Party/Baby shower

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Melodie Lowe

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Butternut, 12 ½", Wood Rose
[color=cf86ba]Ok so I think, even though Melodie is only 3 months along that is was about time she caught up with friends and had an excuse for a party (baby shower is perfect) before the wedding.

Location: Pending (The cave Livi??)
Date: Sunday the 31st of January (NZ time)
Gifts: Optional
Izaak Finch
Isabella Ormonde
Abathyn Dalmoir
Jaimee Dalmoir
Marlana Dalmoir
Sia Riversend
Casey Carla
Chase Blade
alex Cullen
If you aren't on the list or have any questions or suggestions just post here. I would also like confirmation that you can attend :)

Brittany xx
Oh I didn't even remeber about the security...Got any thoghts as to where you want it to be?
I can come. :r
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