Peter sitting

"yeah..and im not the quiet type if i have something to say i'll say it!!im not afraid of much!"pez said standing with her self confidence
'Haha, well you remind me of someone I know' he said still laughing.
'Just someone I knew from my hometown, before Hogwarts'
'So... umm... do you have any brothers or sisters?' he asked.
'Aww... Well I have a little Bro that might be coming here next year.' He smiled and looked away.
'The Giant Squid, look' he said and pointed at the Giant Squid.
"I have a younger sister, Callan," Rhyspa smiled, fondly. "She'll be here next year aswell."
'So my little Bro Nick might meet Callan next year.' he smiled.
'So Pez, has your sis shown any signs of being a witch yet?' he said interested.
'haha! Did it hit you?' he asked while still laughing.
"Hmm, you might want to ask her that!" Rhyspa laughed. "My sister sent a flock of birds after me once. She was two."
'haha! My brother fell down the stairs but landed very lighty when he was 5.'
'haha, did you fall?'
'Dam, well little bro's and sis's can be ok sometimes.' Peter smiled and wondered what it would be like with his little brother here next year.

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