🌹 Rose Giving Performer To Performer

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
yellow rose for @Kyousuke Kurosawa !

Dahlia didn't necessarily know Kyousuke well, but she did recognize him from arts club and knew he was someone else who was in to drama and performing. That made this easier for her, then, as even though she wasn't worried about how she'd chosen to do her deliveries as such, she did worry that some people might not 'get it'. Looking around, she managed to narrow down her search to the arts room itself and stepped in with confidence, standing up straight and taking in a deep breath. "Hearken to me, Kyousuke, for I come to you as an emissary of love on this most glorious of days. I bring to you a token of affection from a kindly friend, pray, please accept it."
Kyousuke had been practicing - between studying and his passion for the dramatic arts, he tried to make time for the latter, even if it was at the expense of the former. He'd been getting into the nitty-gritty of Richard II when someone entered the room. A rush of something - appreciation, perhaps - filled him as a girl entered and began speaking in a manner of voice that reflected Shakespearean vernacular. Kyousuke smiled - a rare thing - and responded in kind. "I give my thanks, fair maiden, for your pains. I shall most certainly accept this token of friendship." Kyousuke approached, wondering privately who it could be from - he hadn't sent any himself, and now he felt a niggling guilt about it.
Dahlia beamed, sure her actual choice of words was a little bit all over the place but for something she was just kind of winging she thought she was doing okay. Besides, it was really nice to make someone smile, especially someone who kind of got what she was going for. "A gift of yellow petals for you, kind sir," she said, handing over the yellow rose and appropriate note with a flourish and bow. "And a token from this humble messenger, that you may enjoy a sweet taste with the sweet words." She offered one of the foil covered heart shaped chocolates with her other hand, excessive perhaps but Dahlia liked doing it.

Happy Valentine's!
- Summer
Kyousuke took the rose, the note, and the chocolate, curiosity in his mind. He opened the note and almost smiled - he appreciated it, but outward shows of emotion weren't Kyousuke's forte. He considered the fact that perhaps he should have sent a flower to Summer too. Next time, he decided. "Many thanks," Kyousuke said to the deliverer. He was pleased there was someone else in the castle who seemed to value drama, at the very least. He pocketed the chocolate for later, knowing not to leave it too long or it'd melt.

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