🌹 Rose Giving Peachy Clean

Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (13)
Pink rose for @William Potter-Cade

There was one last person on his list and he'd been told the person was at the quidditch pitch. There were a couple of people mingling around. he wasn't sure which this person was. "William Potter-Cade!" he called out a few times hoping he'd be able to catch the right person's attention.
William felt like every time he turned his head someone was yelling out his name to give him a rose. It was a fun problem to have but that didn't mean it wasn't getting annoying. "Yeah that's me, what you got for me?"
Magne smiled at the boy and approached him. He took out the pink rose and then realised there was no note. "Oh, I have this rose, it's without a note,"
It was the second pink rose he had received without a note which was a little surprising, one he assumed (hoped) was from Eury, the other? He had no idea. "Thanks man,"
Magne smiled at the boy and nodded. "You are very welcome, I'll leave you to it!" he said, giving a little wave before moving away to find the next person.

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