Petrokov Manor

Sofiya Petrokov

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14" Katalox Wood Wand with Chimera Scale core
Sofiya awoke, yawning and looking over to her clock sitting on the bedside table. The light shone through her curtains and she yawned once more before rising from the vast duvet and slipping on her slippers. It seemed like just another morning, but today her grandfather was holding a brunch, that unfortunately the whole family had to attend. Walking over to her dresser Sofiya looked in the mirror and saw her icy blue eyes staring back at her, she reluctantly pulled out a few clothes from the drawers, going for a slightly more elegant look, her father never did like the usually promiscuous looks she seemed to wear. After showering and that all important hair straightening routine, Sofiya decided she was fit to be seen by her family. Looking at the clock that adorned the large mantle in her bedroom the young woman made her way to her sister's bedroom, Polina was probably still fast asleep, she never seemed to be on time. Walking quietly past her nieces nursery Sofiya peeked around her sisters door. "Wake up sleepyhead!" she said, rather loudly, causing her sister and her husband to sit bolt upright in the bed. "Come on you're going to be late to brunch, and you haven't even got Zasha ready yet" she said rolling her eyes, she wasn't usually one to nag but she wasn't in the mood for more yelling on her grandfather or fathers part for that matter. Leaving her now, very awake, sister to get ready she made her way down the grand stairway to her father's office and pecked him on the cheek. "Ãóäìîðíèíã" she said in fluent Russian, meaning goodmorning.

Next in line for the morning greetings was her mother and grandmother, she found them exactly where she thought they would be, in the kitchen mercilessly screeching in Russian to the servants and house maids, trying to dress the table and prepare the food. "Mama" she said sweetly, her strong Russian accent making her sound all the more aluring. "Êàê ïîæèâàåòå?" she asked, holding her grandmothers hand as she spoke. She smiled as her eyes caught sight of the large puff pastries piled on top of the kitchen counter, she reached out her hand to grab one, only to be slapped lightly on the hand and scalded in Russian by her grandmother, obviously she would have to wait until the rest of the family arrived before they could eat. Exiting the kitchen Sofiya smiled at her favourite house maid Svetlana, even though if her father saw he would scold her for making eye contact she didn't care. Just as she was seated at the dining table Sofiya smiled and walked towards her sister Polina, holding baby Zasha. "Hello Baby!" she said, tickling the small girls toes before talking her from Polina and kissing her lightly on the forehead with her soft lips. Today was going to be a good day, and perhaps she could even get some ballet practice in before that afternoon?
Gavriil approached the house with not a small amout of anxiety. He wasn't particularly looking forward to seeing the entire family, but he knew it was expected, and, like a good boy, he would come. Predictably, the first person he ran into was Sofiya. She was always everywhere, or so it seemed to Gavriil. It didn't matter; he didn't feel like conversation, but he would be getting a lot of it today anyway. Gavriil sighed and sat down at the immense dining room table.
He greeted Sofiya couteously enough, and was gurgled at by the baby in her arms.

((Help! I don't know any Russian, and Google Translate won't give me any!))
Afanasy wandered through the Petrokov manor, he was at home here, and he had nothing to worry from his family. He winked at Sofiya as he walked into the room. He looked around, not sure where everyone else was. They were probably asleep, knowing them all. You'd think for a family of Death Eaters, that some people wouldn't sleep in every day. He sighed. Afanasy hated it when he had nothing to do around the house. He saw Gavriil walk in, and smiled at him. "Hey there, Gavriil." Afanasy said, rolling his eyes at him. He didn't even know why he was here, surely he had better things to do.

Afanasy looked at Sofiya, seeing her walk towards her kids, "Don't you have anything better to do then look after them all day?" He asked. He didn't like the kids much, they were a nuisance in his opinion. Afanasy had never liked kids, probably because they were so sure that they were the most important people in the world. In his opinion, people should look up to him, not everyone else. If he had his way, he would exterminate the people who thought they were better then everyone else, just so he could prove that he was better than everyone else. He knew that it was only a matter of time, before everyone else knew it too.

Afanasy set out to wander around the house, wondering if everyone was actually asleep, or just out of the house. He sighed, as he looked into every room, and rolled his eyes every time he saw somebody who was asleep. He found it hard to resist the urge to stun everyone who he saw was asleep. He chuckled to himself every time the urge came to his head, and he set out to find one of the maids, just to make sure they were doing their jobs. He sighed, to himself, again, as he saw they were, and regretted the fact that he wouldn't be able to stun any of them either. He sometimes hated how lazy the rest of his family could be.

He wandered into his fathers office, and wandered around. All of this should be his, and he would make sure it was, one day. He was next in line for the family, and he would make sure that nobody else took that title from him. He chuckled menacingly, and wandered back to Sofiya, and Gavriil, he saw Sofiya still looking after the baby, and sighed. "Guess not." He muttered to himself. He walked over to the rest of them, and sat down in a seat, twirling his wand between his fingers. He needed something to do, and if the people in this house weren't careful he would challenge one of them to a duel for fun.

How'd I go with RPing him?
Sofiya sniffed at her uncle in a disgusted way as his comment hit her. Afanasy always thought the best of himself and never of others, notably he was upset that not all of the family had arrived yet, but who was he to pass judgements. Sofiya had always thought him too proud of himself, he was next in line for head of the family, but only by birth, the young woman didn't think he deserved it any more than his siblings did. But alas Afanasy would proceed to head of the Petrokov family and he would most likely be even more severe than his father, Sofiya's grandfather. The issue of who was next was a question that had passed in her thoughts more often than not. The fact that her uncle seemed determined to avoid children at all costs made her think he would never bear any. As he passed back through Sofiya smiled at Gavriil, before handing back the bouncing baby she had in her arms. As his words cut through her once more she glared at him, her icy blue eyes drilling through his cold, emotionless face. "Gavriil take a seat" she said, changing the topic.
Gavriil had already taken a seat, straight-backed beside Sofiya. He had smiled at Afanasy in passing, but he was really not comfortable here. Gavriil was glad it was the older man, rather tham him, who would be inheriting the manor. Gavriil had always found it a cold place, uncomfortable for some unfathomable rason. He was, by nature, a quiet person, but he did try to talk to Sofiya.
"How are you?" he asked. "How's little Zasha?"

He was really more into thinking than talking.

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