Paw Prints On My Heart

Indianna Lee

Well-Known Member
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
“Por favor, perrito.” The quiet plea slid from Indianna’s lips as she rubbed the lifeless puppy in a soft woollen blanket. The cries of its brothers and sisters had broken the silence of the clinic more than a few minutes ago, but this little retriever, the smallest of the litter, had yet to squeak. All eyes were on the young woman as she persisted, speaking silent words of encouragement but Indianna saw nothing but the tiny animal in her hands. “Por favour.” She whispered again, urgency now evident in her tone. To say that it had been a tough year for Indianna Lee would have been quite an understatement. By losing Sam, she had lost herself. Many people had scolded her for acting melodramatically and had told her that teenage love rarely lasted beyond school. But what they had wasn’t just some school yard crush; it had been bigger than both of them, it had swallowed them whole and spat out bitterness. For that, Indianna could only blame herself.

So after having lost the most important person in her life, Indianna didn’t think she could stand to lose anyone else so soon – this newborn puppy included. And just when she could feel the veterinary staff around her begin to give up, just as her own hope began to dangerously flicker, the pup in her hands whined softly and drew in its first breath of the world. A beam danced across her exotic features as the rest of her staff whooped and hollered. “Gracias, perrito.” She grinned into the its mahogany fur and kissed the squeaking pup before settling it down beside its siblings. This was what had carried her through the past ten months, moments like these.

If it had been up to her, Indianna would have been content to watch the puppies for the rest of the day but that was not to be the case as she checked her watch. Twenty past two. poop. She was twenty minutes late for a consultation. Hastily she apologised to the team and thanked them for their help with the whelping before picking up her clipboard and flitting into an adjoining room. “Beck?” The tone of her warm voice wavered uncertainly as her green and gold silken eyes searched the room for her next patient and their owner.

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