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Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (14)
Apolline had been unsure about this dance, she wanted to just have a good time, but she had work to do. Joining Accio had meant she just had more that she needed to get on with. She wanted to do well, the halloween one had been the trial run of it, and this, here she needed to do better. She'd worn a simple dress which allowed for easy movement and to be able to take good pictures. She was eager to get a lot of done, so that she might still have time to dance around, she wanted to be able to have a good time with dancing as well. Apolline smiled easily as she stepped into the room, all concerns leaving her as she just took in the beauty of the room. She went to the side of the dance floor and began taking shots of the other students dancing.
Jean Lancaster-Snow really needed to gain some sort of courage like a Gryffindor and actually ask the girl he had a crush on for years now to the dance. Any dance. Maybe he will do it for Valentine's Day. For now, all he could hope was that Apolline would be alone out in the Great Hall. He dressed himself up in nice dress robes. He thought that he looked good for the dance, and then saw Apolline herself. She looked pretty in yellow, but what sort of color would not look good on her? He just approached, with his hands behind his back since he did not want to be seen fiddling his fingers out of nervousness. "Hey, want to dance with me?"
Apolline gave a wild smile to the boy that approached her. She hadn't really expected for him to ask her to dance, but she smiled at him and then nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that," She liked Jean, though she thought they'd been passing ships in the night, knowing of each other, being friendly, but never actually being more than friends. Distant friends. he was nice though and she always wanted to dance at these things so of course she'd accept.
Jean felt that his heart would be beating out of his chest, as if the answer was taking years, but when she said yes, it was definitely not years later. Maybe he should just spill everything tonight. He might as well. "Sorry I didn't really ask you to be my date. I am going to fix that for Valentine's day." Jean didn't want to just confess his undying crush on her just yet. That could scare off anyone. He held his palm up to lead her out to the dance floor though. He could ask her how she liked to dance when he actually saw her out there.
Apolline blushed deeply at his words. She hadn't expected that, hadn't been fishing for it. it took her by surprise and she welcomed it. She liked Jean, had liked him from when they'd first met, and he was cute, one of the, if not the cutest boy in their year. She looked at his palm and nodded, she reached out and took it, the feel of his hand in hers felt equal parts odd and perfect. "Okay," she agreed.
Honestly, he could have melted on the spot when their hands touched. Jean never thought of himself as a sap for this sort of thing, but he discovered that he, indeed, was. He was gentle with leading the Gryffindor out to the dance floor. He was not sure where would be good to put his hands, but after looking at some others, he knew one on the waist was fine. "I hope I am your first dance. Maybe only if I don't screw up too bad," Jean joked with a smile on his face.
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