Open Photosynthesis

Connor Holland

🌼aussie🌼trying🌼sensitive🌼 vibez asst. man
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
6/2038 (25)
((Open after Jessica posts with Ren))

The one thing Connor found himself missing at Hogwarts was warmth. The summers were disappointing at best, but the winters were dreadful. Even in spring, Connor felt as though he had stepped into a freezer constantly. So, he had developed a habit of taking advantage of every little bit of sunshine he could, in the warmest parts of the school he could find. The first floor got excellent sun, so Connor, feeling a little bit like a cat, had brought a blanket and some schoolbooks and cuddled up in a seat in one of the windows, enjoying the meager slivers of warmth New Zealand's paltry sun had to offer. It wasn't anything compared to Australia, but at least he wasn't entirely freezing as he revised the different countries they had visited in Herbology last year.
Ren always enjoyed being at school, even if it just meant that he could nap in more places. He had been lazing about in his dorm most of the morning, waiting for Sam to finish at try-outs so he could see how she did. Deciding he wanted a change of pace, he gathered his sketchbook and went looking for one of his favorite windows to nap in. He paused, however, when he saw someone else had noticed how nice a spot it was and taken it from him. He walked up with a smile. "Hey, mind if I join you?"
Sully had been more than keen to be back at school for the year. As much as his sister teased him for liking school, Sully just missed being around magic all the time. It was so hard to spend most of the year having access to such amazing things and then have to sit at home doing boring things like actually having to get up to get the remote.

Heading up to the dorm, Sully backtracked a few steps when he spotted Ren hanging out with Eric's little brother, wondering what the pair were up to. "Branching out from napping in the dorm for once, aye," He said, giving Ren a little nudge before greeting Eric's brother a nod hello. He was pretty Connor Holland was the cool one of the pair, but you could never be too careful with someone related to Eric.
Schoolbooks weren't the most interesting thing in the world, but Connor wanted to do better in class this year, so he did his best to focus, somehow easier in the warmth of the sunshine. With people passing by every so often he didn't realise he was being approached until someone spoke, looking up curiously. He didn't recognise the older boy, but figured a chance to make a new friend was never something to pass up. He was about to scooch over and offer some space when Sully approached, and Connor perked up slightly. He had never really hung out with him properly before, but Connor knew all too well that Sully was always organising fun games. He scooched up more, smiling. "You're both welcome to join me." He said cheerfully, closing his book with a thumb left in as bookmark. "I'm Connor." He added to the unfamiliar boy, giving him a cheerful smile.
*I completely lost this, I'm so sorry XD*

Ren turned as he heard Sully's voice and stuck his tongue out at the other boy. "I decided I needed a break from your smelly socks," He teased. He turned back to the boy in the window, smiling. "Ren," He returned, taking the invitation and moving to sit in the window too. "That's Sully," He poked his thumb at the other boy. He turned to smile at his dorm mate. "C'mon, Sul, its the best window in the place," Ren stretched, relaxing against the side of the window. "I nap here all the time,"
Sully snorted at Ren's comment, balancing himself on one foot to point his shoe at Ren accusingly. "Oh yeah? These socks? These ones?" He asked, waving his foot near Ren's face and laughing when he nearly lost his balance. "Yeah, I know Connor, he's Eric's brother, aye," Sully said by way of explanation as everyone settled themselves around the window. "Plus he's a beast with a beater bat too," He added, miming a swing in Connor's direction. "You're like a freakin' cat, I swear," Sully said as Ren stretched out. He wasn't sure what the big appeal of sitting by a window was, but he wasn't doing anything more interesting anyway.
Connor glanced between the two older boys, laughing nervously when Ren tried to introduce him to Sully. He nodded in agreement when Sully pointed out they had met, smiling. "Yeah, we know each other." Connor hadn't spent a ton of time with Sully before, but he knew he thought the older boy was pretty cool. Too cool to be friends with Eric, though he'd keep that thought all to himself. Connor giggled at Sully's comment about his Quidditch skills, budging up a bit more to make more space. "I'm not that good." Connor said firmly, smiling.
Ren laughed lightly and leaned back, wrinkling his nose. "Yes, those ones, the ones that can walk without you," He teased, chuckling. His brow raised and he looked at Connor. "I don't see the resemblance," He commented idly. There could be, but Eric was yelling so much it was hard to imagine a soft boy like this was related to that ball of fury. He smiled at the comment about being a beater. "Oh, there's the resemblance," He laughed lightly, stretching his arms over his head. He grinned at Sully's comment, meowing playfully in response. "I purr if you scratch behind my ears," He laughed lightly.

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