Closed Party Out The Clock

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Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (17)
As difficult as it was, Rāwhiti was doing his best to just enjoy what was left of his seventh year. What he did didn't really matter anymore, when it came to it. His dreams of playing professionally were over, and he'd spent his entire tenure as Gryffindor captain embarrassing himself in front of the school. One of the only things he had ever had any passion for was practically over for him, and even if he did manage to stumble on a new life's pursuit in the next few months, he'd never make up the grades to make it happen. No, he was going to enjoy his last few months of school just doing... whatever... then resign himself to whatever a life of failure looked like. He wouldn't be alone at least, he had the other love of his life on his arm, and they had the whole evening ahead of them. "Wanna dance?" Rāwhiti asked, grinning broadly as he lightly elbowed Emery with the arm he had linked with his boyfriend's. "You haven't lived 'til you've seen me bust a move."
Emery appreciated the effort Raawhiti was making tonight. He knew his boyfriend was still upset about Quidditch, but he hid it well tonight. Emery held onto his arm as they entered the Great Hall, letting out a soft sigh as Raawhiti immediately suggested dancing. "So you're not dragging me to the ice skating part this year like a neanderthal?" He asked as he patted his arm. Then he smiled a little. "Fine, I'll dance." He said softly. As fun as it was to stand on the sidelines and snark about people all evening, this was his last chance to enjoy the yule ball with his boyfriend.
Rāwhiti laughed at the comment, yanking Emery towards the dance floor. "Not yet, there's plenty of time left." He pulled Emery into an embrace once they reached the floor, swaying him jauntily to get Emery moving before he could complain. "Weird this is our last year." He said, smiling as he twirled Emery around.
Emery was happy enough to lat Raawhiti steer him around, even if he put up a small token protest at being dragged around towards the dance floor. He smiled slightly as Raawhiti pulled him closer and swayed with him. "Might even want to try out the ice skating thing this time." He said after a beat. "If you make sure I don't fall on my ass." He spun around and laughed. "Yeah, that is weird." He said, moving close to him again. "We still have the Valentine's Dance, then we can do this again but surrounded by obnoxious hearts and ugly decorations." He said with a slight smirk.
Rāwhiti chuckled in delight. "You want to try ice skating? Yeah right." He laughed, bouncing cheerfully in time with the music. He snorted at the description of Valentines, rolling his eyes with a smile. "C'mon, at least it's cute! It'll be fun."
Emery shrugged a little as Raawhiti reacted skeptically to his ice skating plans. He had meant what he said. "Well, yes... maybe..." He said, pulling Raawhiti closer again. "If you help me." He repeated seriously, looking into his eyes. He sighed a little as he mentioned the Valentine's decorations. "They always look like a six year old girl picked them out." He muttered.
Rāwhiti grinned broadly, swaying side to side with Emery. "I'll help, but I'm also crap at ice skating." He pointed out cheekily. "So we'll fall on our arses together. Romantic." He added with a laugh, twirling them around again. He snorted at the description of the decorations, shaking his head. "I reckon if we'd gotten Marama and Vanity to do it when they were kids they would have come up with something way more tasteful."
Emery huffed a little as Raawhiti said he was crap at ice skating. "You're going to be better than me, you're athletic." He said patting his arm to emphasize his point. "And you have a sense of balance." He was sure Raawhiti was going to outshine him entirely and was just saying this to make him feel better. He snorted. "Vanity would've made the entire room covered in gold and diamonds probably. Briony would've let loose live butterflies." He snorted. "But I think both would be an improvement."
Rāwhiti couldn't help a small preening smirk when Emery touched his arm, but he shook his head with a laugh. "I've got a sense of balance on a broom, not my feet. Especially not two big knives tied to my feet." He added, grinning as he stepped back and did a little twirl under Emery's arm, stumbling slightly with it. He laughed at Emery's vision of his sisters' decor ideas, swaying with him lightly as he pictured it. "I dunno, I reckon that sounds fun. We'd just need to keep the butterflies away from the candles." He added, glancing up.
Emery rolled his eyes at Raawhiti's comment, keeping his hand on his arm. "A sense of balance is a sense of balance." He decided. "You'll be great at it and we both know it. You'll skate circles around me and go all: oh it's not that hard Emery! C'mon Emery keep up!" He said in a mocking tone that maybe very vaguely resembled Raawhiti's voice. He laughed as his boyfriend mentioned keeping the butterflies away from the candles. "I don't know, I think flaming butterflies setting everything else on fire sounds fun." He joked lightly.
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