Pen Pals

Corrine Lagos

7th Year | Cullen <3
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Corrine had promised her mother that she'd write this Jasper character, but one month later she'd all but forgotten until she'd received another note from her mother. Knowing her mother was not above sending howlers, Corrine decided to get down to it and write.
Hello Jasper,

My name is Corrine Lagos, and I'm going to be honest. I don't want to do this, but my parents think it'll be a good idea to 'broaden my horizons' and get to know someone from another Wizarding school. Whatever that means. I have siblings that go to your school, but they don't think that's enough.

Anyway, so if you could be kind enough to write back, we can do this a few times and then I'll tell my mother we lost touch. Ok?

So what's your story? Are your parents forcing you to do this too?


P.S. I forgot I'm supposed to tell you something about me. I'm a Gryffindor at the other Hogwarts.
Jasper didn't know why he'd even agreed to this stupid thing. It wasn't as if this would necessarily make him feel better, even though his dad thought it would. No matter what his opinion of it was, however, Jasper didn't want to make his father worry even more because he had enough on his plate at the moment. He had talked to his sister about it at least and of course she thought it to be a great idea, get his mind off of things a little. Jasper sighed, his eyes skimming over the letter he'd received and wrote a satisfactory enough response to it.</COLOR>
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To Corrine Lagos said:

I know right. My dad too. Both him and my sister think I need to get my mind off things for a little while, and they think this will help. Who are your siblings? I might know them.

That's fine with me, keeping this short and sweet will be the easiest way, I think.

My story? In short, nothing exciting. I'm just in a bad space right now, is all, and my father really wants me to start talking to people again.

I don't have many friends as of yet, but then again that's my fault, it's been going on for the past year.

That's cool. Gryffindor sounds nice, is it great over there? I'm in Hufflepuff. Sometimes I feel like this house is underestimated.

It wasn’t too long before Corrine received a reply from Jasper, and when she did she felt sort of bad. Here she’d been simply trying to get this over with, and the guy was going through something. Feeling like she needed to take this more seriously, it took Corrine a few tries before she had something she felt comfortable sending out.
Hi Jasper,

Sorry for being a jerk. I know it’s not your fault I’m stuck doing this. I know we don't know each other yet, but if you ever want to talk, I'll read it.

It's just my sister, Thea, that's there now. She's in Ravenclaw, 7th year. If you know her, I'm sorry. I know she's a jerk sometimes. She's probably even worse this year since she wasn't named Head Girl like she's been planning her whole life.

I don’t have many friends here either even though I’m in second year. My housemates are friendly, but sometimes they’re off together, and I get left out. We have this rose thing in my school, and one of my housemates sent me one so that was pretty cool. We once got slimed by our school's poltergeist together, so I guess we're friends now.

Do you like being in Hufflepuff? I don't know any of the ones here, but like I said before I don't really know many people. I like Gryffindor though. It's really fun to be in our common room at night. There's always some game or competition going on. We totally suck though. We’re in dead last in house points. How's your house doing?

Gotta go!
Letter said:

Don't stress about it. I think it'll be good for both of us. And thanks, I appreciate it. Not many people are noticing - or caring, really - about what's going on, but I guess everyone has their own lives to live. Anyway, sorry if I seem all depressing, I don't usually talk about these things that much, what's wrong and all of that. I guess I'm not used to it.

I've seen your sister around before, though I have never personally spoken to her before. Wow, she must have really wanted the title. Though, to be honest, I don't really like the whole prefects and head people thing, it makes people work for that goal simply to have the badge. But I know it goes much further than that, the work put behind it all by the staff.

I know how you feel about siblings though - sometimes I get annoyed with mine too, but I love them in the end and right now they are the only ones who are patient enough with me to listen and support me. You never know when you'll need them around. My sister probably knows Thea.

So I've been ranting about what's going on and I think it's about time I tell you if you won't tell a soul, that my mother passed away half a year ago and it isn't sitting well with any of us. Despite everything, my older sister has it worse, she's now super busy around the house while my dad's working.

Hogwarts there sounds exciting. I remember my cousins telling me about it, they are in fifth year, one's in first year - Gryffindor like you, his name is Matt Rosemary? He's the cousin of my cousins, so extended family. Even the poltergeist has a sense of humour, at least. Must be fun, or annoying, however way you see it. I'm glad you have a friend though.

Yes, sometimes. I mean Hufflepuff is okay, I guess. It's nice because people here aren't that focused on nosing in other people's business, but at the same time they can be a little rude. It's happened before, nothing serious although it can get tiring not having many people you can relate to.

As for house points, we aren't doing too bad- not at the top, not at the bottom...somewhere in between. I mostly keep up to date with my work so I have no idea how Quidditch is going either.

Hope to hear from you soon,
Letter said:

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I promise I won't tell anyone about it. And, I don't think you're depressing. Like, I'd definitely be a mess if I was in your shoes. It must be really rough for all of you.

I don't get the big huff about prefects either. Our Head Boy and Girl seem kind of mean. I don't know if I'd go up to either one of them if I needed help. Some of the Gryffindor prefects are ok, I guess but mostly I try to stay away from all of them.

I try to keep up with my lessons, but I'm really bad at remembering when things are due because I don't write them down. I think the quidditch season is over here. I'm not sure, I don't really keep up with it, but it's a big thing here. And yea, Vex is kind of fun, just not when he's sliming me and trying to get me in trouble. I don't know a Matt Rosemary, but if I see him, I'll let you know! It sounds like you have a lot of cousins! Both of my parents are only children, so I don't have any! We have a lot of neighbors though, so we called them our cousins growing up even though they aren't really.

I can't believe the Hufflepuffs are rude! I thought you guys were the nice house. You seem pretty nice, anyway.

P.S. I forgot to ask you a question! What's your favorite place in your castle?

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