Closed Picture Perfect

Daisy Parker-Taylor

Meow Meow Meow 🐶
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Engaged (Pansexual (Lizzie))
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Lizzie)
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Boomslang venom Core
This day had been a long time coming. The two ladies had talked about their future, and Daisy 100% knew what she wanted, and what she envisioned her future looking like. And it definitely involved Lizzie. Daisy had spent a few months brainstorming with her parents about what she would do, and eventually settled on an idea, knowing that they'd want to remember this day forever; well, unless she said no.
The isolated beach cove was set up a few hours before, protected with charms to make sure it stayed looking pristine. "Come on, we're nearly there!" With a camera slung around her neck, Daisy held Lizzie's hand as she led her to the spot. "You know how I've been practicing photography? I figured we could do a cute picnic photoshoot before actually having the picnic." Daisy laughed, showing the set up.
Days off had long been in short supply when it came to Lizzie's schedule, though she found it hard to complain. Working two jobs was hard, but at this point she couldn't imagine her life without either of them. The slopes and the sky were both her home, and it had been a relief to work out a schedule where she wouldn't have to give up either of them. Still, it meant her free time was short and precious, and she had to treasure every chance to spend it with the people who mattered to her. Which thankfully, she had a perfect opportunity to do today.

After six years with Daisy, Lizzie was quite sure there was no one else she would rather spend her life with. The older woman was kind, funny, and every day with her was a delight. Lizzie had long since settled on the knowledge that she wanted them to be together forever, and she knew she had to show Daisy just how much she meant somehow. Plans, unfortunately, had never been Lizzie's strong suit. She had been trying to pull something together, but nothing ever seemed quite right for how important Daisy was to her. So when Daisy had proposed a picnic today she hadn't been able to resist giving herself the chance to take advantage. For now though, she was just contented to walk with Daisy, fingers gently laced together, still such an exciting feeling even after so long. She grinned when Daisy mentioned a photoshoot, striking a silly pose with her free arm as she spoke. "You know I never pass up a chance to show off." Lizzie said cheekily, though the cheekiness drained from her voice as she actually looked over the setup. "Oh wow, Daisy this is gorgeous!" Lizzie breathed, face softening at the sight. She couldn't imagine a more romantic setting for the day.
Daisy giggled at Lizzie's striked pose, feelings of nerves occassionally interrupting her feelings of bliss. She laughed at Lizzie's comment about showing off. "And the world mourns when you don't!" Daisy exclaimed, before squeezing her girlfriend's hand when she commented on the set up. "Only the best for you." Daisy said with a small grin. She led Lizzie over to the picnic set, opening up a bottle of sparkley and pouring them each a glass, holding it up to Lizzie. "To the best girlfriend a gal could ask for." She said in a toast. After cheersing and having a sip, Daisy popped her drink down, taking the camera off from around her neck. "Why don't you do some 'modeling' for me while I get everything set right, and then I'll come and do some too?" Daisy asked, the nerves bubbling up again. She moved away and took a few deep breaths, feeling the pocket in her pants to make sure the ring was still there.
Lizzie giggled fondly at Daisy's praise, glad to be known and loved and appreciated. She accepted the glass and cheered Daisy, taking a small sip. "A bit bigheaded, giving a toast about yourself." She teased, already feeling warm and happy and bright even without the alcohol in her system. Today was the day, she was sure of it. Lizzie laughed lightly when Daisy prompted her to do some modelling, striking a slightly goofy pose. "Always ready to model for you." She teased, before doing a more serious pose, just enjoying the moment and the time together.
Daisy laughed loudly at Lizzie's response, thankful that even in the midst of her nerves, she had someone that made her feel okay. That's why this was happening today. She grinned as she took some photos of Lizzie, before setting it up on a timer. Daisy quickly moved back to her girlfriend, and posed for a shot before taking a deep breath, turning and holding Lizzie's hands in hers, looking at her beautiful face. "Lizzie. From the day I met you, I was in awe of you. You are the most amazing, fun, supportive and encouraging person I have ever met, and I am in love with you. I will always be in love with you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." With a deep breath, Daisy got down on one knee, taking the ring out. "Lizzie Taylor, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"
Lizzie posed for all the pictures in cheerful excitement, laughing occasionally between poses. She grinned when Daisy came to join her, posing with her happily. However many pictures they had together, it never seemed to be enough, and Lizzie cherished every one. She looked over when Daisy took her hands, distracted from the camera as she spoke. At first she just beamed, taking in what Daisy was saying, and it took a moment for the words to really sink in. Her eyes widened at the word 'always', and all at once she realised what this was. Lizzie laughed in disbelief as Daisy shifted to one knee, wiping her eyes quickly with one hand. "Oh my god..." She breathed shakily, wiping her eyes again as Daisy asked the question. "I - yes! Of course, yes!" Lizzie couldn't help herself, dropping to her knees too and pulling Daisy into a quick, eager kiss. "I love you so much..." She laughed against Daisy's lips, tears flowing freely now.

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