
Max liked having Erin around he felt like he could spend hours on end with her then said"So how do you feel when we spend time together if i may ask?"He was naturally curious.
"Well, safe, happy, like everythings alright."Erin felt kinda embaressed that she blurted out her feelings without even thinking, but she soon got over it. She felt comfortable with Max.
Max looked at her and said"I feel the same way" and put his arms around her whiles they were in the water he wanted to be close to her.
Erin put her head on his shoulder as he hugged her. She wished this night would never end.
Max looked at her as her head laid on his shoulder he hoped that they could spend a lot more time like this but he knew it would come to an end eventually but right now he enjoyed the moment,but then he found himself asking without thinking"How do you feel about me?"
Erin sighed, "Im not sure, theres so many feeling they're hard to tell apart. Well, I like you, alot. And I care about you, I dont wanna see you in pain. There's more I know theres more, but its just hard to put to words...how about you?"
Max smiled and said"Well I am not great with words but i think you are very pretty, I don't want you hurt,I would do anything to see you smile,and i know i care about you a lot too, and there is a lot more but i am not sure how to put it."
"Again your the best."Erin said smiling. "We should probably head back to the castle." Erin said, but she made no attempt to move.
After a second Max blurted out"Would you like to go out with me?"then looked down and his face went red.
Erin smiled,"I thought you'd never ask." And she lightly kissed him on the cheek. She put her head on his shoulder again.
Max was happy to hear what she said and couldn't believe it.Then he tightened his arms around her while she laid her head on his shoulder.This was the happiest moment of his life and he didn't want it to end.
Erin really didnt want this day to end but she couldnt help noticing the castle grounds getting emptier...
Max saw Erin look towards the castle grounds and said"We better head back"so he put his clothes back on and took his blazer and put it on her since she was probably a little cold being out of the water soaking wet.He then held out his hand hoping they could hold hands as they walked back to the castle.
Erin smiled as Max put his blazer on her. She willingly took his hand as they walked back to the castle.
Max was happy while they walked hand in hand to the castle then said"You know what? I would like to go out and check the forest again and i could use some company."He smiled then said"But I would like to do it in the morning cause the creature seems to come out during night and I wanna explore with you.What do you say?"Max looked at her and waited to see what she said as they walked up to the castle doors.
"Sure, that should be fun. But this time I'll be ready if something jumps at me out of no where. ;) "
Max laughed and said"Yea but if i get it first you won't have a chance."He laughed then said"Would you really like to come? i wanna explore plus it will give me a chance to work on my ultimate spell so that way it doesn't mess up on me."He looked at her smiling.
"Sure why not. I bet the forest is more fun during the day anyways. You know , when were not running for our lives." she looked at him teasingly.
Max laughed at this then said"well ill see you tomorrow in the forest,Just be careful cause I am going to get there early to train."He then kissed her lightly on the check and went off towards his common room.
"Bye Max, see you tomarrow." Erin walkex to her commom room after Max kissed her on the cheek.
Max waved back then continued to his common room awaiting tomorrow.

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