Closed Picture This

Elise Ito

creative 💀 flighty 💀 a little odd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (14)
Elise had enjoyed her first year on the Accio team and she had thought she had done a good job. But she knew there was always room for improvement when it came to art and her photography skills were no exception. She had brought Nyx out with her to the lake to enjoy the nice day, and to get some practice in with her new camera. Her raven was perched patiently on her shoulder as she held up her camera to face and looked out over the water as it rippled. The light was shining and she held her breath waiting for just the right moment before clicking the button. "How do you think that one will come out?" she asked the bird before looking for her next subject.
Zaros was out for a walk- he had never quiet kicked the habit of taking long walks- but he enjoyed it. It gave him time to think. He thought a lot. He was just walking by the lake when he saw a girl there, poised with a camera and a raven on her shoulder. He raised a brow, watching her. He waited until she'd taken the picture and straightened. She immediately spoke to the bird, making him tilt his head. "Did you really just ask the bird a question?" He asked, curious, not realizing how rude that might have sounded.
Elise heard someone question her and she turned slowly to look at them. She didn't really recognize the boy but she figured he was at least around her year. She gave him her signature blank expression. "Of course." she said simply. "Nyx has a great eye." she explained. She let the camera's weight fall on the strap around her neck as she freed her hands so she could place them on her hips. "Who do you ask your questions to?" she asked.
Zaros nodded. That made sense- he'd heard that some people had pets that were closer to familiars. He shrugged as she returned the question. "I can usually only ask myself," He countered. "Does... Nyx?" He asked, "Usually offer good advice?" He wondered, unsure of the bird actually answered or if the girl just made it up on her own.
Elise considered his answer when he said he usually asked himself questions. "And do you always answer them?" she asked. She wasn't sure if she would know what to do if she had to ask herself for advice. She didn't think she was wise enough to handle that. She looked to her bird. Elise was aware enough to realize when she asked Nyx questions she was really asking herself. But framing it as asking someone else took off some of the pressure. "Usually." she said. "But sometimes it's just nice to have someone to talk to." she admitted.
Zaros nodded. "Usually. If I don't, who will?" He shrugged like it was the only thing to do. He looked to her bird as well, smiling softly. It must be nice to have a pet. Perhpas he should get one? But what? He stored the thought and tried to focus instead on the conversation. "I concur," He offered, unsure of what to say. "It's... Elise, yes?" He asked, remembering her from some of his classes.

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