Pass Me a Quaffle

Hayzel West

³/³ Madden-West🌰Harpies Beater🌰 Boyish
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
With a broomstick and a bat, Hayzel marched to the pitch by herself, glancing around once in a while to see if someone spotted her. She wondered if she should have sneaked a bludger from the referee's office but decided otherwise. She would just have to make do with levitating spells and some tennis balls she had brought in a mesh bag. She finally reached the pitch and started levitating the balls up at different levels and directions. She then grabbed the bat and mounted the broom and flew away, zooming as if she was evading other players and bludgers, hitting the balls as if they were her bludgers. Little did she know that there was someone on the ground watching her.
James had yet to pluck up the courage to actually attend a tryout for his house team but he continued to plug away training in case that day ever came. He made his way down to the Quidditch pitch with his broom over his shoulder hoping the pitch would be empty. As confident as he was in other areas of his life, he remained self-conscious about his Quidditch ability. When James arrived at the Quidditch pitch he was disheartened to see that someone else had beaten him to it, but he didn't want to lose a day of practice so maybe he could make the best of it.
Hayzel went some more hitting some balls with her bat when one of them fell toward the ground. Tucking the bat under her arm before leaning on her broom to chase after it. Managing to catch it a few feet off the ground, that's when the Gryffindor noticed another presence at the pitch. She stopped her broom, hovering just above the ground. He was in their year but from Rye's house. "Hi!", she said, a bit breathless. "Are you also going to practice?", she asked, noticing he also had a broom in hand.

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