Perhaps alittle too happy?

Nadia Kaster

finding talent; hidden; retired journalist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Dragon Heartstring Core
Nadia danced around as she looked up at the sky through the Great Hall. Ever since her friend had put that spell on her a few moments ago she had been feeling over the moon. She smiled down at the chocolate she held in her hands and popped it into her mouth as she thought about Gabrielle, Alix and Hiria. They were her best friends in the whole world and she was glad to have them. She couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t have them. She had only known Hiria and Alix for two years, and Gabrielle for one, but she knew them so well it was like they had all been together their entire lives. She smiled again as she danced out of the hall and out towards the lake. She was really enjoying today, though she knew that as soon as the spell wore off she was going to return back to her deep depression so she decided that she may as well make the most of it.

As she got closer to the Lake she decided to stand there and look up at the stars. Why not considering she hadn’t been outside in so long, and she figured she deserved to indulge herself every once in a while. That Cheerful Charm was certainly doing its job and Nadia made sure that she had thanked her friend kindly. She had been looking for a way to get out of her depression for weeks. She had been so down lately that she just wanted something to do, like be extraordinarily happy to the point where it was so obvious that she wasn’t acting in her normal way at all. She giggled heartily at absolutely nothing as she plonked herself onto the cool ground. Her jeans were going to definitely develop a greenish stain on them now, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything; she just wanted to be happy. She laid her head on the ground and looked up at the clouds again. They were making her very happy indeed.
Justin walked out to the Lakefront, looking for something to do for the day. There wasn't much inside the castle, and it was just as bad outside sometimes. He hadn't seen Trinity in a long time, and was beginning to worry that she'd dropped out of school completely, and that was something that Justin wouldn't be able to handle. Justin missed her so much, and she was barely that far away from him at the moment, but he didn't know what was wrong with her, and why she wouldn't come outside so that he could talk to her and try to help her through whatever was going on in her life, that was all he wanted.

Justin wondered what the best way to distract himself right now was, because he really did need something to do today so that he wouldn't be thinking of Trinity all day, not that that wasn't a good thing normally, but right now it just made him upset. Justin smiled when he saw a very good distraction, his old friend Nadia, and he sure as hell hadn't seen her in a while, well over a year. Though, that was usually the case when you had friends who were two years younger than you. It would be good to catch up with her, after such a long time and it would be a good way for Justin to spend his day.

Justin walked over to Nadia, and smiled, "Hello Nadia, long time no see. Where've you been hiding?" Justin said, chuckling to himself. He didn't think she had really been hiding from him, Justin had just been really busy this year and since they had last been together at the same place. Which had probably been first semester last year, Justin hadn't realised it had been that long. I hope she doesn't think I was avoiding her, or worse. Justin thought, suddenly nervous about this. What if she didn't want to talk to him? Justin sighed, and just decided it was better to hope for the best and go from where he already was.
Nadia squinted at the sky as she tried to make out shapes within the clouds. It was not something she was really used to doing, but lately she had been finding herself looking out of her dorm window to watch them. Imagining that her family was watching over her. Though seeing as the Cheering Charm was still in effect she wasn’t sad about them not being with her. She was really rather cheerful today actually. So cheerful infact that when she heard the sound of a voice she hadn’t heard since last year, she jumped up and hugged them. “Justin!” She called as she giggled letting him go. “How are you I haven’t seen you since you returned my headband, thank you for that again” She said as she sat back on the ground again. “I haven’t been hiding you silly person, I’ve been depressed” She told him as she smiled up at him.

“Today though I’m not depressed so is a good time to talk, otherwise I would not be talking and rather moaping around and crying all the time, which believe me is not fun at all.” She said as she patted the ground next to her. “Sit, tell me what you have been doing lately” She said smiling. She had heard that he had been dating someone, and she had also heard that he hadn’t seen that someone in a while, but sensing that it was potentially a dangerous topic she decided not to ask him about that. “My friend put the Cheering Charm on me” She told him.
Justin couldn't believe Nadia had been depressed, what could possibly have happened to her? Justin didn't know whether or not it would be good for him to ask her or not. Because Cheering Charm or not, it might not be the best for her if he asked her what had happened to her. She probably knew what had happened with him and Trinity, or at least had a rough idea of what was going on, but not any specific details. Justin sighed softly, and he wondered what could possibly have been going on for her friends to want to put a Cheering Charm on her. Though, it was funny for her to be overly cheerful.

Justin smiled at Nadia, and sat down next to her. It would probably be an interesting day, now that he had somebody to talk to, and somebody to discuss things to. He just wondered how much she would tell him, and even how much he would want to tell her. As far as he was concerned, the subject of Trinity was kind of off limits. Though, he might say a few things. "So how've you been then, Nadia? Apart from all depressed like and what not. How's your second year at this place been treating you?" He asked, smiling lightly when he did so. He wanted to know what had happened since he had left her. "I haven't been doing much, just wandering around the castle doing nothing much." Justin admitted.
Nadia smiled as her friend joined her on the grass. She had indeed not seen him much at all since last year, though she was sure alot of it had to do with the fact that she didn’t go out looking for people. Up until eight months ago Nadia had been a very different person. She would often play outside with the creatures and read in the Rosebush. Sit by the lake. Anything really. There had even been that one time when she had met up with Justin in the Forbidden Forest. Though now that her mother and siblings had been killed, she often caught herself wishing that it had never happened in the first place. That maybe if she hadn’t come to Hogwarts New Zealand it would never have happened. But then she would give herself a mental kick and realise that if she’d never come, she’d never have met her friends.

She smiled at him as he spoke and looked at the sky again. “Well apart from that, I’ve been good, really very good actually.” She said as she thought about spending Christmas with her friends. She hadn’t gone to the Yule ball of course, but she had enjoyed Christmas with her friends. Meeting up with old friends, and making new ones had all been a big part of her adventures in second year. “Classes are mainly fun... though Professor Styx in Herbology is kind of... uh... scary?” She wondered if that was the right word to describe him. “What about you? How is fourth year?” She asked as she smiled at him again.
Justin wondered what was on Nadia's mind, she seemed to be in thought about something. Then again, Justin had been just as bad lately with his own thoughts of Trinity and whatnot, but he wasn't going to let any of it bring him down, not today though. Because today he was with Nadia and she was good company to be around, well at least she was today going by what she had said to him earlier, but he was still thankful for this. At least he had somebody to talk to, after all. Justin chuckled, and smiled at her. Though he didn't know what they could talk about today.

Justin raised an eyebrow, and laughed when she mentioned Professor Styx. "It's good that you've been really very good. I've been just about the same, mostly. Professor Styx is scary, but you slowly, very slowly, get used to him over time. Though we're pretty much at the same part there since we've both only been here for going on two years." Justin said, chuckling. Sometimes he forgot that this was technically only his second year here at this school, even though he was labelled as a Fourth Year.

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