peaceful walking

Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
lexi was walking in the garden after she went to the village, she walked to her favorite tree and stud there hour an hour or so. lexi ignore her feet that soar walking in the village for an hour. she just stared at the wilderness of the garden without blinking.
Harri walked out into the gardens with a smile on her face, the atmosphere was so fresh and relaxing gardens it had quickly become her favorite place in the grounds. She was walkinng along looking at all the plants when she almost bumped into someone standing under a tree. "Hi Lexi" she said "Are you ok?" she asked as LExi seemed to be in a bit of a daze. Harri had never really spoken to her before but she knew her name and she had met her briefly at the halloween feast.
lexi was really in a daze at that time not knowing that some bump into her, it was harriet who she meet at the Halloween feast and she greeted her, "hi, harriet. yah, i'm ok, its just my feet soar from walking." lexi smiled to harriet and then she looked at the horizon again.
Harri returned the smile. "where have you been walking then?" she asked "And please call me Harri!" she added smiling again.
"ok, harri if you want...i'm walking all day long in the village, looking for nothing." lexi stared at the horizon again crossed arms."ok, i'm going to tell the truth, i'm worried about my grades for the exams we just took." she turned to harri.
Harri smiled when Lexi told her what was bothering her "Oh we all are!" Harri said, she herself was very nervous about practically all her exams apart from flying, "I don't think I did very well in any of them! But we'll have to wait and see!" She said optimistically, "What classes did you have this term?" she asked.
"oh!, i have potions, charms, transfiguration and flying."lexi said in one breath. "what about you...actually if i could just drop one subject, i will." she looked to harri. "if given a chance what will you drop." lexi question her.
"Oh I've done flying, DADA, potions and herbology!"Harri said and smiled. "Oh if the chance came I think I'd drop herbology!" Harri said "How about you?" She asked
"for me i'll drop anything except flying, even i don't know how to f.l.y." she said a matter-of-factly tone. "but i'm just kidding, if i drop all of them i'll be going home in no time." lexi laugh at her statement.
Harri laughed as well "They can't be all bad surely?" Harri said. "So I take it flyings your favorite subject then?" Harri asked
"kind of, but i always fell sick when i ride a broom." lexi said while taking sit at the ground where they are standing for an hour. "and i think your favorite subject is flying too?" she smiled to harri.
" Yeah how did you know? I love flying it's the best. I came from a muggle family so I didn't know about it before and know I love it. " She said and smiled while sitting down next to Lexi " Did you fly before you came here?" she asked
"yah, i did flying before i came here, but accidents happen." lexi said. lexi doesn't want to talked about it but few people already know what happened to her, but lexi still said it to harri. "i was 6 by then and me and my mother where flying, my mother really loves to fly so she teach me how to..."lexi stop and looked at harri. "i was flying just above her head, well i was six but the broom was old and my mother didn't know, so the broom went crazy while i was on it and i crash. i think my head is the first one to crash, but still i survive." she smiled to harri an into the lake. "i wish i never ride a broom."
Harri listened as Lexi spoke "Did you get seriously hurt?" she asked before she could stop herself, then cursed herself for asking.
"not really but lots of blood where been out of my body, so my father donate his blood for me." lexi said while smiling to harri and then looked at the lake.
Harri wasn't quite sure what to say. Lately she had had a very traumatic time and knew exactly what it felt like when you didn't really want to talk about something. "So are you looking forward to going home for the holidays?" she asked trying to sound cheerful.
"yah, i'm going home, my sister was expecting me to go home. what about you, aren't you going home." lexi looked at harri. "aren't you going to have your Christmas feast with your family."
"Yes I am going home, I can't wait!" Harri said excitedly "But my parents won't be there, they are away working so it's just me and my uncle! But I can't wait!" she added.
"oh, how sad. where do you live any way, i live in london, so i have to take an airplane." lexi said while picking some grass on the ground. "my sister is already there i think, she's going to be first year this next year in beauxbatons. my dad enrolled her into a muggle school for the mean time." she said with a perfect tone.
"Oh I live in London too!" Harri said excitedly "Where abouts do you live?" she asked
"we live in the city it self, my dad want to be just there."lexi said while taking a glance at her back. "i actually don't like in the city, coz its busy and a lot of works."she said taking back her look at harri.
"But the city is good for Shopping!" Harri said and smiled "Do you like shopping?" she asked, she had often been shopping in London and loved it!
"we kind a have a shop there, you know my dad his a business man." lexi said. "i must say that i love shopping, me and my sister love's it. where do you shop."she said while facing her.
Harri smiled "I love shopping, I mostly go to Oxford street thats great for shopping!" Harri said "Have you been before?" She asked, looking around at the magnificent gardens.
"what do you mean on that one." lexi said curiously to harri. lexi then looked where harri was looking and saw the garden.

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