and winking at her.
"I've been alright thanks," he said, "Got into my first fight," he said, rather triumphantly clearly showing he had got the better of the other guy.
Alyssa blushed as she cotinued to take small bites of her pie. Everyone seemed to have a positive reaction about this part-veela thing. It was actually quite surprising. She felt more comfortable...but at th same time it always made her feel nervous telling people about it.

"Your a smooth talker Beau." Alyssa teased giving him another wink. When Beau mentioned he had been in a fight Alyssa lowered her fork and stared at him curiously.

"A fight? Who did you fight with? Did you win?" Alyssa asked quickly. She hadn't meant to throw so many questions...but they seem to just come out.
//Haha...so did I!!//

Alyssa shook her head with a small smile on her face. Boys just loved to fight things over. Alyssa wished they would just use the tatic that Alyssa used. Mental Warfare. It was much easier not getting your hands dirty.

"Did you use magic...or was your fists involved too?" Alyssa asked curiously.
"No. I wouldn't want to dirty myself up. Either I use magic or I get someone else to do it for me." Alyssa muttered as she ran pale fingers through her straigtened hair. It was true, Alyssa pretty much couldn't fight with fists to save her life. She didn't have much muscle or pain tolerance either.

"Well good job. Slytherins never lose to anyone." Alyssa scratched her head before she smiled. "How are classes goinf for you. You've haven't gotten detention yet or anything have you?" Alyssa asked with a small smile.
Beau laughed, "Atta girl," he siad grinning, he didn't find it attractive in girls to fight with fists, duels of course a different matter.
He laughed when she scratched his head, "No I'm good as gold in classes," he said winking, "How about you? Hows you year of classes going?" he asked.
"Not so good I'm afraid. I haven't really been paying attention this year." Alyssa gave a funny smile as she scratched her head. This year had been flying by and Alyssa felt no motivation to do anything. She actually has been more worried about Theodore then anything else. He had been acting so strange this year.

"I've actually been putting off everything. This year is going by so fast and I'm kind shocked by it all." Alyssa muttered honestly.
"Uhm....either from lack of intrest. Or I just didn't feel like doing. I haven't even been imvolved in lots of drama like I used to be, I've somehow managed to avoid it all." Alyssa muttered as she took another bite of her pie. Her stomach was getting full, bu she only had a little of the pie left. She was going to attempt to finish it.

Alyssa then gave Beau a beaming grin before she asked; "Sooooo are you going to the yule ball?" Alyssa asked slyly. She was nosy, but she remembered how big a deal the yule ball was on her first year. Alyssa wondered if Beau was even going.
Beau smiled, "Avoiding dramas a good thing right?" he said pushing his plate away from him after finishing his second portion.
He laughed, "As a matter of fact I am!"he said smiling happily, he couldn't wait to go. Not because of the ball itself, that seemed kind of average, but because of the fact that he would be going with Toni. A huge smile spread across his face at the mere thought of it.
"How about you?" he asked returning the sly smile.
"Well of course I'm going! I've been working on my yule ball gown for months!" Alyssa smiled one of her trademarks beaming grins. She had started working on making herself a dress at the beginning of the year and just started to finish it. This would be the perfect event to show it off.

Alyssa still kept her smile as she continued; "I don't have a date. But it's not like I really care, I'm really just there to hang out with my friends and show off my dress." Alyssa shrugged her shoulders. A lot of people must think that since she's Part-veela she should have a date. But to be honest ever since the Aiden incident Alyssa had been keeping herself locked up.
Beau laughed at Alyssa's eagerness. "Oh you make dresses?" he asked, he hadn't the first clue about making anything. The clothes he wore were always bought from a store, or handmade for him by someone else.
"Thats the attitude to have," he said smiling as she said it didn't matter to her not having a date. He couldn't help but feel a little suprised though, she was very pretty and she had a great personality, he couldn't help but think that there must be a reason why she wouldn't have a date. Though he couldn't put his finger on the reason yet.
"Yep. My mother's a famous dressmaker back in France and she taught me everything there is to know about dressmaking." Alyssa smiled. She really missed her mother. Ever since she found out she had Part-veela blood inside her she really wanted to be close to her mother.

Alyssa scratched her head slight. "Plus I'm Part-Veela. And that usually means guys really only like me for my looks." Alyssa said scrunching her nose up in aggrivation.

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