Partner for Seamus.

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Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Ok, so... poor Seamus is divorced again, and he really doesn't want to be alone for the rest of his life. Does anyone want to get into a relationship with him? But it would be a serious one, but in the end the result would be that they get married. Let me know, or if you have anything you want to do with the Finnigan family like love, friends, enimies just let me know. :)
Caysi Finnigan said:
..or if you have anything you want to do with the Finnigan family like love, friends, enimies just let me know. :)
I have a variety of characters (Alraur's and Vanderzuk's), and would be willing to give friendships (Alraur's) or enemies (Vanderzuk's) a go.
Alright, so maybe one of Alraurs characters could be friends with the family. Like he was friends with Seamus a while ago and they possibly meet up again? Or do you have any other intentions?
Caysi Finnigan said:
Alright, so maybe one of Alraurs characters could be friends with the family. Like he was friends with Seamus a while ago and they possibly meet up again? Or do you have any other intentions?
If you have anyone social, who enjoys going out; I have Joanne. Or, if you have anyone sixty plus, I have Hestia; where they could be old friends or something.

I'm not looking for any relationships.

What school was Seamus at? I may have Amyntas if a background can be developed between the two. However, with a five year difference; I can't see how they would have met at school. Are Julie and Seamus siblings? They could know each other that way, with Amyntas and Julie being in the same year?
I have muggle Vivien Smart. She is the mother of three. two fourteen year olds and a one year old. I'm itching for a way to have Jenn just try to move out completely of her mom's house and having a new step father would push it over the edge. Viv is a elementary school teacher and loves all children, but for some reason her own have trouble with her. She is recently divorced so at first maybe she and Seamus could be friends before it becomes romantic and they get together.

She is 36 years old and I haven't actually made her yet so I don't know what she would look like but she would be brunette and pretty :)
Well, Not anything serious because I already have Juanitas next serious relationship planned out but they could possibly have a small thing, Two or Three months maybe before they both settle again?

Just an idea.
Tony: I think that Caysi and Joanne could be friends because Caysi is pretty social, and she likes to go out. Hestia could be friends with Seamus, maybe something to do with his parents? No, Julie is his ex wife. Seamus was at the Hogwarts in England, same school as Harry Potter. Maybe Julie could have introduced them and they could've been friends?

Jennifer: That sounds good to me, do you want to start the rp? Like would you want Seamus' and Viven's relationship to be permanent?
Juanita: Seamus is looking for like a long term kind of thing, sorry. But they could be friends?
I would love it if it was permanent. :) Would he mind that she was a muggle?
Caysi Finnigan said:
Tony: I think that Caysi and Joanne could be friends because Caysi is pretty social, and she likes to go out. Hestia could be friends with Seamus, maybe something to do with his parents? No, Julie is his ex wife. Seamus was at the Hogwarts in England, same school as Harry Potter. Maybe Julie could have introduced them and they could've been friends?

Jennifer: That sounds good to me, do you want to start the rp? Like would you want Seamus' and Viven's relationship to be permanent?
Juanita: Seamus is looking for like a long term kind of thing, sorry. But they could be friends?

No problem, It was just an idea ^_^

But I could see friends.
Jennifer: Nope :) , he wont mind. Do you want to start the rp?
Juanita: :) , ok sounds good!
Sure, I started it already, it's in the Makutu Dinette, and it's called Dinner.
I think that Caysi and Joanne could be friends because Caysi is pretty social, and she likes to go out.
Not a problem. If you have a setting in mind, I can make a topic up. :)
Hestia could be friends with Seamus, maybe something to do with his parents?
I can't think of anything at the moment. Do you have some sort of idea as to why Hestia would know his parents?
Maybe Julie could have introduced them and they could've been friends?
That could be okay. Also, if Julie and Amyntas knew each other; I see little reason why they still wouldn't talk. (Unless you're not looking to role-play with her).
Alright, so maybe they could meet at a coffee shop of some sort and begin talking and then gradually become good friends? For Hestia maybe Seamus' mother knew her from school because his mother was the witch and his dad is the muggle. Amyntas and Seamus could be friends but since he's not talking to his ex then him and Amyntas could just catch up and see how each others lives has been since the last time they saw eachother ( we can pretend we know what the other was talking about :) ) .
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