Paramore Cabin 2

Kailey Harrington

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 1/2" Firm Fir Wand with the essence of Dragon Heartstring
KAiley woke up early that morning to her yorkie whiskey licking her on the face."Whiskey!" She exclaimed happily as she got out of bed. Today was her last day here, In the morning she would be catching the train back to hogwarts for another term.
Jake clambered into the house putting the key back under the flower pot. He saw it was 10 O' clock. That meant it was time to wake up his four little cousins. "HEY SQUIRTS! GET DOWN HERE!" He yelled in his slightly sqeaky voice. Which really fit his tiny body quite well. He then got some pickles out of the fridge and began chomping down.
Trista was shocked to be woken up by a yell and rolled off the bed. "He's gonna pay for that." She muttered under her breath. beofre getting up and getting dressed. Kailey had said she was going to give her something at the end of the day and Trista wanted to know what it was. She took her time going down the stairs. She saw Jake sitting on the couch eating pickles.She snuck behind him to the kitchen where she made a hot pocket and went back in the living room.
Luna, Who was already awake and reding in her room rolled her eyes in annoyance as she cousins squeaky voice shattered her eardrums. Causing her to throw her book up in surprise and lose her page. She simply opened her book up and started reading once again. Jake wasnt the boss of her. She knew she could confuse him. Which was about the best weapon aginst him.
Kailey walked down the stairs to see Jake sitting on the couch eating Lunas pickles. She isnt going to be happy about that. KAiley thought as she went and got a pop tart. She went over and sat by Tirsta. "So it was YOU who ate the last hot pocket!" Kailey joked overdramatically. as she nibbled on her strawberry poptart.
"Ahhh, So here are the terrors." JAke said laughing at his own joke. "Where is little miss moon?" Jake asked Pulling out three sheets of paper.
"Don't call us terrors!" Trista hissed she always hated that nickname. She ate her last bite of her hot pocket chewing it vigouriously. *SP?*
Kailey, Who normally echoed this hiss of outrage just sat there putting her hand in her pocket where three little toffees rolled around. This should shut him up. Kailey thought.
Jake chuckled at Tristas outrage. HE then yelled "OH LITTLE MISS MOON! GET DOWN HERE!"

[Ha...I made jake a dim-witted,arrogant boy lol.]
Luna hated being called little miss moon.she closed her book and put it under her arm. She ran down the stairs knowing this little pest wasnt going to quit. She looked at his. It always shocked her at how small he was. He was only slightly bigger then KAiley and Trista.
Kailey watched as Jake gave them the pieces of paper with the chores on them. She noticed hers and tristas were sagnifigantly shorter than Lunas. Is he still mad over the spider incident two years ago? She wondered as she started on the first chore on her list of 3.
Trista noticed that her list was rather short. She sighed a sigh of relief. Hers were rather simple so she set to work. She Cleaned the kitchen up since it was pretty much clean already that was easy. KAiley and herself reoganized the bookshelf and cleaned their rooms. Then Trista helped Kailey with the dusting.
"I'll go clean my room first." Luna said as she raced back up the stairs. She went back in her room and continued to read. After she had finished her book she slammed it shut and looked at the clock. Wow...1 O'clock already? Thats believeable enough.
Jake looked at the clock. One O'clock, According to the note Juanita had left him One was lunch time. He yelled for them to come down and went to the kitchen and layed out some bread and sandwich stuff and got himself a few more pickles.
Luna heard her stomach rumble and was gald it was about lunch time. She rann down the stairs in search of her pickles. She found the jar empty. Jake had eaten her pickles. She didn't show annoyance though as she got a few pieces of bread and went back upstairs.
Kailey was glad to hear the clock strike one. That meant mom was going to be home soon. But for now Kailey was hungry. Kailey ran to the counter and made a paenut butter sandwich. A ton-tounge toffee falling out of her pocket.
Jake had been eating the pickles until he saw a toffe fall out of Kaileys pocket. Well...She wont miss it really. Jake thought as he picked it up and unwrapped it. He popped into his mouth. It tasted good..."Thi'th it'h....wai'! was haaaenin' oo my toune!" Jake called out in a panic as his tounge started to grow. As his tounge got bigger and bigger he glared at Kailey.
"OH HONESTLY JAKE!" KAiley yelled as he glared at her as if she had planned this "YOU REALLY SHOUDLNT EAT STUFF THE FALLS OUT OF POCKETS! ESPICALLY MINE AND TRISTAS!" She yelled at him. "I SWEAR YOU ACT LIKE A FOUR YEAR OLD SOMETIMES!" Kailey watched as his tounge started to shrink again. Once it was back to normal size he started to talk again.

"Kailey, KAiley, Kailey...You really shoudlnt yell at your surperiors like that. Tut Tut, What if I was to tell Your parents the their precious KAiley has been Disrespecting her cousi-" He was cut off by a hand flyign across his face as Kailey slapped him right across the face. She felt better as she saw the hand print shaped mark on his face. But as he angered and ashe realized when she had done. She ran. But before she had time to get far another voice boomed.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?!"Douglas shouted, his voice carrying through the whole house. "Now I want to know why Kailey looks so mad and why Jake has a red mark on his face." He said having calmed down a bit.
"Well, You see...KAiley here was being disrespectful. So I told her to be a good girl and go to her roo-" He was cut off by KAiley.

"Oh yeah right!" She exclaimed. "He's the worst babysitter...I dont care if hes my cousin or not."

"You tried to Kill me!" JAke yelled in protest.


Jake just shrugged and walked out the front door not really wanting to be bothered anymore.
After that whole fiasco was over with Kailey went up to her room and went back to sleep waking up around dinner time. After having one last family game night before Kailey was to go back to hogwarts they all went to bed.Kailey had Deicded to keep the teo pygmy puffs that she had bought. She gave Luna A rather thick book and She gave Trista A ton-tounge toffee to prank someone. She knew it wasnt much but to Trista it was more that enough. The memory alone wiuld be priceless.

The next morning Kailey hugged her family goodbye promising to write more often. She boarded the train back to hogwarts and Thought back through her trip. All of it but the beginning of the previous day had been fun.But why did aunt Wanda have to get sick and send jake instead? Ahh well people cant control when their sick. she thought. Kailey walked back up to ravenclaw tower and landed on her bed. She had missed this bed almost as much as she had missed her bed back home.

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