People (:

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Lemina Troque

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 3/4" Black Walnut/ Maple Essence of Silver Thistle
Ooooh, well, blunt as it sounds, Lemina is a bit of a loner :lol:
Okay, that's probably my fault with my procrastination :p

Anyhow, Lemina needs people. ^_^

Best Friend I'm looking to give her a best friend. I'd say fourth-sixth year, but whatever. I'd basically like either someone she's already met or someone else entirely, not fussy. But yeah. :lol:
Mentee Okay well as she's now going into fifth year I think it'd be cute if she had like a first year who she was really protective over and stuff. Preferably Hufflepuff, but I guess anything will do ^_^
Other Friends Yeah, I just kind of need some other friends who she isn't as close to but still considers as one of her friends :)
Enemies/Annoyances Not sure about this one, she is a 'Puff after all, but I think that she could haveone of the younger students who she finds annoying and tries to avoid or someone older who she has arguments with. There would obviously have to be some kind of cause, she isn't gonna randomly start a fight, but it'd be cool :cool: :ph43r:
Can Faith be your mentee, I know she's a second year but you could say that she has been your mentee since she started. [=
Maisie: Me thinks a complicated plot is in order :) I'll PM you. ^_^
Faith: Suuuure :D Maybe it could start with Faith in some sort of trouble, maybe stuck on homework? They're both Hufflepuffs, so yeah. ^_^ Or it could be something more serious. I think it'd be easier if she became like a new mentee, as opposed to since first year.
Nina: Cool, we should RP? ^_^
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